What I WON'T write

"Caesar crosses the Rubicon, and his fate is sealed. He advances on Rome..."
Oh, I remember that now...
Oh, I remember that now...
...but, well, at least that is actual history. Before the "random rubes performing manual labor" phase, and before the "grown men playing in the mud on an island in Canada" phase, and the glories of the "only aliens can stack rocks on top of other rocks" phase.
Great minds. I was thinking of adding, "Unless the neighbors are watching them through the window without their knowledge."
Then my brain goes to: the whole neighborhood is watching. They're gathered around the house having a tailgate party complete with barbecues and beer kegs. Because they do it every Sunday.
Ooh I’m inspired now to write something in second person… soon see how naive I’m being haha
Ooh I’m inspired now to write something in second person… soon see how naive I’m being haha

Do it, just to see what it's like. You'll learn something from trying it. I did it for the 750 word event, and I'm glad I gave it a try even though I'm not going to be writing that way much in the future, if at all.
I try to avoid overtly negative words; hate, hell

The word 'hate' works perfectly in a lot of dialogue, but I just use another route. I try keeping it pleasent, even if it's a crime story.
Careful, you don't know where you'll end up. (I speak from experience.)
Do it, just to see what it's like. You'll learn something from trying it. I did it for the 750 word event, and I'm glad I gave it a try even though I'm not going to be writing that way much in the future, if at all.
Definitely, thanks both. Definitely glad I gave it a go. I tried converting an existing story into 2nd person, and think it ended up too immediate eek. Need to tone it down before I consider publishing!
Definitely, thanks both. Definitely glad I gave it a go. I tried converting an existing story into 2nd person, and think it ended up too immediate eek. Need to tone it down before I consider publishing!
It's challenging to do it right, but the challenge is what makes it fun. Tip: make sure it's REAL 2d person, not first person being spoken to another person. If the word "I" appears, it's not second person; it's first person. My one second person POV story is Public Exposure. https://literotica.com/s/public-exposure-4.
Flat out non con (I have written some dub-con)

Non Human-because in my mind its just poorly disguised beastie and the denial of that by the categories readers and authors is childish, own your kink.

Interracial in the sense of fetishizing someone's ethnicity. I have written interracial pairings, but only in the sense of two characters hooking up that happen to be of different ethnic groups.

Burn the bitch. I'd quit writing before I'd delve into that pool of the lowest form of man in the entire writing genre.

The Non-Human category is an odd one. I always thought the difference between Non Human on one side and Erotic Horror and Science Fiction/Fantasy on the other is that in the EH & SFF categories non-human entities (monsters, ghosts, demons, aliens, robots etc.) are not directly involved in sexual activity while in Non Human characters not human are involved in having sex with people. For example I wrote a story about three cheerleaders and their jock boyfriends who get abducted by a UFO after a Halloween dance in the late 1950s. The aliens watch the three couples having sex after administering them a serum to increase their sex drives, but do not get involved themselves, their only interest is scientific and in fact they are rather contemptuous of the whole thing. This story is clearly SFF. If the aliens had directly been involved in sex, it would be NH.

However in recent times the lines between these categories has been blurred, at least from what I could see, and stories that should be in NH appear in EH and SFF, and vice versa. But stories about non-humans can be knocked back by the site administrators if they decide they are too close to being actual animals and are in sexual activity with people. A story about Bigfoot where it can speak, drive and read might be okay, like a unicorn story where the said unicorn can speak and has human-like abilities may also be fine. However, if the Bigfoot is portrayed as and behaves like a large ape and the unicorn is nothing more than a horse with a horn on its head, then likely they would be rejected.
Another who doesn't use the word 'cum' - except when a couple characters are narrating and they're the types who would think it. Ditto the word 'panties' (and 'panty' is worse).

I've written a fair few things I never thought I would - siblings incest for example, but I think I'll never do inter-generation incest, nor rape-for-Lit. 'Reluctance'/dubcon, maybe. I won't rule out any fetish involving consenting adult humans - the taboo nature of fetishes is the attraction.

Fanfic has a much more appreciative website so I doubt I'll ever put any on Lit. Real person fic, I doubt I'll ever write. Some fantasies really should stay in my head and never see the light of day.

Unless it's for some parody, I promise never to write 'Let me tell you about myself' - the porn equivalent of 'It was a dark and stormy night', nor listing any cup sizes or dick measurements unless there's a story-related reason.

