Valued Involvement (Closed for Bluntitis)

I get up at half past six. Slept very restlessly because I'm afraid to sleep through the alarm clock. Take a shower and then get to work in the kitchen. Making batter for the pancakes, cleaning strawberries, whipping cream, squeezing juice, making coffee and tea and setting the table neatly. The whipped cream is very fresh with little sugar, but well whipped until stiff. I hope whipped cream stays on your lip that I can then scoop off with a finger and stick in my mouth.

The pancakes I bake when you are there. I am ready when I hear a knock on the door. I welcome you and start baking the first pancakes.

"Good morning Sally, how are you? Make yourself comfortable. I hope you like pancakes with straberries and cream, there are also blue berries and of course maple syrop. What do you like to drink?"

You look radiant, rested and cheerful. I put on some music, John Hiatt, my favorit singer/songwriter.
"Good Morning!!!!"

Giving you a quick hug and peck.

"Pancakes with strawberry and blueberries one of my favorites, do you cook the blueberries in the mix? Either way is good"

"Just coffee for me this morning, I had kind of a rough night last night. I almost texted you to see if you were up. One of those toss and turn nights"

"Is there anything I can help you with??, totally not used to someone cooking for me"
“I manage to wait one table! Sit down Sally. I didn’t sleep very well, anxious to be too late to prepare breakfast. You were welcome to cross the street at night.”

“Here is your coffee and the first pancake. The blueberries are not in the batter. You can choose between strawberries, blueberries or both. It’s all on the table.”

I wonder how you handle whipped cream. Whether you smear it or throw it in blobs with a spoon. I always do the latter, then the cream stays fluffier.

“What was on your mind that prevented you from falling asleep?”
Smiling at you as I sit
"Well sometimes only 1 table is harder to wait on then several"

"Thank you these look wonderful!!! The berries in the batter is something I started when the kids were little, only way to get them to eat a blueberry which is one of my favorite berries"

I spoon some whipped cream onto them, and pour a generous amount of the syrup.

"going to have to hit the gym after this one."

"I guess everything that happened yesterday, the meeting with Margaret, the day with you. My life in general"

"One of those 1,001 thoughts in my head"
“I didn’t have problems to fall asleep, although that kiss stayed on my mind. I regretted Margaret watching us.”

“Those calories won’t harm you and there is a solution. As long as you move enough you won’t gain weight. Waiting tables is one thing, hiking is great as well. If you like you can join me this weekend. I go for a walk on Sunday. Saturday I stay at home.
"I'm glad you slept ok. You regretted Margaret watching us, but not the kiss??"

"For me I was surprised by the intensity of the kiss. I know we'd kissed before, but really just a kiss between friends, that one felt and I'm sure looked like we are much more then friends"

"These are fantastic pancakes!!! As good if not better then at the diner"

"I know I get a lot of steps waiting tables there, so helps keep my what you called a fine frame?

"A hike sounds good!!! The kids are visiting their father this weekend. So I'm free and a hike with you beats laundry every day!!"
“Certainly not the kiss. You are an attractive woman and I like physical contact with you. I now realize that I have missed that the last two years. But don’t get me wrong, I like hugging, cuddling, feeling the warmth of your body against mine, an occasional kiss. But in a way it’s platonic, I am not ready for more intimacy. That takes more time I suppose. I would regret if tensions between us would jeopardize our relationship.”

“I think you should go now, otherwise you are late. Sunday morning I will knock on your door for our walk.”
"Good answer!!! I think we have both missed something the last few years. And spending time with each other is reminding us and filling a void"

"You're right!!!"

Getting up I put the dishes in the sink to be rinsed. Then going to the door. You walk with me
I turn and give you a nice tight hug. I kiss as well

"See you Sunday morning. Text me when you have time. Have a nice day and thank you for breakfast"
After you've left, I'll have an other cup of coffee. I walk into the garden and think back to how you were just eating and chatting. What a great start of my day.

I'm relieved that you feel the same way. We take our time and no pressure. I'm having a wonderful day. I finish my lecture and plant the bulbs for next spring in the garden.

In the evening I watch a movie. Before I go to bed I look across the street, wondering what you are doing. After a long shower I feel rosy and sleepy. When I pull the duvet over me, I imagine you are lying next to me. That makes me feel like I have company. Not so lonely and I can think of Vanessa without black feelings of mourning.
After breakfast I go home and finish getting ready for work.
At work I have a busy day, accept a lunch invitation from a co-worker, but turn down a dinner invitation from him. Not ready to have a real date with him. Plus it would feel like cheating on you, which is weird because we both keep saying that we are just friends.

I receive a call from Margaret, she just wanted some clarification on a few things. She tells me, that she has reached out to my ex's lawyer and will keep me informed.

The rest of the week goes fairly well, you and I text throughout the day, but don't manage to meet up again.

On Sunday
I'm up early and waiting for your knock. Dressed in jeans and hiking boots with a short sleeve top but carrying a jacket just in case.
Saturday was slow. I calculated that I needed the day for maintenance in the garden, but most of the work I had done the day before. There were periods of drizzle, so I decided to stay in. Read in a novel, a romance during the First World War in France. Was tempted to knock on your door for company and conversation, but didn’t want to seem bored with myself.

Sunday morning is hesitant but dry. After early breakfast and a fast shower I am ready for a walk. At nine I knock in your door not knowing what to expect. Maybe you are still vastly asleep. I will find out. A cup of coffee while you hit the shower is also great.
At 9 sharp there is a knock on the door. I open it to see you, a happy smile from me and a good feeling inside when I see you.
"Come on in, do you have time for coffee? Have you had breakfast?"

"I'm about to sit down for a coffee and roll, a bit nervous about the hike today, I hope I don't slow you down"