Welcome Back....

Welcome Back cymbidia...

It is so nice to see you back...

A small dedication from me to you.

Because The Night
by 10000 Maniacs

Take me now, baby, here as I am
Hold me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed

Come on now, try and understand
The way I feel under your command
Take my hand, come under cover
They can't hurt you now

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

Have I doubt, baby, when I'm alone
Love is a ring on the telephone
Love is an angel, disguised as lust
Here in our bed 'til the morning comes

Come on now, try and understand
The way I feel under your command
Take my hand, come under cover
They can't hurt you now

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

With love we sleep, with doubt the vicious circle turns, and burns
Without you, I cannot live, forgive the yearning burning
I believe in time too real to feel, take me now, take me now, take me now

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

It is WONDERFUL to have you back contributing from the depth of your past experiences and catching us up with your most recent escapades...I look forward to sharing the future moments of your journey.
Re: ...speaking of the MIA and all...

cymbidia said:
~na na na na naaaaah na
i just heard from Blackbich and you didn't~

I told her that i was probably going to be in her town the weekend of the 21-22 (meeting my dominant there since he's on a job and wants to fly me in for the weeknd) and asked if we could have coffee or something. I'm trying to lure her back here...

All y'all who don't recognize her name would have to dig deeply into the beginning of the M thread to find her. She was one of our little group of original perverts. She was one of our two original Dommes, she and Hecate, and the first one to start talking about signal whips...~shiver~...oh yeh baby...bring it on...

We miss her.
Come back Blackbich, come back!

While i was playing legos on the other board, i saw several posts from Blackbich. Maybe she'll be back soon.
Re: ...speaking of the MIA and all...

cymbidia said:
~na na na na naaaaah na
i just heard from Blackbich and you didn't~

I told her that i was probably going to be in her town the weekend of the 21-22 (meeting my dominant there since he's on a job and wants to fly me in for the weeknd) and asked if we could have coffee or something. I'm trying to lure her back here...

All y'all who don't recognize her name would have to dig deeply into the beginning of the M thread to find her. She was one of our little group of original perverts. She was one of our two original Dommes, she and Hecate, and the first one to start talking about signal whips...~shiver~...oh yeh baby...bring it on...

We miss her.
Come back Blackbich, come back!

She and I have the exact same birthdate too!
Well I am now that my power is back on....lol.

Seriously, I just noticed over the past few days several people coming back to the board and wanted to send out a blanket welcome back to them all. I just hate lists Risia, because my memory is horrible for names.

Plus its nice to see you posting more too. :)

Yeh. There is, apparently, a sad damn shortage of good av pics to be had in these times. Why back in the old days we had zillions to chose from...
James Blandings said:
Maybe that's who I am thinking of, or else her av reminds me of someone.
I know! foxy! Foxinsox is back too! YAY!

~Hail hail the gang's all here~
Re: ...speaking of the MIA and all...

cymbidia said:
~na na na na naaaaah na
i just heard from Blackbich and you didn't~

I told her that i was probably going to be in her town the weekend of the 21-22 (meeting my dominant there since he's on a job and wants to fly me in for the weeknd) and asked if we could have coffee or something. I'm trying to lure her back here...

Okay, okay - here I am. :)

I want us to get together when you're in town, lady. I'll send you my number as we get closer to the day.

All y'all who don't recognize her name would have to dig deeply into the beginning of the M thread to find her. She was one of our little group of original perverts. She was one of our two original Dommes, she and Hecate, and the first one to start talking about signal whips...~shiver~...oh yeh baby...bring it on...

We miss her.
Come back Blackbich, come back!

:) I'm back but I don't know how long. I'm in the same situation I was before with the computer so I have to bogard his stuff when he's out of town. I keep trying to kick him out of the house but, since it's his house, it's not working too well.

For those that are interested, I have been going through a lot of mental stuff for the past 6 months which has caused me to question my motivations where the lifestyle was concerned. I have decided to step away from anything lifestyle related until I get these issues worked out. I hadn't been over here on the BDSM boards cause I didn't want to feel like a fraud - talking lifestyle stuff if I wasn't at least learning about it. Hearing from cym yesterday made me realize just how much I miss you guys, so fraudulent or not - here I beez.

I got a hysterectomy in late April which has taken care of SO many of my physical ailments, you would not believe! I look forward to the day when my red blood cells are built back up and I'm completely healed - which will take a while since this was the 3rd time being cut. The only hard thing about getting the surgery was the fact that I don't have kids but I'm starting to wonder if I really want them and that maybe this is a blessing in disguise. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the other mental stuff I'm dealing with.


But I missed you guys like crazy!!! And so will be back as much as I can while the roommate is gone - pending getting my own computer. :kiss:
Blackbich, although you don't know me ... I feel that I know you a little from reading the M thread and the very early threads here.

Welcome 'home' - it's great to see you!
Wow, I'm a newbie and away from the board for three days and *look* what happens!! ;)

I look forward to getting to know all the old timers here who've been away. :)

Persephone :rose:
I am very pleased to see so many of our lost sheep returned to the flock. I hope that all here will remember how much it feels that there is something important missing when even one familiar voice falls silent.
cymbidia said:
I know! foxy! Foxinsox is back too! YAY!

~Hail hail the gang's all here~
Ooh, ooh, I know!
It's the good Doctor, isn't it? That's who James meant, right? :D

And welcome back, Blackbich. You were much missed. :rose:
WillowPuss said:
Blackbich, although you don't know me ... I feel that I know you a little from reading the M thread and the very early threads here.

Welcome 'home' - it's great to see you!

Thank you, WillowPuss - it's great to be back. :D

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
Ooh, ooh, I know!
It's the good Doctor, isn't it? That's who James meant, right?

And welcome back, Blackbich. You were much missed.

Thank you, maam.
I'm delighted to see that you're back, too, Blackbich. I'm going through a similar thing in regard to the lifestyle.

I'm glad your physical ailments have been taken care of. I hope that you're feeling good in every way soon.
Re: monster update

cymbidia said:
monster and lilfrk are close friends in thier real time lives. Aside from my phone conversation with lilfrk, it's from monster that i've - and so, we've - been getting email updates on lilfrk's daughter's condition. I know he's with them, trying to be of help. I'm sure he'll be back here when he can.

Is that what we are? Who knew.

Both of you were a HUGE help during this. You two paid more attention to us than most of my family did.

The truth of the matter about monster coming back is...he still doesn't know. From what he's been telling me almost daily he isn't. So we will see. Like I told dixi in the other thread I'll let him know that y'all have been looking for him.

MzChrista... I changed my AV and title, I'm back to my old self again.

Man I got some catching up to do...I haven't been here in forever it seems.
Re: Re: monster update

lilfrk said:

Is that what we are? Who knew.

Both of you were a HUGE help during this. You two paid more attention to us than most of my family did.

The truth of the matter about monster coming back is...he still doesn't know. From what he's been telling me almost daily he isn't. So we will see. Like I told dixi in the other thread I'll let him know that y'all have been looking for him.

MzChrista... I changed my AV and title, I'm back to my old self again.

Man I got some catching up to do...I haven't been here in forever it seems.

It was cool what you guys did to show how you felt about cym, but I liked the old you. Welcome back. Glad your girl is feeling better.