Watching MAGA die is a truly pleasurable experience ❤️

He’s a billionaire what are you?
Every time a Trump supporter makes this claim, I have to wonder, do they really believe it? Or do they just think repeating the lie means they're in on the con? I don't see how any educated person could really believe it's true at this point. It's beyond well-established that he's been overstating his wealth for decades, that he's lost more money than any other American ever (and maybe any human being ever), that he even managed to go broke running a casino, that what money he does have is inherited from his father, that he'd have a lot more money now if he'd just put that inheritance in the bank...I could go on, but why bother?
He was known for being a misogynist.
Among other misogynists, anyway.
Look, I don't approve of the way Bill Clinton treated women (including and especially his own wife) back in the day. But his loudest detractors are people who opposed ERA, opposed VAWA, opposed the Lily Ledbetter Act, supported Clarence "Uncle" Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh, and one doesn't even need to bother mentioning what the likes of you have had to say about Christine Blasey Ford. But someone accuses a prominent Democrat of sexual impropriety, and suddenly they're Andrea Dworkin without the overalls. It's as absurd as it is cynical.
That the felon claims to be a billionaire and *hushed tones* has been on TV so the poorly educated have heard of him, is the sole reason they vote for him. He has zero redeeming features; a nasty school bully who never grew up and has been allowed to get away with everything, criminal or otherwise.
Besides the point.

He is not a self-made billionaire, rather, he inherited his family fortune, squandered most of it and acquired some of it through shady and immoral buisness dealings. Most people respect good, honest, hard working people with good morals, rather than greedy, wealthy, and immoral people.

Clinton was, deservingly, known for being sleazy and a bit of a misogynist. I'll give you that. Although, you seem to think it is perfectly okay that Trump is far worse in that regard. You always seem to have a double standard when it comes to Trump- whether it's in regard to his character, or in regards to whether the laws should apply to him or not.
You need to add that he cheated his own family members.
I take it this thread title is meant literally, and is a sentiment shared by most Democrats, given the current Administration has withdrawn RFK Jr's
Secret Service Protection the day after he suspended (not ended, only suspended) his campaign. It took months of lobbying to get Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. when he was a presidential candidate, despite being a prime assassination candidate just because of his name.

If there's one guy in the United States right now who needs a good security detail at least as much as former President Trump, it's Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - he has been the recipient of threats before this, and after he endorsed Donald Trump, we can expect the threats to multiply like rabbits. After Donald Trump himself, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may be the man the left hates most - maybe even more than the vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance. A Kennedy not only endorses Donald Trump but appears on stage with him - campaigning for him? That's going to set the nut squad on fire, and we've already seen what the nut squad can do when they're agitated.

Granted, the Secret Service's reputation at the moment isn't all that hot and their professionalism and ability to do the job is either questionable or has been compromised. The rule of thumb is, as always, the KISS rule, and given both the vitriolic hatred of the left for Trump, and the lapses in Trump's security, the logical conclusion is that the Secret Service has been compromised by rabid Democrats who, rather than plotting to assassinate Trump, are content to merely fuck around with his security and leave gaping holes in the hope some nutcase will take THE shot. And now, in withdrawing Kennedy's security when the man is so obviously a target, they have only confirmed that this is political and that they're hoping for some successful assassination attempts.

At this point, both Trump and Kennedy are probably a lot safer hiring private security.

At any rate, Kennedy needs a security detail, whether the Secret Service rescinds this bad decision or not. His suspending his campaign and supporting Trump was an act of principle, and nothing drives the left crazier than people with principles. And as the title of this thread illustrates, the left are by and large nothing but murderous totalitarian thugs.

It's truly awful to see Democrats stopping to this kind of hate-filled rhetoric, inciting violence and encouraging extremism. What are "moderate" Democrats doing to put a stop to this ongoing incitement to violence?

^NOBODY on this forum engages in more hate fueled rhetoric and vitriol than you yourself, Icanharpy.

And certainly your would-be dictator engages in it far more than the Democrats, in fact far more than any U.S. president in history. But of course you are okay with it; it's all good when your little wannabe Hitler does it; it's only bad when the Democrats do it.

seriously, fuck off, glamorillazang.
If there's one guy in the United States right now who needs a good security detail at least as much as former President Trump, it's Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - he has been the recipient of threats before this, and after he endorsed Donald Trump, we can expect the threats to multiply like rabbits. After Donald Trump himself, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may be the man the left hates most - maybe even more than the vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance. A Kennedy not only endorses Donald Trump but appears on stage with him - campaigning for him? That's going to set the nut squad on fire, and we've already seen what the nut squad can do when they're agitated.

You are vastly overestimating how much thought we give to RFK, not to mention conveniently ignoring which side's nut squad has most of the guns.
You are vastly overestimating how much thought we give to RFK, not to mention conveniently ignoring which side's nut squad has most of the guns.

Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang doesn’t have a clue…about anything.

Reminder to Chloe: It was a white, male, right-wing ammosexual incel registered "republican" that attempted to shoot the dear orange leader.


