What kind of volunteering do you do? Sounds like it could be an interesting gig. I will be back out working on the walkway today. Hot and humid out there already.
I joined the Shenandoah Valley Battlefield District in Jan. Of 2018. Obviously I’m a Big Civil War Nut . Anyway, most Saturdays on up here, manning the Visitor/Info desk at their Headquarters, right at the Big intersection in town. There is also a fantastic coffee shop called the Stonewall Jackson Cafe. I’ve met lots of interesting folks from all over the US, Canada,& various parts of the world. Amazing how the little crossroads town attracts people. But it’s in the heart of the Valley right off I-81. You have the Shenandoah National Park, New Market Battlefield & lots of other attractions. But mostly it’s meeting folks from all over & talking history, where their from etc. Good Luck on your outside project. Remember to keep your “ fluid levels “ topped off