Not even ruling out BTB - somewhere there's scope for a man who gets his BTB event, then slowly realises what he's turned into in doing so, and realises he really now hates himself instead. Probably handled by Serious Fiction. I'm too busy with filth with a bit of character atm, but in a decade I may get round to it.

I doubt I have a story without blasphemy by some's standard. And I quite like the historic present. "It's 1945. The enemy are occupying this small French town. Little do they know, however, that in this café, one man is fucking every woman in sight, in between working for the Resistance, hiding two airmen and a painting of the Madonna with big boobies..."
It's challenging to do it right, but the challenge is what makes it fun. Tip: make sure it's REAL 2d person, not first person being spoken to another person. If the word "I" appears, it's not second person; it's first person. My one second person POV story is Public Exposure. https://literotica.com/s/public-exposure-4.
Oh ha! I see what you mean. I did a combined 1st/ 2nd person pov, which I think worked well, but yes, pure 2nd person is a further challenge! Will try sometime soon
And I quite like the historic present. "It's 1945. The enemy are occupying this small French town. Little do they know, however, that in this café, one man is fucking every woman in sight, in between working for the Resistance, hiding two airmen and a painting of the Madonna with big boobies..."

I'm fine with historic present, but one of these days I ought to really traumatise readers by writing in police tense:

"It appears that a 28-year-old IC3 man has met a 29-year-old IC1 woman at a party, and they have had a night of loud sex together. A 23-year-old IC4 neighbour has approached them to complain about the noise, and then a threesome situation has developed..."
I could never write a story with Non-Consent/Reluctance, although I don't think I'm alone there.

Also stories where there is a clear abuse of power. For example a story set in a nursing home where young male characters (ward orderlies, nurses, even a doctor) take advantage of an attractive older female patient who has early onset dementia who can't remember who she is or where she is most days. Who wants to read something like that?
I could never write a story with Non-Consent/Reluctance, although I don't think I'm alone there.

Also stories where there is a clear abuse of power. For example a story set in a nursing home where young male characters (ward orderlies, nurses, even a doctor) take advantage of an attractive older female patient who has early onset dementia who can't remember who she is or where she is most days. Who wants to read something like that?

Uh... that is a surprisingly specific example of what you won't write.
Uh... that is a surprisingly specific example of what you won't write.

Just a hypothetical example of an abuse of power due to a woman with a medical condition (dementia) and that the men are in positions of authority.
Incest. Can't do it. I don't like most of my family, and I can't imagine ever wanting to fuck a family member (my step cousin's bf does not count, he was a deal breaker in every way). Gives me an entire bucket of ick.

Shock porn, Hunting Adeline style. Ugh, just UGH. That duo was so hard to force myself to read, and if it hasn't been the overwhelming vote for book club, I would have tossed it two chapters in.

Beastiality. I like my animals too much to think they'd lower themselves to consorting with filth like us.

True abuse in a favorable light. I have exactly one novel I've written about a DV survivor, and it is the hardest thing in my catalogue to edit because it gives me nightmares. It's also probably one of my better written works, but I don't know if it will ever see daylight because it's a therapy session just to edit a few chapters.

Bodily functions. No bathroom-adjacent activities for me, I can't write and puke at the same time. Oddly enough I'm fine with dealing with almost all of them IRL, and have stitched something up or drained an abscess so often I can do it in my sleep, but reading about it makes me nauseated as hell.

Other than that- I'm all over the map. It might be all blood and games one day, clown masks and feather boas another, and a sweet romance about an old couple in the nursing home on Saturday. Just depends on which voice was loudest in my head that day.
Other than that- I'm all over the map. It might be all blood and games one day, clown masks and feather boas another, and a sweet romance about an old couple in the nursing home on Saturday. Just depends on which voice was loudest in my head that day.
It's the voices telling you what to do, that you need to worry about ;).
Oh no, what is wrong with use of “rock hard”?

I join the “no scat and vomit” gang.

What I don’t get is the celebrity and fanfic category - the “fan fiction” because why would you write something in already established universe when you could create your own (except when you do it Harry Potter and Methods of Rationality way, I suppose?), and celebrity is just sad.

Then again, maybe I could write a story about our mayor getting fucked and peed on by every single citizen of a city, but it would not pass literotica rules, so I’d just send it straight to mayor instead…
I just think "rock hard" has been overused to the point of it being a cliché, & a strictly inaccurate one at that.