We've done three word, lets try five.

I raise my chalice in a salute to both of you ladies, goddesses as it were. A prayer offered
twice unto you - may your connection to each other be one of mirth, merriment and
passion befitting thine exalted venusian femdom. I am the lowly beast, brute with sword and
axe gripped by steel gloves, who in darkness dwells in the netherworld beneath you , keeping the dregs
of the spiritual, as well as mortal world away from your door. I am the keeper of the gate.
I offer protection and require nothing in return other than your pleasure and acknowledgement.
My loyalty is infinite, my resolve is insurmountable. EXCELSIOR!
1. Freshly shorn sheep are cooler.

2. In summer garderobes stink royally.

3. Sheep seek shade. Me too.

4. Garderobes? Sheep? Must be Og.