Voting and Comments

I can't even figure out how you people know how many 1 votes you get. All I see is the average
A few months ago, one of my stories went live (1:30 am EST), and I happened to wake at 2:00. I checked on my story list, and found the new one had a rating of 1.67 with six votes.

That's possible only with one 5 and five 1's.
I took a look at that and it seemed a lot of work*. I (perhaps stupidly) keep a spreadsheet which for new stories I update (from my home page) daily and older stories no more than weekly.
Row 1 is an abreviated title (2 Quiet Man And The Daughter) > 2 QMATD
Row 2 is just the number of visits - if it was 2107 yesterday and 2340 today, then another 230ish views.
Row 3 (assuming column B) =AVERAGE(B5:B107) : The 107 allows for about 100 scores, but can be updated!
Row 4 =COUNT(B5:B107) : The number of recorded views (calcualted not entered)
Rows 5 to 107 (or more) are the scores.
So if day 1 you get 5 scores and a rating of 4.6, then by experimentation that has to be three 5s and a two 4s or 4x5 and a 3
Day two 8 scores but falls to 4.25 could be a number of things, but looks like 2x5 and a 1
Of course if you check more often it is easier to spot when 7 scores at 4.7 turns into 8 at 4.25!
Story series have their own sheet in my Ratings spreadsheet workbook.

*YMMV but I am (OK retired so was) an Engineer, which I self depricatingly refer to as a Scientist with poor maths.
I crave the magic red [H] but have learnt to give a Galic shrug if it dissapears. I know it was [H] and just some ***** had a strange idea about what they wanted from the story, but didn't feel it worth commenting so I could avoid upsetting them in the future.
A few months ago, one of my stories went live (1:30 am EST), and I happened to wake at 2:00. I checked on my story list, and found the new one had a rating of 1.67 with six votes.

That's possible only with one 5 and five 1's.
Two 3s and four 1s?
One 3, two 2s and three 1s?
One 4, one 2 and four 1s?

Asks the maths pedant.
Two 3s and four 1s?
One 3, two 2s and three 1s?
One 4, one 2 and four 1s?

Asks the maths pedant.
I stand corrected.

But I still have at least half and maybe two-thirds of my dedicated readers as 1-bombers, rather than five out of six.
I stand corrected.
Oh, you have a standing desk, these days I normally 'sit corrected' 😁
But I still have at least half and maybe two-thirds of my dedicated readers as 1-bombers, rather than five out of six.
Fortunately I don't have those sort of followers (but only have 1/5 the number) and I note from a quick peek, your metier includes a lot of Loving Wives stories which, from other threads, seems to attract an odd sort of reader who obsessivly read and then rail against the story and the outcome, whether it be reconciliation, moving on or BTB (took me a while to understand that wasn't Back to Basic but Burn the Bitch/Bastard). My suspicious node wonders if they actually read the story, but just see a new LW and drop a 1 on it!*
I am a bit of a scatter gun writer, but haven't got into LW, but never say never as I wouldn't have thought I would write BDSM.

My biggest 'gripe' is the lack of comments. 🙄

*Until I read one I thought the story would have been about a wife going the 'extra mile' to make their partner happy, not to get out of his field of view. Despite what I wrote above about not getting into LW, I am tempted to write a story that is what I thought LW was and see if it gets flamed! The more I thinks about it the amusing I find it! Could do it for April Fools, the joke being on the reader! 😉 But if I wait, I'll probably forget!
Oh, you have a standing desk, these days I normally 'sit corrected' 😁

Fortunately I don't have those sort of followers (but only have 1/5 the number) and I note from a quick peek, your metier includes a lot of Loving Wives stories which, from other threads, seems to attract an odd sort of reader who obsessivly read and then rail against the story and the outcome, whether it be reconciliation, moving on or BTB (took me a while to understand that wasn't Back to Basic but Burn the Bitch/Bastard). My suspicious node wonders if they actually read the story, but just see a new LW and drop a 1 on it!*
I am a bit of a scatter gun writer, but haven't got into LW, but never say never as I wouldn't have thought I would write BDSM.

My biggest 'gripe' is the lack of comments. 🙄

*Until I read one I thought the story would have been about a wife going the 'extra mile' to make their partner happy, not to get out of his field of view. Despite what I wrote above about not getting into LW, I am tempted to write a story that is what I thought LW was and see if it gets flamed! The more I thinks about it the amusing I find it! Could do it for April Fools, the joke being on the reader! 😉 But if I wait, I'll probably forget!
Loving Wives is described as "extra-marital fun, sharing, and more." So, I write about the "fun" sharing.

Almost half of that audience HATES non-monogamous sex, and they vote accordingly. Another half LIKE fun, sharing stories. But those fun lovers are not as dedicated to flaming their preferred stories with 5's. My stories (good ones) tend to rate at an average of 3.4.

Try reading my "Unique Rewards of Yoga" series starting with the husband's POV as an example of what to expect. It's rated 3.34/305 and has 18 comments (over 29K views.)
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