Valued Involvement (Closed for Bluntitis)

"Well it's a picnic, not a dinner out so casual is the word. I'm probably gong to be in shorts and a tank. The weather looks good."

"Yes if you have a spare bottle, and the blanket sounds great if you have one!!! I was going to take a comforter off the bed."

"1/2 hour or so work for you. As you know I've already showered :)"
“Twenty minutes will do!”

I rush home excited as a schoolboy. I manage to shower, jump in a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. I take a picnick blanket out of the barn. Two bottles of wine, one red and one white with a cooler and two glasses. I even thought about taking my sunglasses with me 😎.

“Ready to go?”
I had just finished calling the local chicken place, ordering a meal for us. Turns out they have a 'Picnic Lunch' Option so it will be ready to be picked up in 10.

I changed tops, opting for a white tank top, I think go good with these shorts. Sandals for my feet.

"Yes just help me put stuff in the car. My car or yours? We have to swing by the yummy chicken place to pick up the lunch"
“I'm kind of lazy. If you don't mind, I'm happy to let you drive. I find it attractive to women when they want to drive. That makes relationships more equal.”

I help you to pack your car. Than we drive off to pick up our picnic lunch.
"Ok no problem, I get nervous when someone else drives anyways"
After we get the food and head out

"I've been wanting to do this for the longest time. A day out there is a nice park, very green not all that many people. So we can sit, have lunch, maybe even lay down for a nap who knows. I have no agenda in mind. Just want to get away and I think you need to as well. We can talk or not. I'm ok either way"

After about 1/2 hour I pull into a lot. It's good sized but almost empty.

"Here we are, a little bit of a walk now. As I recall there is a pond just over that little hill. I think the perfect spot"
The sunlight is filtered by the trees. Here are many old beech trees with thick trunks. The leaves are turning brown and the trees have already lost some of their leaves. It smells a bit like rotting leaves and mushrooms. We find a nice spot near the pond for our picnic. We settle in with a glass and the food.

“I can’t remember my last picnic. Must be a pretty long time ago. Sally this is an excellent idea. Thank you for the initiative. I appreciate it very much.”

After I have eaten enough I lay down on my back. A little inconvenient because I don’t have a pillow. But I love it to lay down and watch the sheep clouds passing by.

“It always makes me happy to feel close to nature. Although I live in luxury I really could do without. Days after another hiking with a dog through nature. I did that with my father. Every year me made a short hiking trip in the mountains. Those are a couple of the happiest days of my life.”

Your face appears in front of me. I laugh at you and feel the desire to kiss your full and luscious lips. I don’t take the initiative. Afraid to start something I can’t control. I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship.
The picnic is turning out better then I imagined it would. We find a spot shaded and private. Eat some food, dink a little bit. Talking easily about our pasts, you telling me about hiking trips with your dad. I never had that but did camping trips early in the marriage that I loved.

Time flys by, then you lay down and I realize we forgot any kind of pillow. Your looking up at the clouds and seem to be relaxed. I lean over you to look in your eyes. They are relaxed and happy for the first time.

Then I turn and lay my head on your chest, snuggling up to you. Feeling your arm go around me.

"This feels so nice, thank you"

I lift back up and kiss you softly. You return it

Then I lay back down on you.

"No idea why, but for me this feels very natural and a new beginning"
I can’t see you laying flat on my back. You crawl to me and lay your head on my chest. My arm around you, feeling the firmness and the warmth of your breasts. It feels natural but it’s in a way bizarre. We lived unknown to each others for years on opposite sides of a street and just days after you rang my doorbell we are here in a intimate picnic!!

There are two things that keep my mind busy. There is the age gap between us. I am 63. I don’t know your exact age (I will ask you), but you are at least fifteen years younger than I am. The closer our relationship becomes, the more important this fact becomes. Can we both deal with that?

The other thing that bothers me is the fact that I finance your legal actions. It makes the relationship between us unequal. I would hate it if financial dependency would affect your attitude towards me. I am aware of the fact that I never will know, but I will be alert to your motives, that you don’t act only to please me.

Even when I am relaxed there are always worries in the back of my mind. For me it’s extremely difficult to live in the moment. Just with you on a lovely autumn day enjoying each others company. I will ask for your support.

“For me it’s difficult to live in the moment. My mind never stops, always trying to rationalize life and to be prepared for things that might happen. Sally, I would like to stop doing that. Maybe you can help me taking live lighter. Maybe you can teach me. You had a tougher live than I had, but you are so positive. I admire you for that.”