Well has run dry!

Canine rhini

Originally posted by EarnestImp The bit I don't like is the fondness for noses-in-undignified-places.
Haiku to dog noses:

Sunbathing, no clothes
sudden wet nose on bottom
wakes one up toot sweet

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I've been occasionally envious of dog social etiquette. Imagine crapping on the floor of your annoying co-worker's office. Can't get much more direct than that. What a wonderful tool for the personal arsenal.

And just think, you'd also be able to put your face in the crotch of any good-looking specimen you happened to meet and not get smacked for it.

Doggy etiquette

Originally posted by bridgeburner I've been occasionally envious of dog social etiquette.
Dear BB,
I've learned a lot about doggy etiquette this AM. Please see nearby thread on subject.
Actually, you can lick virtually any poisonous or semi-poisonous frog and have a hallucinogenic reaction. Natives did this with arrow poison frogs.

Additionally, here in WA we have a species of frog called the Tailed Frog (ascaphus truei) whose protruberant appendage is not actually a tail at all, but a copulatory organ.


MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Actually, you can lick virtually any poisonous or semi-poisonous frog and have a hallucinogenic reaction. Natives did this with arrow poison frogs.

I can the problems that will arise when high-schoolers catch wind of this. The Betty Ford amphibian wing will be filled to capacity.
So does this explain the whole peculiar Miss Piggy / Kermit dynamic? Was there more to it than wanton animal lust?
No, no, no, the question seems to be if there is more to Mr. Hamilton that wantin' animal lust.

B goes directly to the corner to sit in solitary pennance for being unable to refrain from punning.

I don't know about the Muppets, but "Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas" always makes me feel like I'm having a bad trip...

You're right, Imp. My previous post should have carried a "Jackass" type disclaimer:

Do not attempt to lick amphibians, up to and including members of the familes ranidae and bufidae. In addition, do not tongue ambystomba gracilis, who secretes viscous fluid poison from his paratoid glands, and for God's sake don't boil Nectarus Granulosa in your camping pot, or you'll kill everyone!!!

And don't lick the Tailed Frog...cause that ain't no tail.
Is it just me or does everything seem to need a "Jackass" disclaimer these days? Whatever happened to good old-fashioned common sense?
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
In addition, do not tongue ambystomba gracilis, who secretes viscous fluid poison from his paratoid glands,

Oh Jesus H. Christ, NOW they mention ambystomba.

ooooh....errrrrr...uummmmm...oH Lo0k, my hEaD is FulL oF StArS
I think the problem about licking a frog's sexual organs is that you risk swallowing the whole poor animal!:(
That reminds me of that episode of 'Allo, 'allo when the girls crawled through the swamp and ended up with frogs in their knickers.

The resourceful café owner immediately changed the menue for the day...
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
[Bdon't boil Nectarus Granulosa in your camping pot, or you'll kill everyone!!! [/B]
Dear Bluie,
Well, there go my plans for dinner!
Reopening this thread...

I thought this thread was about doing it doggy style? By the way, is that a style, or a way of life? Is there a musical score for Romancing the Bone, or do you just do the hunka chucka burning love? I'm lost here, really, I mean do I Bitch about it, or just bend over and that it? And isn't that doggy fashion either way you look at it?

Re: Reopening this thread...

Originally posted by Dirty Slut I thought this thread was about doing it doggy style?
Dear DS,
This thread was originally about having sex with dogs. I think we covered the subject, changed it, powdered its bottom, and put it to beddy bye.
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Well, how much can you really say about dog fucking? I mean really.

About this much from what I've read.

"I was looking after my sister's dog. I was having a wank. It fucked me. I went back for more. Regularly."

Svenskaflicka said:
As I see it, if you don't get stuck, it's not really doggystyle.

Now there's an idea. In a mixup at a genetics lab, a human embryo has its genes scrambled with those of a bloodhound. He grows up almost normal, but with a exquisite sense of smell...Yes, its Olfacto-Man, the superhero who tracks criminals by scent alone!

Oh, and one other thing, he's a real horn-dog, and when he does the nasty, well, this is where your idea comes in. I wish I could do comic book art.

Oh, and his bits are covered with peach fuzz, too.
Scott Michaels said:
Why doesn't anyone write new stories about women having sex with dogs? I love those stories!
Wells obviously aren't what they used to be. Whatever happened to throwing in a coin and making a wish? Scott has obviously been visiting other wells.

I must be getting old.
Something to make you go hmmm . . .

My theory is that Scott is an alias for the same person who started the "Drug" thread. He's diabolically running around, starting controversial threads to get everybody going. Then he/she/it disappears into cyberspace, only to reappear with a new thread about the importance of virgin sacrifices in satanic rituals.

Hmmmm . . . .
No post coital cuddling here......

I suppose the worst thing about having sex with a dog is knowing there's that bucket of water at the end.
Not to mention the rabies shots, because of the numerous bites on the back of your neck. Hey, in this instance, I wonder if rabies can be considered a STD.
