Welcome Back....

Re: Re: ...speaking of the MIA and all...

Blackbich said:

Okay, okay - here I am. :)

I want us to get together when you're in town, lady. I'll send you my number as we get closer to the day.

:) I'm back but I don't know how long. I'm in the same situation I was before with the computer so I have to bogard his stuff when he's out of town. I keep trying to kick him out of the house but, since it's his house, it's not working too well.

For those that are interested, I have been going through a lot of mental stuff for the past 6 months which has caused me to question my motivations where the lifestyle was concerned. I have decided to step away from anything lifestyle related until I get these issues worked out. I hadn't been over here on the BDSM boards cause I didn't want to feel like a fraud - talking lifestyle stuff if I wasn't at least learning about it. Hearing from cym yesterday made me realize just how much I miss you guys, so fraudulent or not - here I beez.

I got a hysterectomy in late April which has taken care of SO many of my physical ailments, you would not believe! I look forward to the day when my red blood cells are built back up and I'm completely healed - which will take a while since this was the 3rd time being cut. The only hard thing about getting the surgery was the fact that I don't have kids but I'm starting to wonder if I really want them and that maybe this is a blessing in disguise. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the other mental stuff I'm dealing with.


But I missed you guys like crazy!!! And so will be back as much as I can while the roommate is gone - pending getting my own computer. :kiss:

you dont know me either Blackbich but it's so nice to meet you and I wish you a speedy recovery dear..:rose:
omg hehe Does Perse "get by" with

Persephone36 said:
Wow, I'm a newbie and away from the board for three days and *look* what happens!! ;)

I look forward to getting to know all the old timers here who've been away. :)

Persephone :rose:

with calling YOU ALL "Old-Timers '? LMAO ..damn I feel like I need a cae or something now..!! I am only teasing w/ you Perse and You were missed too sweety:rose:
Re: Re: Re: monster update

MzChrista said:

It was cool what you guys did to show how you felt about cym, but I liked the old you. Welcome back. Glad your girl is feeling better.

Thank You so much.

I like the old me too.
Welcome back lilfrk..

nice to have you back!! So happy that the news is good about your daughter hun..:rose: :heart:
Re: omg hehe Does Perse "get by" with

Artful's dream said:

with calling YOU ALL "Old-Timers '? LMAO ..damn I feel like I need a cae or something now..!! I am only teasing w/ you Perse and You were missed too sweety:rose:

Shoot Dream -- don't get me in trouble with the uh...stalwart members of the board upon their return.

(How was that -- do you think I saved myself?) ;)

And WHAT is this about you heading for a cane! OMG -- are you becoming a switch Dream??? We're going to *have* to share that with Art I believe. :p

I'm sorry you've been having such a hard time Dream. What you've been writing is making me truly concerned about you -- because you're just doing and dealing with soooo much. I've been reading and catching up on what's been going on with you. You know, you've been exploring a whole new way of life -- and you're dealing with being bi-polar? (which I didn't know you had.) Gosh hon -- you are an over achiever, lol! :)

Dream, *please* try and treat yourself with more care and consideration. Give *yourself* a break. Try, try, try not to be so hard on yourself. I know that's the depressive side of being bi-polar. Believe me -- I understand it -- I've had depression for well over 20 years. And the last nine -- I haven't had a break from it, until 3 months ago when I had a break-through. And on the tail of that I had a period of hypo-mania. That was such an adrenaline rush -- but also so scary. I'm lucky it wasn't true mania. But still, the depressive parts of my mind try to take control. That is an exhausting fight for anyone. It is as serious an illness on a day to day basis as any. As much as living with diabetes. You *have* to take extra special care for yourself.

I just think there's so much you're dealing with -- the huge ups and downs -- that you need to give yourself time to find your even keel again. That means focusing on YOU. Appreciating yourself. Taking care of yourself. You won't have any gift of yourself to give Art -- if you don't give yourself some "me" time. You should believe in yourself -- you are a strong survivor. You should question. You should speak your peace and feel you're being heard. Even if the answer isn't what you might want -- you need to feel you're being heard. If that's what is important to you -- that should be honored.

But Dream, do give yourself a break. You're doing so much in your life and growing in so many directions. Feel good about you. You deserve it. :rose:

And it's nice to be back. Thank you Dream. :)

P. :rose:
glade to se everyone is coming back. lilfrk welcome and glade to see your daughter has healed and is doing better. it seems none can stay away for too long.

is there a support group for lit addicts? if so i will join the support group.
lorddragonwolf said:
is there a support group for lit addicts? if so i will join the support group.

Will you be willing to go to the meetings and let the rest of us know what was said? I'd go myself but then I might miss something good here....;)

i just wanted to extend my warmest welcome backs to all who have chosen to return to us... you have all been missed, like pieces to a puzzle... each of us has our own views and opinions on things, otherwise the world would be pretty damn boring! So, welcome back, and i look forward to hearing more from all of you soon!!!:)
Re: Re: Re: Re: monster update

Blackbich said:
I want us to get together when you're in town, lady. I'll send you my number as we get closer to the day.
How does this coming weekend sound?

I'm going to a big lifestyle party on Saturday (the party is from noon to 6pm, oddly) and then taking a plane at 8:30 from my area to your town, darlin'. I'll spend most of the next 24 hours, um, otherwise engaged, but i'll have late Sunday evening and/or
Monday morning open before my flight back. Want to get together, even for coffee? Can you? I know it's short notice. I won't have transportation...and i don't yet know what hotel we'll be in. Think i'll move on to email/pm's on this one now.

I'd really love to see you.
But I missed you guys like crazy!!! And so will be back as much as I can while the roommate is gone - pending getting my own computer.
Sometimes life throws so much at us it's a wonder we manage to stay afloat, BB. I know this past year has been extremely challening for you and i'm sorry for that. But you're strong, as you've shown, and you'll just keep on keeping on - cuz there's no alternative. And as you already know, one doesn't have play with floggers in her sex life to post in this forum! You're already in, anyway, already a part of the place. Post at will. :cool:
lilfrk said:
I like the old me too.
Me too.
willfulbrat said:
I'm delighted to see that you're back, too, Blackbich. I'm going through a similar thing in regard to the lifestyle.

I'm glad your physical ailments have been taken care of. I hope that you're feeling good in every way soon.

willfulbrat - the one person on the upload thread that I wanted to see naked that I NEVER did! ;)

Thanks for the welcome, lady.

Originally posted by Artful's dream
you dont know me either Blackbich but it's so nice to meet you and I wish you a speedy recovery dear..:rose:

Thank you for the wonderful thoughts. Looking forward to getting to know all of the new people. :)

likfrk, glad to see you're back.

Originally posted by cymbidia
How does this coming weekend sound?

I'm going to a big lifestyle party on Saturday (the party is from noon to 6pm, oddly) and then taking a plane at 8:30 from my area to your town, darlin'. I'll spend most of the next 24 hours, um, otherwise engaged, but i'll have late Sunday evening and/or
Monday morning open before my flight back. Want to get together, even for coffee? Can you? I know it's short notice. I won't have transportation...and i don't yet know what hotel we'll be in. Think i'll move on to email/pm's on this one now.

I'd really love to see you.

PM coming your way. :D
Thanks BB. Great to see you as well. Hope you're feeling better.