What does Ambien do for sex?


I occassionaly take Ambien, first it was for legit reasons, I have a lot of trouble sleeping... but later I admit it was more recreational, because it does make me trip out a little if I don't get myself to bed immediately.. And it can be kind of fun, because while you are still awake, you can sort of guide your trip where you want, which made for some really fun roleplaying and probably other things which I may have felt too inhibited to partake in back then if I was 'straight'. :)

Apparently too outrageous for the ex though, he asked me to stop taking it because he felt weird and I wasn't acting like myself :p

Memory loss IS an issue though, I woke up in the morning many times with no memory of what was said or done... eeek!


@ meow
apparently it's when trying to stay awake on this medication that heavier side effects usually occur
yeah, I used to buzz out on it if I stayed up on the computer after taking it, my friends could probably show you some ridiculous nonsensical emails and texts sent out in my Ambien daze :p

I think that's why people choose to take it recreationally with RedBull... never tried it myself but would be willing to have a go if I knew I was in a safe place with safe people, considering the amnesia and all...


Hey you, just found your thread. Sorry I missed it. Don't know too much about Ambien, but I know a few other things we can talk about. :devil:

How intoxicating you are... :rose:
My wife takes is occasionally for insomnia. If she does not go to bed to sleep right after taking it it does lower her inhibitions and she does have memory issues with it.

But if she takes it and goes to sleep it works as advertised.
The first time I ever took it I made the mistake of not going to bed right away so I did have some hallucinations. They weren't scary, but I make sure to take it only when I go to bed. There are some definite sexual side effects, much to my husband's good fortune. It all seems like a vague dream when I wake up. It's probably a good idea to only take it when you're living with someone you trust!

find more info: http://www.ambienbuy.org/
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I had a roommate freshman year when I was in the dorms who took it. She would sleep in weird positions, talk in her sleep, and was dead to the world for 8 hours after taking it. Seriously, I could turn the lights on, turn the TV on, talk on the phone, all about six feet from her, and she wouldn't even bat an eye. She would have been royally fucked if there was a fire, because she double me up on weight, and there wouldn't have been any chance of her moving under her own power. I did have a very hard time not drawing on her face, doing weird things with her hair, or rearranging the room in bizarre ways while she was asleep...and in hindsight, I really wish I had.

I don't know what the sexual side of that might be, other than date rape I guess.
I am an ambien user. It has done nothing for my sex drive. Memory is a problem. I don't take it before sex though. I only use it for sleep.
OK as a longtime ambien user who's researched all the facts, let me give some info that will clarify every experience posted.

Ambien isn't a depressant, it's a hypnotic. It works by shutting down the higher brain functions which cause someone to have trouble falling asleep. Rough day at work? Worried about you bills? Take an abien and TRY to focus on those things. You can't because your higher reasoning functions are shut off.

So how does this work with sex drive? Well, when you shut off all that conscious logic, you also release your inhibitions. The instintive, animalistic side takes over. This can be very hot if you can handle it.

So what's the downside? Well this also shuts down your tact filter. I found myself saying things and trying to do things that got me in lots of trouble with the misses. Not only could I not stop myself, but I couldn't remember doing any of it the next day. I also became a sleep-fucker. I'd wake my wife up int he middle of the night trying to have sex. She had a pretty good time, but the next day I couldn't remember shit! I also had trouble maintaining an erection. :(

We had some huge fights over this that I still don't remember. Once we realized it was related to the ambien, I started going right ot bed after taking it. I certainly wouldn't take it with someone I wasn't 100% trusting of.

One more note...drinking ANY amount with ambien is dangerous. I had 1 and I do mean 1 beer, took an ambien and I started seeing shit. I was stone cold sober, wide awake and I remember it vividly. It was NOT a fun experience! Think bad acid trip.

So the only thing ambien does for sex is stop your ability to stop yourself. If that's what you really want, you don't need ambien. You know you wanna let go and be wild, so just do it. That way, you'll actually be able to remember the great sex you have in the morning.:cool:
OK as a longtime ambien user who's researched all the facts, let me give some info that will clarify every experience posted.

