What are you looking for in.....

MzChrista said:

Just remember I was nice to you when they start telling you to scared of me, OK?


I make up my own mind, so its all cool.:)
intrigued said:


I make up my own mind, so its all cool.:)

Ok, I got your back, doll. Any of these boys gives you trouble you tell em Christas coming with her butterfly board, OK?
Uh, oh!

MzChrista said:

Ok, I got your back, doll. Any of these boys gives you trouble you tell em Christas coming with her butterfly board, OK?


A butterfly board????

*perk* :D
Re: Re: Uh, oh!

MzChrista said:

Uh, you know what honey, maybe you better learn to walk before you try to run.;)

Understood. :)

I'm about bug~eyed now, so I am going to bed. Its been very nice chatting with you, you are a hoot!:D
Re: Re: Uh, oh!

MzChrista said:

Uh, you know what honey, maybe you better learn to walk before you try to run.;)

Intrigued, it was good to see you posting here, and my heart was touched by your warm and open introduction. I am confident you will find everyone here very willing to give you whatever advice and support you might require.

And, as for Christa, she loves to projest that scary bitch demeanor, but she has a heart of gold, and if she says she has your back, you have made a loyal friend.
CarolineOh said:
Intrigued, it was good to see you posting here, and my heart was touched by your warm and open introduction. I am confident you will find everyone here very willing to give you whatever advice and support you might require.

And, as for Christa, she loves to projest that scary bitch demeanor, but she has a heart of gold, and if she says she has your back, you have made a loyal friend.

Thank you, Caroline, I appreciate your words very much. I am most certain I will need advice, input and discussion, in that I am on a journey....hopefully a life long journey, and support and input is vital to that. I know that here, I am in good hands, as my experience here thus far has been nothing short of a true blessing, and very life affirming.

I do believe you are correct about Christa, her initial response to my post spoke volumes about her heart. :)

Thank you again, you are very kind. :rose:

Welcome to our little corner of Lit. Please know you're not alone in your relief to find this place or the apprehensions i'm sure you must be feeling. Your description of always holding something back --- i think i've said that five or six times, myself.

Here's a link to the "links for newbies" thread here. When you run out of good stuff to read here, try some of these links.

Feel free to throw your questions out at us. Even if it's been asked before, someone will learn something knew when we answer it again.

intrigued, welcome :)

As mg5 says, do not be afraid to ask questions. I have been told, more than once, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
CarolineOh said:
Intrigued, it was good to see you posting here, and my heart was touched by your warm and open introduction. I am confident you will find everyone here very willing to give you whatever advice and support you might require.

And, as for Christa, she loves to projest that scary bitch demeanor, but she has a heart of gold, and if she says she has your back, you have made a loyal friend.

Shut up blondie, you blowing my schtick.
intrigued said:

Thank you, Caroline, I appreciate your words very much. I am most certain I will need advice, input and discussion, in that I am on a journey....hopefully a life long journey, and support and input is vital to that. I know that here, I am in good hands, as my experience here thus far has been nothing short of a true blessing, and very life affirming.

I do believe you are correct about Christa, her initial response to my post spoke volumes about her heart. :)

Thank you again, you are very kind. :rose:

You will not find a more helpfull and welcoming group of people than you have found here.
I wish you all the best in your journey.
morninggirl5 said:

Welcome to our little corner of Lit. Please know you're not alone in your relief to find this place or the apprehensions i'm sure you must be feeling. Your description of always holding something back --- i think i've said that five or six times, myself.

Here's a link to the "links for newbies" thread here. When you run out of good stuff to read here, try some of these links.

Feel free to throw your questions out at us. Even if it's been asked before, someone will learn something knew when we answer it again.


Thank you so much, morninggirl5, I appreciate your welcome, and your advice. Actually, for most of my life, its been more than holding back. The hlding back was a blessing of sorts...usually I didn't feel anything at all.

Thank you for the link.....I'll get to it, its just that I can't figure out how to say what I need to say. :)

As always...I am so very impressed with the spirit of Lit....you people rock. :rose:
WillowPuss said:
intrigued, welcome :)

As mg5 says, do not be afraid to ask questions. I have been told, more than once, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Hello WillowPuss, thank you! :) While I agree with your advice, some questions sure can make you feel a little silly, if not stupid. :) I am a bit of a talker and even more of a "thinker", so I am certain it won't be long now. ;)

I appreciate this, thanks very much. :rose:
MotorCitySam said:

You will not find a more helpfull and welcoming group of people than you have found here.
I wish you all the best in your journey.

Such kind and honest words...I'm sending you a heartfelt thank you. :rose:

In all honesty, Lit has changed my existance. Yes, I've had to do the work, I've had to take the steps needed, and also open my mind and my heart. But Lit has given me what I needed most...something to evoke a response in me.
Then theres the support, the excellent venue for discussion, the sharing of knowledge and a kazillion perspectives....and most of all, theres the friendships. I'm still not saying it as I feel it....but this is an experience that is now my reality, and has enabled me to journey on into the healthiest manner of feeling, thinking, and being...into the woman I knew was deep inside me, the woman I am, atlast.
MotorCitySam said:

You have been outted Christa.

yeah well that was less traumatic than when my father caught me going down on my girlfriend .
intrigued said:

Such kind and honest words...I'm sending you a heartfelt thank you. :rose:

In all honesty, Lit has changed my existance. Yes, I've had to do the work, I've had to take the steps needed, and also open my mind and my heart. But Lit has given me what I needed most...something to evoke a response in me.
Then theres the support, the excellent venue for discussion, the sharing of knowledge and a kazillion perspectives....and most of all, theres the friendships. I'm still not saying it as I feel it....but this is an experience that is now my reality, and has enabled me to journey on into the healthiest manner of feeling, thinking, and being...into the woman I knew was deep inside me, the woman I am, atlast.

First time anybody can come in and it might be a mistake. Second time, you one of us.
Now that you are here

MzChrista said:

Whoa boy. Damn thats some post. I dont know what to say except hi, glad you came in.

Be sure to come back, again and again.

Re: Now that you are here

Ebonyfire said:

Be sure to come back, again and again.


Hello EbonyFire, and thank you very much. I'm here, and staying here. :)
Wow!!! Thank You to all that have posted in here.

I haven't checked this thread in awhile, so I was glad to see that people have been posting in it. Thank you so very much.

((HUGS)) and welcome to all.

aka" Mr. Bootie"
kgboot said:
We tend to do things because we get some sort of gratification from them. So how does being in a Dom/ Sub relationship give you gratification?? What is it about your Dom/ Sub that keeps you with them??

aka "Mr. Bootie"