Voyeur Confession

I've been in similar situations many times over the years. There was one gym in particular a 24 hour place where I would go in early to do repairs.

Before entering I would knock and call out but several times the women would not respond and then act either indignant or just go about their business. Every time I would apologize and leave.

Last year I was at a college rental and while I was working through a punch list several pages long the women were running around, having breakfast and getting ready for the day. Zero modesty, one of them walked through the common area from the main floor bath to her bedroom with just a towel around her head. Even stopping to let me know she was done so I could fix the toilet.

As much as I would have liked to make a pass, it's not worth the chance.

The only time I took the bait was with a woman who made it plainly obvious that is what she wanted. This was many years ago when I was installing satellite dishes, she followed me around for a few hours dressed in just a housecoat making suggestive comments.

When I was done with my work and she had signed the paperwork I asked her if she was just flirting and teasing or if she wanted to take things further. She wanted to take things further. 😉
Forgive the first guy, he’s totally clueless that randomly asking to watch a young woman shower is damn close to a rape threat in her eyes.

And for him to think she’d just casually say no and not report him to police again shows how little he understand women’s attitudes toward out of nowhere sexual requests from the school’s workers/strangers.

Wanting to live out his fantasy would have landed him a mugshot on the 6 o’clock evening news.
I wasn’t sure where else to post this so I figured maybe a new thread would be appropriate.

So, I had a kink opportunity today that I passed on and wondering if it was the smart thing to do or risk it and had gone through with it.

I work at the local university in maintenance and the job gets me around to all of the different buildings around campus for students, faculty, and staff, including the bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms. If it’s a women’s area I always knock and announce myself first or get with the building administrator to schedule a closure. The last thing I want to do is make a woman or young lady uncomfortable.

This morning I was in a women’s shower/bathroom for some electrical work. The room has two separate shower/bathrooms with lockable doors, a small common locker area, and a vanity shelf and mirror. No sooner than when I got started but a student, an attractive young lady, entered. She asked how long I was going to be and I said probably a half hour or so. She came in and got some of her shower stuff out of her locker and started to leave, then hesitated like she didn’t know if she should go or stay. I could tell she was in a hurry and didn’t want to go somewhere else or was unable to. I offered to leave telling her I had other work I could do and could come back, thereby giving her the chance to shower while I was gone.

Like I said, she’s an attractive young lady, 20ish or so, and I came very close to asking her if I could watch her shower. No touching of course, just watching. My manners and professionalism got the better of me and I left to do another job. Now I’m wishing so much that I had braved up and asked her. Worst thing that would happen is she’d say no, I’d apologize and leave. Probably hastily. I also don’t want to be tagged as a creepy old man.

Now I’ll never know if I would have had the chance to watch a lovely young lady, a stranger, take a shower. If I did, it would have been just awesome to see.
Well at least you have something to fantasize about now and you did the right thing!
I wasn’t sure where else to post this so I figured maybe a new thread would be appropriate.

So, I had a kink opportunity today that I passed on and wondering if it was the smart thing to do or risk it and had gone through with it.

I work at the local university in maintenance and the job gets me around to all of the different buildings around campus for students, faculty, and staff, including the bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms. If it’s a women’s area I always knock and announce myself first or get with the building administrator to schedule a closure. The last thing I want to do is make a woman or young lady uncomfortable.

This morning I was in a women’s shower/bathroom for some electrical work. The room has two separate shower/bathrooms with lockable doors, a small common locker area, and a vanity shelf and mirror. No sooner than when I got started but a student, an attractive young lady, entered. She asked how long I was going to be and I said probably a half hour or so. She came in and got some of her shower stuff out of her locker and started to leave, then hesitated like she didn’t know if she should go or stay. I could tell she was in a hurry and didn’t want to go somewhere else or was unable to. I offered to leave telling her I had other work I could do and could come back, thereby giving her the chance to shower while I was gone.

Like I said, she’s an attractive young lady, 20ish or so, and I came very close to asking her if I could watch her shower. No touching of course, just watching. My manners and professionalism got the better of me and I left to do another job. Now I’m wishing so much that I had braved up and asked her. Worst thing that would happen is she’d say no, I’d apologize and leave. Probably hastily. I also don’t want to be tagged as a creepy old man.

Now I’ll never know if I would have had the chance to watch a lovely young lady, a stranger, take a shower. If I did, it would have been just awesome to see.
You were right to leave -- unless you absolutely hate your job and want to ruin your life.