What do you NEED right now? pt 2

To beat the shit out of this Tranny.

The torque transfer is fucked. Spline? Maybe.
Pop by after work.
A break from this national house arrest! How the hell did Assange deal with being cooped up in that embassy in London?
Drink some tea, I'm anxious right now. I've been having anxiety all week long. I'm starting to avoid watching the news.

A tender, achingly sensitive clit under my swirling tongue.

Then sleep.
To go back to my mental state when I was younger...not caring what anyone thought and using negative comments from others to fuel my own fire to prove them wrong. I loved being told I couldn't do something and all it did was make me want to do it so much more.

I need to focus on the positive effort I put forth and just ignore all the negativity others spew. It's sad that others do it just to make themselves feel superior when in reality they know they're inferior and are really just trying to boost themselves up any way possible.

You are an awesome human being- never doubt that. You do make a positive impact on others daily, it's hard to see sometimes, but it's true. This is a stressful for many people and they're coping by showing their asses.. I'm just sorry you have to be the one to witness it. *hugs*

Someone to dangle a new vibrator or gift certificate for a massage in front of me while I run. I can't seem to make any damn improvement! 😢
Thanks...that was very sweet of you to say. I'm just not putting up with these idiots. They are bullies that need to be put in their place. Let them iggy me....whatever.

As far as running since we've had lousy weather here lately I've been doing a lot of stairs in my house. I'll do 20 flights....10 up and 10 down jogging to get a good sweat and work the legs....I do 3-4 sets every 2 hours or so (from 9am on). It gives me a break from doing work and my kids will even try to keep up. ;)

I need a glass of wine and to stop wasting time on people that truly aren't worth my time....

Let's let the site owner decide