Ambien isn't a depressant, it's a hypnotic. It works by shutting down the higher brain functions which cause someone to have trouble falling asleep. Rough day at work? Worried about you bills? Take an abien and TRY to focus on those things. You can't because your higher reasoning functions are shut off.

So how does this work with sex drive? Well, when you shut off all that conscious logic, you also release your inhibitions. The instintive, animalistic side takes over. This can be very hot if you can handle it.

So what's the downside? Well this also shuts down your tact filter. I found myself saying things and trying to do things that got me in lots of trouble with the misses. Not only could I not stop myself, but I couldn't remember doing any of it the next day. I also became a sleep-fucker. I'd wake my wife up int he middle of the night trying to have sex. She had a pretty good time, but the next day I couldn't remember shit! I also had trouble maintaining an erection. :(

We had some huge fights over this that I still don't remember. Once we realized it was related to the ambien, I started going right ot bed after taking it. I certainly wouldn't take it with someone I wasn't 100% trusting of.

One more note...drinking ANY amount with ambien is dangerous. I had 1 and I do mean 1 beer, took an ambien and I started seeing shit. I was stone cold sober, wide awake and I remember it vividly. It was NOT a fun experience! Think bad acid trip.

So the only thing ambien does for sex is stop your ability to stop yourself. If that's what you really want, you don't need ambien. You know you wanna let go and be wild, so just do it. That way, you'll actually be able to remember the great sex you have in the morning.:cool:

Agreed 100%.

My doctor has occasionally prescribed this for me for insomnia over the past three to four years.

In recent years, the side effects have become more well-known, and now when I get a scrip filled I get a huge bold-type disclaimer notice with it.

From my own experience, when it "makes sex better" as some say is when you take it and are unable to fall asleep right away, or worse, intentionally try to keep yourself awake.

As TBKahuna said, it acts to turn off your normal inhibitions, and you may try/want to do things you normally wouldn't.

Additionally, when you fight the drug to try to stay awake (in my experience), not only does it have exhibitionist/hallucinogenic side effects, it also KNOCKS. YOU. OUT. One time, after fighting it a bit, I slept for 17 hours.

This probably goes without saying, but it's best to take what's prescribed for you the way it's prescribed.

And this should also go without saying, but please, don't try to emulate Tiger Woods in his ill-fated sexual exploits. Start by trying to chip like him, yes?
As TBKahuna said, it acts to turn off your normal inhibitions, and you may try/want to do things you normally wouldn't.

I think this could also be dangerous if both parties involved were taking the drug. I mean, imagine inhibitions gone and attempting anal sex without warm up or lube or any preparation. This could very easily come to a painful end.:(
Stroking on ambien right now

I'm sure it's fun and all and I'm positive the Ambien appreciates it, but in all reality, it's a pill, not a pet cat. So stop stroking your medicine and take it like a good little wanker, and go to bed.

Nighty night.
I took it a few years ago. If memory serves me correctly, it's highly addictive and you aren't supposed to take it for more than 10 days.I'm not sure about how it would affect you sexually as I used as directed, meaning I'd go right to bed. I'd fall asleep instantly and woke up rested.
It is addictive because it fucks up your sleep cycle until you can't sleep without it. Take it from someone who has had to reverse that cycle. It sucks.
Hubby likes when i take ambien to sleep beause he likes to fuck me when i am out cold ... :rolleyes: i don't quite get it, but hey, it works for him.

It doesn't improve my sex drive (but Wellbutrin did).
RU missing the point

If you want pot, you should smoke this thing called Serenity. From what I've been told by pot smokers, it's almost identical, but a little stronger, It's also legal in just about every state in the US and you can pass a drug test while smoking it. I can't say for sure, but the sex shop I go to all the time sells it and it goes faster than porn. :D It also only costs about $4 a gram to buy, so it might be worth looking into.

