Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Good morning!

Happy weekend!

Very appropriate cartoon.

Some reflections:

We both, you and I, have the capacity to correct ourselves, utterly lacking in the "reptile breed" that has usurped the term "liberal" in the interest of totalitarian slugdom.


I admitted i was wrong about Kamala.

BrutalShittyGarbage, who wardhèeled me in their usual U.S. Smarmy manner about this, after i warned that Kamala was no Truman, much less an Eleanor Roisevelt, cannot apologize.

And KGB commissar Baby, whose fantasies about me reflect a truly unique form of psychosis, can only continue spewing ridiculous self-praise for imaginary talents and achievements in persecuting innocent visitors here.

I like this comment by you very much:
"ever so much more importantly, we know how the world doesn't work."

The police officers who now participate here and who view me as a valued person in My City have flattered me by saying i am like them in knowing how the world rilly is.

But as Sensei WT says, i also know how the world rilly isn't.

For example, as an accomplished journo i know that 1A and the 9th Circuit Court decision do not protect The Three Trump Turds -- Baby, Trashy, and Poopy, with BrutalShittyGarbage as their gangrape skank -- in posting their libelous materials.

Even the KKK was smarter than this crew: imagine David Duke denying that MLK was Black because Dr. King didn't carry a banjo and sing minstrel show tunes like a "good Negro." Yet that is what they do when they complain that their nonexistent "house trannies" are endangered by me.

I know that this situation won't be easily resolved, given the probably-unlawful lack of transparency here. But i also know this: if you mess with someone who is esteemed by CIA, DIA, NSA, MI6, the FBI, Mossad, the SFPD, and the NYPD, and insult personally the leading human rights attorney on the West Coast, the SF Chief of Police, and an FFL holder, you will find yourself here:

These twats don't know 60s music. Which is why they end up here:

Facing this in bewilderment:

But regarding the cartoon:

Here's the real view of LDT on FDR:

"In the United States the Department of Labor with its leftist bureaucracy has as its task the subordination of the trade union movement to the democratic state and it must be said that this task has up to now been solved with some success."

Here's how he and his disciples acted in the year 1934:

Here's the echo:

Hoffa praised them.

Yeah, this Hoffa:



And here's how the IWW saw the "Nude Eel:"

The Politician is not my shepherd
He turneth me over to the wolves
Taking it on the chin
Keeping my mouth shut
Waiting for prosperity to come “around the corner”
Too much bull is weariness of the flesh
Yea, I am fed up on it
On the “New Freedom” and on “Normalcy”
On the “Glorious Period” of the “Good Calvin”
On “Rugged Individualism” and on “Misery Relief”

“Saving the Socialist Fatherland” put no
Fried chicken under my belt
The “New Deals” or “Fair Deals” from the old deck gets us no good
Turning pigs into fertilizer puts no pork-chops on our tables
Plowing under cotton, no glad rags on our backs
Paying landlords to keep workers from producing wheat and corn, sugar and coffee, fruit and everything
Taking all this undestroyed

Flooding the world with imaginary money
May “Save the price structure”
It is Hell on thee and thine, on me and mine
And, me and mine, us and ours
That’s what’s troubling me, oh Fellow Workers!
And that’s more than enough
Yes, verily, I am burned out and turned sour with weary waiting for the Millennium
2000 years this Christmas!
It is too long between drinks!
Hooching oneself into freedom, peace and plenty ain’t so hot
The night before is alright, but …
The morning after!
Well! Fellow Workers, you ought to know how that was, is and ever will be
There is nothing to it
As the Bible says
“All politicians are liars”
Therefore, if ye would be “saved”
Save yourselves
And lastly hear this:
The only hope of “The Damned” is
“The Damned I.W.W.”
It is the One Big Union or
One wholesale starvation for us and ours
O, Fellow Workers!

From the IWW Industrial Worker, December 26, 1933)

At a moment when the Democrat utopia seemed to be at hand:




So then.

( O O )
Even the KKK was smarter than this crew: imagine David Duke denying that MLK was Black because Dr. King didn't carry a banjo and sing minstrel show tunes like a "good Negro." Yet that is what they do when they complain that their nonexistent "house trannies" are endangered by me.

Okay, this is the bestest laugh of the year so far. I didn't spill my coffee, and for that I am glad. I do thoroughly enjoy our little chats. I want to add some more to this but I need to finish waking up a bit, so I'll revisit it. Damn time differences.

A mentor once told me that the corollary of "it is what it is" is "it ain't what it ain't." Sometimes, the Other Way of looking at A Thing makes a better mental image.

