What do you consider your weak point(s) as a writer?

Re: Runts

MathGirl said:
Hey, how's the weather up there? You're a half inch taller than I am. I'm not sure that female midget mud wrestling would have much box office appeal. Maybe female midget sumo wrestling? Naw.

Shopped for size two narrow shoes lately? They have a nice selection for sixth graders.

As if my size wasn't handicap enough, I'm also left handed. Life just isn't fair.

we won't say midget, we'll say petite, and it will go over great!!! (of course there's always them freaks who *will* like the midget story!)

I'm a lefty two!!!!! Hate Math though, how'd you come up with that name? True, lifes not fair for lefties, but we still rock!

Great thing about being 4'10 1/2 (for me anyway) C-cups look absolutly huge! Course, I'm breast-feeding right now, so there more like a D-Cup. Anyway, wow, size two shoes? That sucks! I'm realy sorry for you. I have a hard enough time finding size 6. You must be realy tiny, are you aisan? I think I could take you (lol) What really boils my noodles is that when I was a teen-ager, I had to wear little kids clothes and they where so dorky, now days they make hip clothes for kindergardeners. My daughter is in second grade, and my mother bought her a pair of hip-huggers! (She probably wouldn't have let me where anything like that in 10th grade!!!!) But anyway, they NEVER had cool stuff in the little sizes when I was in 6th grade and wearing a size 7 kids!
karmadog said:
Are you kidding?

I used to date a girl who was 4' 11" that had an ass that would make J Lo jealous.

She would have been adorable in one of those sumo diapers.

OOO and that wedgie. *drooling*

Yeah, I got booty for a white girl. I'm thinking gold lame hot-pants, so short, your ass cheeks peek out when you bend over to get into the ring. Maybe a string bikini on the smaller framed girl. Would you buy that?
My weakest point it definately finishing. I get to the a certain part in a story and stall. Then I get interested in something else and it's really difficult to get back to the original.

I also have some difficulty with sentence structure and I have a tendency to over use words--just, then, maybe, kind of--you get the picture.

My weak points

I have problems with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, participles, objects, and interjections. I'm not bad with punctuation, as long as I don't try anything more sophisticated than a period. GERUNDS, though, are my forte!


Ps.. Clothes are no problem in my size, as long as I dress like your average sixth grader. Even those have to be tailored, though, because I do have sort of a figure. Siggghhhhh
Vertically challenged? Disadvantaged on the y-axis?

Sorry, couldn't resist it :D

The Earl

My main weakness I suppose is not really giving a toss what people think of my stories, as long as it seems OK by me it'll do, it's a bonus if someone else likes it, and I really do appreciate nice feedback, just ignore the bad feedback.
I could maybe make an author if I took a bit more notice of others, but hey life's too short to worry over-much aint it, and as you only get one go at it, I don't take life too seriously, just breeze through.

I use, too many commas. And I tend to use them, where I percieve a pause, rather than, where grammer would call for them. Not my only flaw, maybe not my worst, but one I've noticed recently.