Want to give an opinion on this?

Randi Grail said:
So, how long DOES it take? For poems, not for Tathagata.
Submit early enough in the day and it usually shows up the next day.
minsue said:

Usually overnight. Don't know about recently.

PS I know you're a dirty old man, Tath. Twas never any doubt. ;)

On the weekends it varies
I submit a lot of stuff on fridays and sometimes it takes till monday


who knows?

( and ummmmmmm thanks, I think, minsue.so is that YOU in your av??)
Tathagata said:
On the weekends it varies
I submit a lot of stuff on fridays and sometimes it takes till monday


who knows?

( and ummmmmmm thanks, I think, minsue.so is that YOU in your av??)


I can never run for political office now :rolleyes:
Tathagata said:
it's better than kitten ass

I thought you were gone
gone where?
I'm never gone. When you least expect me to show up... well, I show up. Just remember that. I'm like a bad case of hiccups. Water won't get rid of me. "BOO!" won't either. Don't even try to hold your breath.
WickedEve said:
gone where?
I'm never gone. When you least expect me to show up... well, I show up. Just remember that. I'm like a bad case of hiccups. Water won't get rid of me. "BOO!" won't either. Don't even try to hold your breath.

what if eat a teaspoon of sugar??
Tathagata said:
what if eat a teaspoon of sugar??
(Damn, I forgot about that one!)

I mean, you want to eat me? Little ol' me? Gracious goodness, oh my. Actually, I'm not sugar. I'm splenda--sugar substitute.
WickedEve said:
(Damn, I forgot about that one!)

I mean, you want to eat me? Little ol' me? Gracious goodness, oh my. Actually, I'm not sugar. I'm splenda--sugar substitute.

it's ok
I'm on Atkins
i can eat as much of that as i want

Get a room you two.

Hi Randi. Liked your poem. THis place seems to have gone out of hand. If you want to, I'll PM you some feedback. :)
Liar said:
Get a room you two.

Hi Randi. Liked your poem. THis place seems to have gone out of hand. If you want to, I'll PM you some feedback. :)

the old
" pm feedback ploy" huh??

He tried that with me too Randi

ended up talking about cheeze whiz and leather ice cream
Liar said:
Get a room you two.

Hi Randi. Liked your poem. THis place seems to have gone out of hand. If you want to, I'll PM you some feedback. :)

Spoilsport. ;)

leather icecream?!?!?!?!?
Liar said:
Get a room you two.

Hi Randi. Liked your poem. THis place seems to have gone out of hand. If you want to, I'll PM you some feedback. :)
Hey, we gave Randi the welcome and feedback. ;)
Tathagata said:
the old
" pm feedback ploy" huh??

He tried that with me too Randi

ended up talking about cheeze whiz and leather ice cream
But don't tell me you didn't love every second of it, baby.
Liar said:
Get a room you two.

Hi Randi. Liked your poem. THis place seems to have gone out of hand. If you want to, I'll PM you some feedback. :)
PM? Pro Memoria?
WickedEve said:
Hey, we gave Randi the welcome and feedback. ;)
I still think you two should get a room. And some whipped cream. And assorted toys. And a spankin new DV camera. And a director. I volunteer.
Randi Grail said:
PM? Pro Memoria?
If you haven't been scared away yet, then you're now officially part of the gang. lol

One more time, here's Randi's poem. Any comments?

Dreaming Of Sargasso
Randi Grail 2004

It was no illusion that brought this
down around our heads,
a necklace beaming beads of remorse,
glowing beautiful, but cold to the touch.

I lost the wave, the bearing,
and caught by doldrum, drifted.

Still, as ideas of greatness
shifted into focus
and into blur again,
I laid, eyes closed, carried by sargasso
while spires and domes and ancient ghosts
shadowed below, Atlantis dreaming ascension,

I forgot to breathe,
remembered to love,
and woke up on an inhale
in tears.

"Ssh" I heard and felt
fingertips on my spine, lips on my shoulder
arms enclose around to place a palm
upon my heart.

"You're dreaming" I heard
and careful arms suggested gravity.
I fell back, surrendered to assurance
that no illusion did this,
neither hurt nor healing,

and that my necklace
was long since
cast aside.

I dreamt of sargasso,
but not of Atlantis
this time.