Watching MAGA die is a truly pleasurable experience ❤️

The thing I am really enjoying about the death of MAGA is how easy it is to trigger their cult leader. He is extremely vain and sensitive, which makes him one of the most vulnerable personalities ever to run for President.

The Dems play him like a violin, and he responds like one of Pavlov's dogs.

Every single time.
And they will quickly realise they can't replicate Trump's backstory or persona - which is what the current MAGAts are looking for.

We've already seen plenty of failures in that regard.
I agree. No one else has that blend of arrogance and absolute shamelessness, topped off with the image (and that is all it is) of a very successful businessman.

Having said that, I thought the Republicans hit rock bottom with Dumbya, but their next president managed to be even worse. I've learned to never say never.
There are lots of dim rich guys. Which one?

Doug Bergum will undoubtedly chase the brass ring, imho, but he is waaaaaay too milquetoast to lead a bunch of MAGAt yahoos (again, imho).

I doubt that any REAL billionaire with even a fraction as much financial and personal criminal baggage as Trump will ever run for high office again - unless they see it as the only way out of some random serious legal problem that suddenly popped up.

No. Donald Trump is dwindling, and will die of old age soon. MAGA has no one to replace him. Once he’s gone, the Republican Party will go the way of the Whigs.
The death of the Republican party is predicted roughly every 4 years. :)
The death of the Republican party is predicted roughly every 4 years. :)
Y'know, that's been true historically. They've been knocked down so many times and yet the scum inevitably forms on the surface.

My gut feeling is that they are through as a major political party after this year's debacle.

The only person I can see taking over the remnants of the Republican flotsam is Elon Musk.
If Harris gets elected, after 4 years of liberal socioeconomic floundering (Biden 2.0), it won't much matter who. :)
You're right, there will always be a receptive audience for those who preach selfishness and hate. But will it be enough to get elected? Doubtful.
You're right, there will always be a receptive audience for those who preach selfishness and hate. But will it be enough to get elected? Doubtful.
It's an odd situation being the coup on Biden but it's rare for a party to get 3 White Houses in a row. :)
Y'know, that's been true historically. They've been knocked down so many times and yet the scum inevitably forms on the surface.

My gut feeling is that they are through as a major political party after this year's debacle.

The only person I can see taking over the remnants of the Republican flotsam is Elon Musk.
That's who I was thinking but dreaded saying it. :)
I'm witnessing in real-time where I live. The dread amongst Deplorables is so thick that you could pour it into covfefe cups.

Yes, you can save your complaints about being complacent, assuming a Dem victory in November, etc. (and I'll quote this again if need be). No one is doing that. I'm talking about how Deplorables are reacting near me - it's like they're at a funeral.

Since its rise in 2016, I've been waiting for the movement's demise. The damage done has been immense - irreversible in areas - and certain aspects will survive. But the end is near for this version of it if their reaction is the sign, which is fun to see. Their pain is so sweet. 😋
What I hope is that, there are enough people who were once basically good people who will come to their senses and realize, basically, that they have been conned. They might be disillusioned, or stubborn about it. But one day, I hope, and maybe I'm being optimistic but I also kind of expect, that they will one day see the real harm that Trump has done to this country- and that he never, at any time, cared about them or their well being and was in fact actively making things worse!

I am not under any illusion that Biden, Harris, and the Democrats really care all that much about us common folks either. But at least they are making some pretense to care. At least they are not actively trying to make things worse, take away our freedoms, destroy our democracy, destroy our environment or our planet, promote hate speech, divisiveness and discrimination, and so on. I am under no illusion that the Democrats are perfect saviours of this country. There are plenty of liberal policies that I disagree with, despite the obvious noble intentions behind them. But if the intent is noble (even if the outcome is obviously horribly flawed), then the intent by the policies that Trump and his followers consider "Conservative" is outright and blatantly nefarious- nothing noble about it- and that should be obvious.
The death of the Republican party is predicted roughly every 4 years. :)
Who will take the place of Donald Trump as the head of the Republican Party?

What we're seeing this week at the DNC is how deep the Democratic bench is. As the old guard like Biden, the Clintons, Obama, and Sanders fades into retirement, there's a vigorous new generation of charismatic young Democratic leaders rising: Harris, Walz, Buttigieg, Shapiro, Beshear & AOC.
Who will take the place of Donald Trump as the head of the Republican Party?

What we're seeing this week at the DNC is how deep the Democratic bench is. As the old guard like Biden, the Clintons, Obama, and Sanders fades into retirement, there's a vigorous new generation of charismatic young Democratic leaders rising: Harris, Walz, Buttigieg, Shapiro, Beshear & AOC.
You keep asking me that and I keep telling you I have no idea. Are you mental? :)
I think it's pretty naive to think maga voters will disappear with the Trump experiment, but there is never a lack of naivete in a rory thread. :)
The 'Trump experiment' is more aptly described as the 'Trump Tragedy.'

It is a failed three-act play designed to evoke hatred and destruction of the American Consitution and a test of America's resolve in the face of an internal enemy's attack upon democracy.

And make no mistake about it: By now, no one, even Annie, is 'naive' about Trump's purposes.
The 'Trump experiment' is more aptly described as the 'Trump Tragedy.'

It is a failed three-act play designed to evoke hatred and destruction of the American Consitution and a test of America's resolve in the face of an internal enemy's attack upon democracy.

And make no mistake about it: By now, no one, even Annie, is 'naive' about Trump's purposes.
What part of the Constitution did Trump change? :)
What part of the Constitution did Trump TRY to change? Most of it. I fear, however, that another Trump term and the Constitution as we know it today will be unrecognizable, especially if the rigged courts give him carte blanche to run roughshod over it like the Supreme Court currently does. Our system of government might well resemble the one now in place in Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan if Trump and his cronies get their way, and I would assume most people- even YOU, Saint Ann, would not like that very much.

Contrary to what Shinygirl says, I do not believe that the Republican party will die after Trump and MAGA. What I expect, and what I actually hope for, is a new Republican Party movement will arise that is more sensible and reasonable, and less extreme. And who will seek more sensible and reasonable policies that are less divisive; a George Bush v3, or a Romney or Dole v2, so to speak. Good, responsible and reasonable government.
What part of the Constitution did Trump change? :)
Donald Trump changed nothing in the Constitution. He was too weak and feckless to do major damage to the Republic. His biggest legacy will be putting unethical hacks on the Supreme Court, but that's fixable once Democrats get control of the Senate again.
Nobody had heard of Bill Clinton and bam. President. 4 years is an eternity in politics. :)
People who followed politics had heard of him. Having been in office in Arkansas most of the time since 1977, he was sometimes called "a rising star in three different decades" before he finally ran for president.