Wardens of Wildemount ((OOC))


This is the closest to what I have in mind for the Chulk.
Can we say that, in the intervening time skip, Jon had successfully petitioned the Captain to offer him a spot helping out the crew? Cause I was thinking that, given his obvious combat prowess, she has him on watch duty, and thus he is first to respond to Jaena's call to arms.
Yeah that works for me, Desperado.

I think once we finish Ulrich's mission on Bwualli we'll level up to eighth level if everyone's okay with that.
I'm more than okay with that. Also I figured the ship had more than a few extra crossbows lying about, so they gave one to Jon cause he saved their asses. Let me know if that's not cool and I'll change my post accordingly.
IS Jon proficient in crossbows? I'd think its classified as a martial weapon, but again away from the PHB and google isn't being very cooperative for me today.
Okay our random encounter has arrived. The two creatures Jaena saw I believe are called Chulks though I may be dead wrong I'm away from my D&D books right now and google isn't being helpful to me right now. But they're big crab creatures I remember them from the show.

They are only the first wave. The cannon fodder and distraction for a Sahaugin raiding party being led by one with a barnacle encrusted falchion with a golden eyeball in the hilt. Anyone familiar with Critical Role will recognize him as a warlock of U'kotoa, the leviathan sea serpent patron of FJord from the show.

I'm thinking they are after one of the people in the cages down in the hold. Though I haven't worked out why yet.

This is a Chuul!


And here is the Sahuagin.


Now remember, Sahuagin control sharks so they are going to attack with them. Lastly the Sahuagin Warlock of Uk'otoa is here.

I had Diva'ss stumble onto the rest of the Sahuagin group trying to sneak onto the other side of the ship. There are right now 4 Sahaugin, 1 Sahuagin Warlock of Uk'otoa, all five of these creatures are riding hunter sharks and they are leading a giant shark into crashing into the ship. And of course there are 2 Chuul coming up on the other side.

More could come later, but that's all we see right now.
Thanks for clarifying all that JSB. I'm roughly basing this off of an encounter Mercer ran for the Mighty Nein on the show. He didn't have them riding sharks but its a good detail about them from the Monster Manual. So why not use them. Plus I like the idea of the giant shark coming to ram the ship makes me think of the finale of jaws. One of my favorite films.

These pirates are definitely going to need a bigger boat-:D:D:cool:

Also coudos to everyone imaginitively using the little detail of the really bad stew they had for supper. It's very rewarding to me that you all took that and ran with it.
Posted, the fiery little spitfire of a halfling is not happy you pulled her away form some very, VERY important private time!!
@Veroe, when Jon's "turn" rolls back around, does the ocean count as an open container, for the purposes of casting Create or Destroy Water? I'd imagine that the draft of the ship might be less than 35 feet so he could perhaps at least interrupt the shark that's trying to ram them.
What was the casting time on that spell? One action (six seconds) or one minute? If it's more than six seconds he wouldn't have enough time to cast it before the shark rams the ship.
Okay, but from what you wrote you put Jon at the front of the ship with Jaena while the shark would be coming from the side of the ship near the rear. Remember the Chulls are meant to draw everyone's attention away from the ramming shark. Diva'ss is a good twenty to thirty feet away from Jon and Jaena. I don't think you can get him in position to cast it in time.
His (combat) speed is 30 feet, and spells can be cast at the end of a character's movement just like a melee attack. Not sure what rulebook you're reading from! :D:D
Well since I used Ethereal step which is meant to be a bonus action as a reaction in my last post I've decided not to be too picky about this matter anymore.
Destroy water is a pretty small amount. at 2nd level its 20 gallons, which is 1 and 1/3 of a keg of beer.
this is from the spell. its fog in a 30 foot cube.

You destroy up to 10 gallons of water in an open container within range. Alternatively, you destroy fog in a 30-foot cube within range.