UK Authors

Just adding my two pence / cents (again!)

I value my time on the Internet because of its World Wide appeal [sorry for stating the obvious ...]. I can see the benefits of having a 'social' element to develop writing styles and the like; but as Lit has a well developed site, and you can all email one another, why not keep any [online] socialising here? If there are any improvements to Lit's 'service' which you feel could enable you as a 'collective', why not let them know? I haven't had the occasion myself to raise issues here at the BB, but I have came across quite a few which have been resolved.
Do I have to be considered a Brit?
Can I be british instead?

As for the idea of an English focused site,
this is okay as will provide more EXPOSURE.
I also liked Carl Easts idea (PS love your stories)
about doing a site with different types of wrtiting
not just erotic. BUT I will continue supporting
Literotica as well as, well it is the BEST.

As for a writers group...
A UK group meeting to chat on line would sound good to
me. Say once a month at a regular time to discuss ideas
etc etc.

Thanks Cactiphile... somebody who has come up with a suggestion as to what they would like the group to be about... *s* I also agree Literoitca is a brilliant site...

Speaking of UK authors - have you all read PLAYING AWAY by Adele Parks? I found it at the local library - attracted by the colorful jacket - about a young English bride involved in an affair. Haven't quite finished it yet so dont know how it all ends, but it's pretty raucus and the language is not al all unlike some on here in Literotica. It's damn funny!

Furthermore, having read a lot of the stuff from the UK (English Bob particularly comes to mind) I can even understand some of the English versions of wording from the AMERICAN language!

My gratitude toward you all and best wishes in your endeavor

[Edited by catlover on 03-11-2001 at 10:08 AM]
Well, I've gone and done it, I've created my own site. I've made it into an adult site, but any story will be allowed, as long as it's in the catorgory of choice.

At the moment the only type of stories I've included are of a sexual nature, mainly because that's all I've written. haha

Anyway, check it out and let me know what you think. Please remember that this is my first attempt at writing my own site, so be gentle with me. hehe

The address is:

The idea behind this site is to get all the short stories that otherwise wouldn't be seen, onto the web, so if anyone here has got a story that isn't sexually related, and would like to see it online, get in touch.

Laurel, I hope you check this out, if you do, don't expect to find any sort of competition, because this site is very basic in construction.


[Edited by Carl East on 03-13-2001 at 07:49 AM]
You should watch your Incest category, Carl. Remember you're running the site from the UK (even though it's not a dot-uk), so you're not protected by freedom of speech, like the US sites. You should look into UK laws. I don't know about the incest category specifically but I know there are a lot of things published on American sites that could get you prosecuted, or at least harassed, in the UK.

And remember not to show any photographs of erections, penetration or ejaculation.

Apart from that, it looks like a well designed site.
Hi guys, just another Brit peeking in and saying hello :). I'm pretty new to this writing lark, but I've been looking over the thread and I'd be interested in anything you decide upon.

I checked out the site too Carl, and it's looking good so far. Very nice.
alexander tzara said:
You should watch your Incest category, Carl.
And remember not to show any photographs of erections, penetration or ejaculation.

Apart from that, it looks like a well designed site.

Thanks for the friendly advice Alexander, but I never had any intentions in putting up pornographic photo's.

As for the incest category, I believe I'm on safe ground there, after all the only type of incest story I would allow, would be between two consenting adults.

If I find out otherwise however, I will simply remove that category.

As yet I haven't gone out of my way to advertise my site, simply because I'm not ready for an influx of stories. I intend on putting it on as many search engines as possible, but if there is anyone out there willing to give advice, I'm listening.

I'm really looking forward to reading any Fantasy stories that might come my way, mainy because I love dungeons and dragon type tales.

The reason I said that, Carl, was because when I submitted stories to FORUM magazine, they sent their guidelines and incest was one of the categories they said they weren't allowed to publish. I'm not sure if it was for legal reasons, or because their distributor would disapprove.

I think the idea of a British writers' group is interesting but not really for me. If I was to become involved in a group I'd be more into an international kind of thing. One of the reasons I come to Lit is to discuss things with people from other cultures.

BTW, don't forget to come and visit me at my site. Just click on the flowers of evil.
PAUL C said:
I went to the site and it looks the same as this one.

You've just encountered our dear Madam's sense of humour, Paul. Well done. That's the first stage on the road towards losing your virgin tag. :)