What attracts you to Cyber Sex??

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Cybering? rare, but on occasion. Phone, often, and I enjoy it immensely.

Obviously, I'd prefer to interact with Sir skin-to-skin, but the distance is what it is. I use those tools (especially the phone, thank goodness for free long distance) to retain that close, connected feeling, until our next visit.


I think Pouty & I would go nuts if it weren't for free cell-to-cell plans
We miss each other too much
:heart: you Pouty
serijules said:
In reading some of these replies, I found myself thinking that there is a pretty huge difference between cybering with some wannabe stranger that PMs you with their cock size and picture offerings....and cybering with someone that you know and have a connection to. I have never cybered with some stranger from yahoo or dalnet or whatnot, but I can imagine that doing so would be pretty unsatisfying and leave a bad taste in my mouth...as would picking up a hooker on a street corner and fucking them.

Just something to think about, many of the answers seemed tailored around the street-corner type cybering, and I find myself curious to know if people feel the same way about cybering with someone you know, respect, and/or even love?

Hi serijules:)
i agree, and now that you say it, now i purposely ignore that type of cybering,, i had Mistress/Mentor from Louisiana USA, and while i learned a great deal from her and the cyber we shared was very memorable, but even though i learned a lot from it, i still did not feel at ease doing it,, when you see the big capitalized"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH" across the screen that is supposed to by the whip striking my arse, it was hard to stop myself to stop laughin at times, and i am not purposely being disrespectful, it is just not real to me, but like others have said it is a great learning tool and and a good way to get an idea of where you are going, but i still love the real thing, and cyber sex/play just does not cut it for me
Ooh yes, good point...I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a "no sound effects" rule in cyber. Our earlier chats started off pure fantasy, setting and props (and additional characters, cough cough) included, but now we take a more minimalist approach and simply talk about what's going to happen the next time we see each other. Occasionally he'll have me enact certain things upon myself, which again is normal for us. It's a little more natural and takes some of the awkward feeling out of it.

Should add that I'm all about the typing but not so much about getting off simultaneously. I don't multitask well. I prefer saving the conversation and going back to it when I can have both hands free...during, I just like to get hot and bothered.
I tried it twice. Once with vanilla guy and once with a Domme. Both left me empty and wanting. Neither one gave me an orgasm. Maybe it's different when it's with one you love. I can see where it would be important ina comtted relationship though, or as a way to connect with someone in an ldr.
I love cyberfucking.........I'm a cyberslut. The guy needs to be creative, intelligent, articulate, able to type more than one word per minute, not make too many typos, which really can spoil the mood, and be able to spell. That's probably why I don't cyber very often. :p
I'd better elaborate as I'm already getting pm's........I don't do vanilla cyber.I had more than enough of that whenI first got on-line. I like to roleplay.......'rape' scenes or similar or Dom\sub scenarios I'm sub, btw
Basically, if you're not into very raw, rough,nasty,messy,name-calling, humilating and semi-violent roleplay
and if you can't handle a sub who is also a brat.................