Synthetics are NOT natural and likely NOT safe. I grow about 60% of my own food and 100% of my own rope (hemp, weed, ganga, pot or what ever blows your skirt up). So, I know 160% of my intake is safe,,, that's Safe,,, S A F E,,, Otherwise known as SAFE..... "and, it's safe too, since the money grubbers never touch it !!!

ok, make an issue out of my creative math ;)
I endorse this post

OK as a longtime ambien user who's researched all the facts, let me give some info that will clarify every experience posted.

Ambien isn't a depressant, it's a hypnotic. It works by shutting down the higher brain functions which cause someone to have trouble falling asleep. Rough day at work? Worried about you bills? Take an abien and TRY to focus on those things. You can't because your higher reasoning functions are shut off.

So how does this work with sex drive? Well, when you shut off all that conscious logic, you also release your inhibitions. The instintive, animalistic side takes over. This can be very hot if you can handle it.

So what's the downside? Well this also shuts down your tact filter. I found myself saying things and trying to do things that got me in lots of trouble with the misses. Not only could I not stop myself, but I couldn't remember doing any of it the next day. I also became a sleep-fucker. I'd wake my wife up int he middle of the night trying to have sex. She had a pretty good time, but the next day I couldn't remember shit! I also had trouble maintaining an erection. :(

We had some huge fights over this that I still don't remember. Once we realized it was related to the ambien, I started going right ot bed after taking it. I certainly wouldn't take it with someone I wasn't 100% trusting of.

One more note...drinking ANY amount with ambien is dangerous. I had 1 and I do mean 1 beer, took an ambien and I started seeing shit. I was stone cold sober, wide awake and I remember it vividly. It was NOT a fun experience! Think bad acid trip.

So the only thing ambien does for sex is stop your ability to stop yourself. If that's what you really want, you don't need ambien. You know you wanna let go and be wild, so just do it. That way, you'll actually be able to remember the great sex you have in the morning.:cool:

Way good description !! Best party pill since Ludes.. But, like most good pharma induced experiences,, it highlights potential that can be duplicated with natural brain chemistry,, which is much safer for obvious reasons.
It's been briefly mentioned, but I'll point out again that Ambien can also prevent what happened from being remembered... So if my wife takes Ambien and gets all horny from it (which she always does), she won't remember the sex or having been horny at all when we wake up the next morning.

She has a prescription and only takes it "as needed", which is not very often at all. Maybe 20 nights a year, on average? Those nights are usually after particularly difficult days.
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The only time I ever took Ambien it was in 1996, during a rather unpleasant time in my life, and sex was the farthest thing on my mind.

My ex-wife had left the house, assisted by the worship leader at our (then) church for whom I thought she'd been babysitting, and taken our two (at the time) little kids with her. I didn't know the full crux of what had been going on till his estranged wife called, asked to speak with my ex, and when I told her she'd moved out she told me, "Interesting, because I was calling to see why she was spending so much time at his house when I had the kids and no "babysitting" was going on."

I didn't sleep for three days, couldn't work, and knowing I was not in a "right state of mind" I called my doctor's office. When I broke down on the phone the receptionist immediately transferred the call to my MD who said "Get your ass in here right now."

After doing an exam, having a talk, and determining that I was not going to hurt myself (I was a cop...I had the means) the doctor prescribed Ambien. Knowing I had to get back to work I was reluctant but the doctor assured me I would not lose my "edge". It worked, I got some sleep, got my head together, got back to work and worked on getting my kids back.

Good news is, I got the kids back, got custody in the divorce proceedings, and subsequently met my current wife (of 18 years) who helped me raise my...no OUR...kids. She had a much bigger role than their biological mom who ended up having a series of toxic relationships.

All of that to say that I never tried Ambien for any kind of sexual experimentation but, having experienced it's effects, I can see how it might loosen someone up and make for some interesting action. I think the wife has a few left after being given a short term RX when her mom died in March. Again, and like me, sex was not on our mind when she had to take them. We might have to talk about this. Maybe I'll show her this thread.
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