What Are You Reading?

Ironically enough. A book called Do Hard Things. It's about a christian walk through life and the challenges you encounter through it.
Ironically enough. A book called Do Hard Things. It's about a christian walk through life and the challenges you encounter through it.

Ha Ha Ha ... Ironic Indeed !

and in my hand right now is ' Amo, Amos, Amat ' by Harry Mount. A Very funny primer on Latin.

This being Lit.. the other handis kept kinda busy too ! ;-)
I've been trying to finish "Les Chants de Maldoror" by Comte de Lautréamont. I've enjoyed it so far but with finals and such coming up I just haven't had time for some pleasure reading!
I am currently on Book 3 of Game of Thrones - A Storm of Swords, started the series in late August.