We learn, bit by bit, we learn.

~ Koba

He was right sometimes.
The future of POOPY, TRASHY, AND BABY:

( 🐊 🐊 )

They would be the ones in tears in their mugshots. "How can this happen to meeeeeee?"

I'm fairly sure that the fringe elements like Pizzaboy have always existed. I'm also fairly sure that the Other Fringe Elements like Our Tiny Triumvirate have also existed. Pizzaboy is like one of the militia members lectured by Slick Willie back in 90-something and the Teabaggers from the aughts. They have a point, and they blather all over it with goofiness and muddle the point. Some of the lefties do, too. The more Extreme the blather, the more muddling goes on. Sooner or later, the H-word enters the conversation and all Rationality goes right out the window - not that there was much to lose. The difference is, of course that today, we have the 24-hour news feeds with crawl, and all of the websites here and there. We have exposure to it, so we know it exists even if we don't know about it per se. And it's really easy to cherrypick what we will watch and what we will dismiss. News gets lost in all the editorializing.

It's all rather tiresome.

The Neanderthals had it easy. They got to be full-body curious.

You are a ho for Saudi Arabia.

The majority of Americans would beat you to death in the street if they caught you IRL.

You are so triggered nobody needs a gun to dispense with you.

Your childish imitation of Baby and Trashy is as ineffectual as a burst balloon.

You are so obviously an uncontrollable pathological liar it is hilarious that you would challenge me, you mental weakling.

None of you has attempted, or can attempt, to accuse me of lying about anything. Baby tried that and seeks to revive it now and then. You're now Baby's only slimy little bitch on this one.

I waged a 20 year battle with The Outlaw Jimmy Wales at Wikipedia. The factcheckers there no longer take negative guff about me seriously. After years of dealing with chuds like you.

The notion that you know anything at all about how Mossad works and why i choose to stay in the U.S. now is utterly ludicrous.

When i declared my intention to emigrate to israel Mossad assured me of support. I addressed a parallel, private appeal to the Iranians. They did the same.

These facts are derided by you because you have the mind of a backward child and know nothing about real life.

You bullshit about SFPD Chief Bill Scott, whose personnel protect me. If you had half a brain you would grasp that such a policy would let you shine your withered apples with the right by assailing SF liberals.

Instead, you repeat the same feeble guff about me over and over.

Anent Israel, emigration is like a CCW. It's complex. Embarrassing myself? You, Trashy, and Baby embarrass yourselves by failing at suicide.

You fire a barrage of popgun blanks, hoping one will land on me. They always miss, because you are morbidly obese, cucked, addicted to meth, and hiding from the law.

Your skank wife left you because you don't know how to fuck.

Stop issuing Nazi orders to me, Dahmer. You're going to hate HMP Wormwood Scrubs.

I own you. Your antics are my weapon in my jihad.

( O O )
You seem to be upset by me speaking the truth about your lies.

At least that homo wat believes your bullshit.

You're nothing but a writer with an over active imagination, you gutter pig.

Stay triggered, porky.:)
They would be the ones in tears in their mugshots. "How can this happen to meeeeeee?"

I'm fairly sure that the fringe elements like Pizzaboy have always existed. I'm also fairly sure that the Other Fringe Elements like Our Tiny Triumvirate have also existed. Pizzaboy is like one of the militia members lectured by Slick Willie back in 90-something and the Teabaggers from the aughts. They have a point, and they blather all over it with goofiness and muddle the point. Some of the lefties do, too. The more Extreme the blather, the more muddling goes on. Sooner or later, the H-word enters the conversation and all Rationality goes right out the window - not that there was much to lose. The difference is, of course that today, we have the 24-hour news feeds with crawl, and all of the websites here and there. We have exposure to it, so we know it exists even if we don't know about it per se. And it's really easy to cherrypick what we will watch and what we will dismiss. News gets lost in all the editorializing.

It's all rather tiresome.

The Neanderthals had it easy. They got to be full-body curious.
Trust me: for every rightwing nurxasrc
You seem to be upset by me speaking the truth about your lies.

At least that homo wat believes your bullshit.

You're nothing but a writer with an over active imagination, you gutter pig.

Stay triggered, porky.:)

You're zo triggered you can barely get through five
You seem to be upset by me speaking the truth about your lies.

At least that homo wat believes your bullshit.

You're nothing but a writer with an over active imagination, you gutter pig.

Stay triggered, porky.:)

Writers with over active imagination make tons of cash, including me.

You have never had a job

( O O )