What is "Home"?

"Home" is a town in the Texas panhandle between Lubbock and Amarillo.

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I have two different places that I refer to as "home". The first is my parents house. They have lived in the same house for the past 29 years and I grew up there. Whenever I've lived out of town and we were going there for Christmas or something I've always referred to it as going "home". I'm not sure if it's them, or the house, or the town I grew up in or a combination of all three but it's always been "home" to me. I'm not sure I'd feel the same way about their new house if they ever decide to move.

The 2nd place I call home is wherever I live. It's my home because it's where I live, with my furniture, my bed, my children, my things. When I'm away from it too long I long to come back to it...to sleep in my own bed, to be in "my" personal space, my comfort zone.
Amarok0682 said:
[...] but I will say that if you can be anywhere with that one person you love then there is nothing better.

I like this description.

I've never had a place to call home that felt completely like my own til I moved out of my mom's house ~20 years ago. Since then, I've had my own place but too often it has felt like only half-mine, as if someone else should be "here" with me -- wherever "here" is.

I think the notion of "I'd follow you to the end of the earth" resonants with me so much because home really is where the heart is. My heart would be happiest being part of a "we", I think.
"Home is where you return to."

Not very poetic or romantic, but I think it fits... :D
As a child we travelled alot with my dads job. Therefore the word 'home' had various meanings:
Where we lived at the time.
Where my grandfather lived.
The town my parents grew up in

We never got confused as to what definition was being used.

Now home is:
Where I live now
Where my parents live
Wherever I am in Denmark.

Sometimes when I go over to see him we rent a summer house, I know I have referred to this rented house as 'home' when I have been with him.

Home is a movable feast. Whichever place it fits at the time.
I am not big on possessions, I have never felt I have had a fixed home or a fixed place of belonging.
Now I feel I do belong to him, in time my home will be fixed with him. However, I am sure I will still use the word for all the other places too :rolleyes:
Home was were I spent thanksgiving. Well, at least what I call home. THat would be a island in Washington near Tacoma. Wonderful place to go.

But I have to agree with some of the people above. I haven't found "HOME". Still on the lookout. I have tried California, Missouri, Washington and hopefully I will try Ireland. I think that Ireland is where I will end up.

Lets see what path I end up choosing.

~ Chris (CA_IrishPilot)
Revluc said:
"Home" is a town in the Texas panhandle between Lubbock and Amarillo.



You know, only you would remember that "Home" truly is the name of a town in Texas we would drive by every time we would make that trip from Texas to Virginia. :kiss: :rose:
Where the sheets are rumpled

Home is where the sheets are rumpled and things are out of place, yet that's how you don't care!
Home to me is wherever my loved ones are. I can go and be totally at home wherever there is someone else I love. If it's at the beach, mountains, anywhere in between. The actual site doesn't matter. It could be in a dump. As long as it's me and someone I love.

Friends, family...etc. That's all that matters in life. Location doesn't make anything matter.

I've been all over the world. Nothing matters but friends, family, loved ones.
I get annoyed when people ask me if I'm going home for Christmas. I always reply, no, I'm leaving my home and going to my parents house.
Home for me is the place I'm most comfortable. It's never been my parents house as I've always been a guest. :eek: It's so wonderful to finally have found a place that I can call home.
I live in a very small minded town full of hate and I was so happy when i got a job travelling the country (england). It was bliss getting away and getting a chance to explore so many great towns and citys, the architecture, the people and the countryside inspired me so much.

So imagine my suprise coming back to my home town after six months away for a visit as I was in the taxi entering my town I started to weep uncontrolablly. Not sure why, it just came over me but I have to say after three days I was ready for the off again.
I live in a very small minded town full of hate and I was so happy when i got a job travelling the country (england). It was bliss getting away and getting a chance to explore so many great towns and citys, the architecture, the people and the countryside inspired me so much.

So imagine my suprise coming back to my home town after six months away for a visit as I was in the taxi entering my town I started to weep uncontrolablly. Not sure why, it just came over me but I have to say after three days I was ready for the off again.
Sigh I have lived in my house for 10 years...
It still does not FEEl like home.
Sometimes I think I should move
But I just can't bring myself to do it...
2 of my kids were conceived and born while at this house
1 of my kids died in this house..
My oldest child first birthday was here...
Many memories good and bad and yet...
It still feels like just a place to lay my head...
right now home is were i wish i was were i try to be when i can were the rest of my heart is and i hope and pray she knows it
home is where I am the most comfortable, in the physical, in the spiritual, and in the mental
Home for me is where I grew up, but not where I live right now. I will be returning this summer and am happy about being close to my family again.

Home is also wherever I am with my love. The feeling of contentment and comfort I feel when I am with her transcends bricks and mortar.
Home is where my dog sits on my feet to keep them warm while I chat away in the wee small hours of the night!!
Home is within my Master's arms. Wherever I am I remain his and look forward to returning to him.

My mother's house never felt like home after I moved out of it. I have no anchor now but Master. Our little house is cosy and a sanctuary where we both feel comfortable but I could walk away from it in a heartbeat. I have no emotional attachment to my possessions and it's a quality I like about myself. I am self reliant and could cope alone if he ever chose to leave me. I don't need a home but I enjoy having one. I have few photos and keepsakes but that doesn't mean I'm not sentimental when the mood takes me.
I went "home" for Christmas...the place where I grew up. Told many people that I was delighted to be home, that I loved to be home (all true). Got back to where I live now and the thought that ran through my head was "Thank god I'm home"! Ah well.

Wishing you the joy, security and warmth that seems to typify "home" for so many in 2008.
