Wardens of Wildemount ((OOC))

And just in case "tiny Priscilla" is in over her head (or even if she simply could use the help), Jon is ready to haul them both back aboard if need be. By himself, if necessary. At any rate, Shadowlace and/or Justspitballing can RP Jon hauling them up the side of the ship if such assistance is, indeed, necessary.

EDIT: So, I was thinking Jon would whisper something in Diva'ss' ear when she hugged him, about letting him know if he needs his own cabin or could he continue sharing hers? But he might also mention how he might wish to "collect" on what Jaena "owes" him. Would Diva'ss have a problem with that? Gonna wait for you to respond before I post, JSB.
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Priscilla probably will take the assistance but make you pay for it later. Like a slap to your butt or a ball tap! But playfully
And just in case "tiny Priscilla" is in over her head (or even if she simply could use the help), Jon is ready to haul them both back aboard if need be. By himself, if necessary. At any rate, Shadowlace and/or Justspitballing can RP Jon hauling them up the side of the ship if such assistance is, indeed, necessary.

EDIT: So, I was thinking Jon would whisper something in Diva'ss' ear when she hugged him, about letting him know if he needs his own cabin or could he continue sharing hers? But he might also mention how he might wish to "collect" on what Jaena "owes" him. Would Diva'ss have a problem with that? Gonna wait for you to respond before I post, JSB.

Diva'ss of course wouldn't have any problem with this, but it maybe not a very natural conversation. Maybe it would flow a bit better if Jaena flirted a bit with Jon in front of Diva'ss. Diva'ss then could say to Jon, "you should really make a move on her. My room will be still free afterwards if you need it."

I kind of like this cause it shows that Diva'ss has grown up enough to know what she wants(open, queer platonic relationships with sex) and isn't afraid of suggesting them. Of course Jon would then go on to have whatever kind of relationship he wants in the story.

That's my suggestion at least. I'm sure you can PM Veroe to sort out their side of this.
Lol I love Priscilla just punching Jon, She then turns around to slap his butt and then tells him he owes her!
Well Priscilla is gonna get you to gamble! That way if she wins all your gear is on loan! MUWAHAHAH
Well now we could do Diva'ss suggesting to Jon to make a move on Priscila instead of Jaena. You all let me know if I should have Diva'ss speak up and suggest trying to get lucky with Priscilla or if I should stay silent and we can do the original idea with Jaena.

I'm the wing lady for whoever needs it. ;)
Priscilla is basically enjoying being in the clear for her theft, and is actually enjoying every one.
Posted a post. I tried to make a transition to more fellowship building and hopefully some chances for some more inter-personal relationship building between our characters.
Did the same. Really like the fact that Diva'ss is coming into her own. Here's to a social scene and some flirtatious banter!
As do I, but Jon whispered in Priscilla's ear, so unless that big, cute Verdan ear of hers enhances her hearing accordingly, Diva'ss would not have heard what Jon said.

I edited it so Diva'ss was making an assumption. It's an easy assumption for her to make. :D
Yep! So has anyone NOT posted since I last did?

EDIT: Yeah, I posted anyway. So sue me LOL.
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I'm not taking over the thread right? I don't want to ruin anyone elses fun

I think it's pretty well understood that if a sex/make out scene/ or a really heavy character scene comes up between two characters, they kind of have to do the full scene together.

Like story telling wise if we just had Diva'ss have a random moment right now it would feel really out of place and kind of wreck the story. So you two feel free to do your scene proper.

In time hopefully everyone in the thread can have like wise scenes so I don't think anyone is going to feel bad or left out. Have fun telling your part of the story.