Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Of course you did. Your type sticks together.

No, I definitely am not.


I helped investigate Cosby. I know details of the case that would have you ecstatic with joy and everyone else here retching even more vigorously than when they read your posts now.

The only diff between you and him is that you haven't been arrested yet. And when you are in gaol you'll be dealt with expeditiously.

Like this:

( O O )

Mr. Tyler and I live quite a ways from each other. We're colleagues, discussing books, self-defense, anarchism, and humor.

Sex is not part of this. Have some non-incel explain to you how sex works.

In your pedo mind, everything down to Mother's Oats [TM] is here for you to rape. IRL, you should have been locked up a long time ago. You're a fit companion for Serbshit Lazaran and Genocide Granny Butthead:


( O O )
Ooh yes, lock someone up for hurting your little ego.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? lmao

You are nothing but a loud mouth red diaper baby.

Is tWat the bottom? We all placed bets on if he is. Most of us agree he's your little bitch.
Ooh yes, lock someone up for hurting your little ego.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? lmao

You are nothing but a loud mouth red diaper baby.

Is tWat the bottom? We all placed bets on if he is. Most of us agree he's your little bitch.

My feelings are protected under the U.S. Constitution, specifically the doctrine of protection of domestic tranquility.

That is, i am secured against foreign threats, including harassment by Brit pedos working for the Russ. I.e. you.

I do indeed realize how stupid it sounds for me to try to explain human life to you. You're a chud!

On your way to becoming a real asset to society:

I am most certainly a loudmouth red diaper baby when curbstomping Nazis like you.

I do not do any sex with WT or other friends and colleagues.

I am a transwoman. I don't have the equipment to fuck anyone, though i might be able to rent a backhoe to fight through the sludge to penetrate your syphilitic mom's vaj, pictured here:


You and a million cockroaches living in your ass tumors do not constitute a "we."

Pronouns count!

Isn't this you?

( O O )

Of course since you have no capacity for original thought, your Alice valentines are lifted from dull screeds posted obsessively by a bald old troll living in a homeless shelter picking his meth scabs.

He wanted me to be his dom. Now he runs away when he hears i'm within a mile of him.

Read up on My City. It's different here.

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Happy Tuesday!!! We know that Thinking seems to come slowly to many here, probably because it hurts.

"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things."

~ Henry Miller

Fulfillment of desire is an illusion; desire leads to more desire, not satisfaction.

~ Kathleen McDonald

“A peaceful mind makes a peaceful world”

The junkie can never start to cure himself until he recognizes his true condition.

~ Malcolm X
Stress is relative. Working for idiots causes stress. Working with people who have common goals and sensible adult reactions to various stimuli put stress right out of the picture. They are a joy to be around. Work stress is very easy to understand.

Stress that we create for ourselves is a horse of a different color. People I know who think a great deal, who seem to think like I do, always seem to hold themselves to standards which they cannot possibly achieve. After thinking about that for a while, I call that kind of thinking the denial of God. God understands and created me and lets me be who I am. God holds me to some basic standards. This is, of course, my understanding of God, as your results may vary. But the stress I can create for myself would be to assign myself a dozen tasks to do on my two days off and thinking myself a failure for only getting three of them done. I failed to consider that perhaps getting only three of them done was all that was possible.

I heard a man speak once. He was a wise fellow and had been on his path for a long time. He kept a really good eye on himself and tried to recognize when he was being foolish. I get that. The analogy he used was comparing it to a vacation to Europe where you have nine days and you set yourself the goal of seeing 12 countries. Of course, that’s ridiculous. There’s no way to do that above and beyond flying to a country, getting off the plane, and getting on another one to get out of there. That is how I first visited Michigan. (I’ve since driven through and actually saw some of the place). He said, how about you fly to Europe for your nine days and make it a point to see two countries? Think how much more sensible that is, and how one does not drive oneself out of one’s mind with an undoable Mount Everest stack of stuff.
Yes, happy Chewsday!

Yesterday began for me with an outstanding brex at the Coppola commissary, followed by free interpretation work for immigrant Spanish-speaking workers, and a day coordinating with San Francisco Police on behalf of a nonbinary man suffering persecution by a conspiratorial gang of violent meth heads.

The latter is the kind of work that requires a CCW. Trashy, living in an open carry state, fantasizes about interference with my need for said credential. Poopy babbles about imaginary colloquies with SF police chief Bill Scott, who in the middle of a major law enforcement crisis would certainly drop everything to soothe the triggered terror of an anonymous subject of a continuing investigation who refuses to identify itself.

Of course the Three Turds would love to insult, beat, and sexually assault the enby under pressure. They'd laugh and laugh at his plight, and yell guff at the officers.

Like this:

Still, Baby has clammed up. That's good. Guess it's like this:

Dollars to doughnuts not one of these chuds ever consulted a lawyer, or even a pro bono ACLU rep, about this situation.

Of course.

( U U )
I put the morning meditation readings out on the other site for those who check in to read them. It makes me read them and consider, also. The josh is lit for those how suffer needlessly. Wat has a couple who are sick with winter bugs. They will recover, it seems. There's a list of stuff to do here, as always. A bit of packing and loading today. Adjustments in living quarters are in the works. Gonna get some more words to the clouds today, too.

Freedom ain't free.

I never drank the Stolen Election Kool-Aid, but one has to wonder if one is paying attention. How is it that Broadway Uncle Smokin' Joe Willie got 81.3 million votes in 2020 but Kammie Khameleon only got 75.3 million votes in 2024? Orangeman bad got right at 3 million more votes this time than last.

Did Kammie cause people to stay at home?

Or did the Dead forget to get up and vote this time.

Maybe if they had been given more "walkin'-around" money . . . .
If men cease to believe that they will one day become gods then they will surely become worms.

~ Henry Miller

Each one individually must revolt against a way of life which is not his own. The revolt, to be effective, must be continuous and relentless.

It is not enough to overthrow governments, masters, tyrants: one must overthrow his own preconceived ideas of right and wrong, good and bad, just and unjust. We must abandon the hard-fought trenches we have dug ourselves into and come out into the open, surrender our arms, our possessions, our rights as individuals, classes, nations, peoples.

There is no right or wrong or good or bad. These are artificial constructs which come from a limited amount of knowledge and experience which are then adjudged accordingly, usually on the basis of answering the question, "did I get what I want?? No!". This isn't a solution - it's only whining in a slightly different form. The only correct judgment, if you will, is does it work or does it not? This is determined by observation of the best scientific test of all: Trial and Error.