
Really, is misspelling a word here and there so very important when it is just about fast communication on a bulletin board like this one?

Only when I'm sure that my mis-firing fingers on the keyboard mess it all up too much to be easily read, only then do I even consider proofreading my posts.

What we post in forums is not the Great American Novel. To me it is vritten comversation. Do you folks bother all that much about gramattic and linguistic correctness when talking to pepole? If the message gets through, and the spirit of it all is easily understood., I don't really care about the (e).
Icingsugar said:
Really, is misspelling a word here and there so very important when it is just about fast communication on a bulletin board like this one?

What we post in forums is not the Great American Novel. To me it is vritten comversation. Do you folks bother all that much about gramattic and linguistic correctness when talking to pepole? If the message gets through, and the spirit of it all is easily understood., I don't really care about the (e).

Um, actually, I do speak in a grammatically correct manner and I correct those around me when they don't. It's annoying habit, but there it is. On the other hand, too much exposure to 8 year olds has reintroduced the word "like" into my spoken vocab. I've taken to having a rubber band on my wrist and every time I use it, I snap myself. Aversion therapy, so to speak.

When it comes to posting on the forums, I don't care about a word here and there, but people who spell "you" "u", "though" "tho", and "people" "ppl", etc make my blood pressure rise. People whose posts are full of misspelled words make me cringe. And yes, I do think less of them.

When I had an online personal, I wouldn't even respond to those individuals who couldn't spell or who used those obnoxious misspelling to shorten words, no matter whether or not they sounded interesting.

At work we have "To go dinners" that the chefs make. Each one has a nicely printed description and directions to reheat. At the end it says to warm until the dinner is "heated all the way thru"


This disgusts me. We're supposedly a gormet place, and they've spelled "through" "thru" - WHY?! WHY?!?!?!
deliciously_naughty said:

When it comes to posting on the forums, I don't care about a word here and there, but people who spell "you" "u", "though" "tho", and "people" "ppl", etc make my blood pressure rise. People whose posts are full of misspelled words make me cringe. And yes, I do think less of them.

When I had an online personal, I wouldn't even respond to those individuals who couldn't spell or who used those obnoxious misspelling to shorten words, no matter whether or not they sounded interesting.

Well, you are talking about misspelling deliberately. (which, by the way, is a word that may - or may not - be slightly misspelled. point is, I see no reason to double check) That is another matter entirely. Pepole replacing real words with pulp becuase they're lazy should be...welll...if not shot, so at least spanked a bit.

I type too fast for my own good, with a frantic pace to keep up with my line of thought. Sometimes my fingers slip and hits te wring key, or I can switch two letters in a word. If it doesn't poke me in the eye when I re-read it, I usually leave it there.
As a newcomer to the world of academia, having earned my degree at age 57, I mark work for first-year degree students. It's in the computer field and I don't always have the facility to mark the English aspects of the work, but oh, I want to!

My own personal spelling foible is 'separate'. I always want to replace the first 'a' with an 'e'.

deliciously_naughty, shall we start a pedants rebellion? You can lead it and I'll man the barricades.

Misspelling 'SEPARATE"

This is a sneaky word to spell. Remember that there is "a rat" in the word "separate"

If I'm writing a story or a business letter, I always use the spell check and proofread carefully. With a friendly email or letter I am typing to a friend, I am less careful. I do try to avoid mistakes but I don't obsess over them.

A few odd spellling and typo mistakes don't worry me, hell if the subject is interesting to me the whole bloody thing can be full of spelling mistakes as far as I care.

I never spell check post replies etc on forum boards, I'm not that much of a perfectionist.

Anyway as I have no formal qualifications in English what the hell would I know about spelling anyway.

I'm an engineer not a writer, just read my stories if you want proof of that:D

Re: Huh?

MathGirl said:
Dear Chickie,
Use a spell checker? How? The only way I could see to do that is to write offline and cut and paste it onto here.

I always just put the cursor in this little box and wing it. I thought everyone did.

Be interesting to know how many use Chickie's method and how many use mine.

Although not practical for anyone who uses "word" from the evil empire, I usually write, spell check, then cut/paste to the final destination.

I use a fast small editing program that is akin to favorite pen. I can hardly write anything without being in it's comfortable and familiar surroundings. It happens to have a spell check suggester that thinks like me.

(it's also freeware if anyone is interested)
deliciously_naughty said:
and yet some school districts have completely eliminated spelling programs.

So long as they don't eliminate precious precious sports :rolleyes:

As long as we have the right to bare arms and football everything will be fine.:rolleyes:
(why souldn't we be allowed tank tops?:))

hey where are we going? and why am I in this hand basket. :
Because with you in the basket, it's a hell of a lot better looking in here (and Chicklet, and Delicious, and Perdita. *sigh* it actually looks pretty good in here to me. I could never have passed those English classes if you all were there.)
I didn't think so at the time but when I was in elementary school, a long time ago, spelling was stressed, as were grammar and composition. Even before I got into high school, I was probably better in spelling and compostion that most college graduates are today although, in all honesty, I was a star pupil. Brown noser too, although I didn't realize it then. We had spelldowns every week and I usually won but the competition never went beyond our classroom.
Nobody seems to care about spelling nowadays. I can work myself up into a fine rage about the spelling errors I see in ad copy and brochures and other professional publications that shoudn't have them.

I have always been an ace speller, and only use spellcheck to check for typos. It made my blood boil when I got points off for a supposed spelling error on a college paper when it had really been a typo--I was amazed that the instructor couldn't tell the difference. I could.

OTOH, I am willing to believe that spelling is a talent that the Lord gives you, like being able to sing on key, and some people are better at it than others.
SlickTony said:
OTOH, I am willing to believe that spelling is a talent that the Lord gives you, like being able to sing on key, and some people are better at it than others.
Tony, this is true, it's been proved scientifically (oooh) that spelling has nothing to do with intelligence. It's in one's genes. I recall always being able to spell from the time I could read. Spelling can be taught and practiced but for some it's a natural ability (I wouldn't go so far as to call it a gift).

Similarly, I have a maths prof. friend, distinguished in his field, who cannot do simple arithmetic. When we go out to lunch he can never figure out the tip so I do that part. It doesn't embarrass him though.

Chicklet said:
Ugh. I'm such a sucky-speller. I *always* leave the *e* out of "Unfortunately"

It makes me realize that if I didn't have spell-checker, well, I'd be totally hopeless.


My word from hell is: convienence.

I use spell and grammar check on business correspondence.