UK Authors

Another UK Author

Lady Moneypenny

Your idea of having a UK site is a wonderful idea. If you are going ahead with this please let me know!

In Blue
More Brits


A UK site would be great. There are many good authors that would greatly benefit from a site based in the UK.

e-mail address

Hi lady moneypenny

I've tried to e-mail you but the message comes back address not known.
Hi lady moneypenny

I've sent my e-mail via the anonymous feedback facility. i hope you get it alright.

What did the *w* mean on the reply you made to one of the earlier posts.

I liked your photo. You look like my kind of woman.

I've read all your stories now. they are all well written but some of the subject matter isn't to my taste. but then the world would be a boring place if we all liked the same things.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Votes going well for UK Authors

It's great to see so many UK authors doing well with the votes this year! We have two Authors nominated for Sexiest Male author of the year. And three stories nominated for three different catories.

So don't forget to support your UK authors when you vote!

Good luck to you all!

Vote for the Brits

Lets support our fellow countrymen and vote for the Brits!

Well only if their any good! ha ha!

Angel of Britain

What is this voting and where do i find it please.
Ref: Voting

Paul C

Every year here at Literotica stories are nominated by the readers in various catergories. Such as Best Story of the Year, and Sexiest Author of the year. If you are interested in voting on which you enjoyed the most, then go the discussion board under Site Announcements. There you will find the 2000 Literotica Author Awards.

Re: Vote for the Brits

angel_of_merit said:
Lets support our fellow countrymen and vote for the Brits!

Well only if their any good! ha ha!

Angel of Britain

imagine this was a post written by an american. you brits would be ragging on them nonstop. imagine this thread were reversed & it were americans on a brit board, you brits would be so offended by 'them damn yankees trying to take over everything'. rude!
Only a little bit of fun!

Come on! Its only a little bit of fun. We know that us Brits don't have a chance, I was only offering a little friendly support to our British authors. If I have upset anyone please understand that this was not the case.

Hey as I started this tread. I gotta say I don't have a problem with the American authors forming a Yank Tank or whatever they wanna call it. As long as more and better stories come out of it...

Oh yeah and *w* means wink
I don't see how this can be hypocritical since we're the minorty anyway...

Well back to the subject...

A writer's group would be good....maybe we can have a topic like this to discuss ideas and such...i'm not averse to meeting some of you guys although it could be pretty difficult since we're all over the country!

Any ideas?
If we Brits want more credit....

If we Brits want more creditability for our writing ...then lets get our work online in a Uk based site...I have a new site that is in need of more quality stories... I have a good growing readership so lets do each other a favour...
if your interested all the details are on my site..
Look forward to hearing from you
If you REALLY want more credibility, you should post your stories to this hot new BRITISH site at - I heard they're going to be posting the best authors from all over the world! ;)
Cool! I'd never seen a Literotica banner before - you chaps really are going places aren't you?!
I went to the site and it looks the same as this one.

Ok I've had an idea.....

It is possible to set up a UK authors club on yahoo and have a sort of group there. Now i don't mind setting it up but to join you will have to get a yahoo id. If enough of you are up for it then by all means tell me either here or by email, and if there's enough attention i can set it up
I really do feel it should be kept within this site.

(Still trying hard to lose my virginity).
Count me out ...

... but good luck with your venture. When I started using the Internet from home, Literotica was the first site I kept coming back to on a regular basis. I'm happy here, but if you do decide to branch out, don't forget where you all met.
Just tell me why!

Why do you people want to start a Brit Web site and duplicate Lit.
I have trawled through the posts and many people think that it would be good, but why?
In reality this site is on my screen, in my house. A Brit site would be in the same place.
I understand the other site owners looking for contributions, that is fair enough, but why another site?

I own a site. If there had been one already set up then I would have used that.

So, why?

PS. I am not an author, I only do a bit of editing. Perhaps I shouldn't be putting my two penn'orth in here.
Time to clarify...

The idea was never to start a rival site, nor is it to ditch literotica completely. The idea was just to have a small UK author's group who could get discuss stories etc etc. We are NOT going to start our own site, nor are we planning on establishing a rival one.

This seems to have been totally misunderstood. All we are planning to do is support each other and discuss stories and do what we are all's just to get all the UK authors together for a chat now and then and so forth.

Is there really a problem with that?
No Problem

Ask For More said:
Time to clarify...Is there really a problem with that?

I didn't say that there was a problem with it. I only asked why.
Don't want to stop you. Just want to know why. What is the motivation? What is the drive? What is the need? I simply don't understand why there is a need for Brits to get together for discussions.

Now I could understand if a Cockney group wanted to rabbit on about going in the Jam Jar in their best whistles, dickies and peckhams. I could understand about the Geordies or the Scots. It's not as if the Brits are a harmogenous group worthy of a special group.

Don't misunderstand me, I can be as xenophobic as the next man but this (Lit.)is more of a community than any single country.

Thanks for putting the record straight Ask For More, the orignal idea was to form a UK writers group, partly social and partly to work on stories together and improve style etc.

Several people appeared to favour a UK site, however, much as I've asked for input on what people would want, nobody has been forthcoming. Anyway, as I've said more than once, there is no way I would want to undermine nor duplicate the excellent work already done on Literotica.

For those who have been waiting for an email from me, please accept appologies, a system problem has left me without a home pc for a while. Back on track now and you'll hear from me shortly.