Voice Kink

I am sure that there are others like me out there that has a voice kink

Because babyyyy, I loooooovvveeee a man who has a deep voice. That deep, husky, voice that comes with a growl, especially when he is just waking up.

That type of voice that turns soft and intimate when spoken only to you

That type of voice that is smooth like silk and chocolate

That type of voice that makes my pussy run like a river and soak up the sheets

Whew chile 🥵 🥵 🥵 :heart::heart::heart:

What about you?

You got a voice kink? :sneaky::sneaky:
I most certainly do, love hearing all kinds.. would you maybe wanna see if we could enjoy each others?
What she said @TheMarksman , and I assure the American girls will go crazy for your accent. that said, you still need content, and on that it's up to you, but you have the voice chops.

Voice chops? Thank you, I think 😂

My only prior experience is my answerphone (google it, kids) message back when I was in my twenties and the occasional voicemail along the way.
Goodness me, I shouldn’t have started listening to all these incredible voices while I still have work to do. For anyone I failed to comment on, it’s complete user error because I know I listened, and daaayyuummm, I sure do enjoy y’all!
Love your voice!
Big fan of voice chats, always was and always will be! the excitement is special!