Vaginal Details

Ok- so i haven't posted any stories here... so its a case of the blonde/blinde leading the obviously talented/wonderful wordsmiths....

Why not personalise it a little.... kind of a fill in the blanks? Ok- vague... let me see....

"He concentrated his tongue on that very part of her that he knew would make her quiver, teasing her and tasting her in the way he knew would have her weak with pleasure before long. He knew just the way to touch her, just the right mix of tease and pressure etc etc"

Or if new lovers change slightly to "he listened to her body, learning just the right..... etc".

I mean obvoiusly we're talking about his tongue on her clit, but this type of writing allows each woman to "fill in the blanks" in her own mind to fit the story to just the way she likes it.

Like I said- I've not submitted yet so its a bit much for me to hand out advice- apologies but I couldn't resist.