What is the one thing that takes your breath away?

The one thing that drops me immediately into subspace is having my back to the cross, bound and blindfolded and having my breasts flogged.
lark sparrow said:
One (BDSM) thing that really takes your breath away, brings you to your knees or makes your head swim?

(Open to interpretation, of course! :) )

For me, it would be whenever my (ex) owner would hug me or otherwise show me affection of any sort after putting me on punishment. The fact that he could be soo mean and then soothe me like a lil kitten made me weak (even now) just thinking about it.
Safe and warm

After a very long whipping, many various implements used, my body sore, my mind a drift, i sat curled up on the floor between His legs. He strokes my hair, caresses my face, He kisses me softly, lovingly, telling me that i am a good girl. His arms surround me, holding me. i felt so small, child-like, yet at the same time safer than i had ever felt before. i turn to look at Him, He kisses my forehead, my eyelids (i love that), my cold nose, and alas gently my lips. i curl into Him, never wanting to let go.
Evidence of the Aftermath

i've read through the posts and found them very candid.

What makes me gasp every time? The sight of the bruises in full on light while looking in the mirror. That never fails to make me catch my breath (and hold it while i look) and smile involuntarily.

The differing hues of red, purple and blue are hypnotic to me. Then, that smile which is part "oh my god" and part remembering what took place to get the bruises, creeps onto your lips and you spend the next few minutes fighting the secret smile of joy. *chuckles* Happens every time. Miss that.
The feel of my cel phone buzzing in my pocket while i'm busy at work ... knowing I can't answer but just knowing its Him ... the longing to hear his voice. Checking the voicemail ASAP. No message, no voice, just silence. That kills me, sends me into all sorts of indecision ... should i call back (did he say to call back? No!) Sweet mental torment!

Also love the pattern of rope left on my wrists. Forget to breath if I see rope marks on my ankles! (this is really fun if I've driven to him ... thats me, driving back home ... the chick with her shoes off ... left foot propped on the car window)

On having my breath taken away

The look in her eyes as she kneels in front of me with her hands tied (with my necktie) behind back and her mouth full of my come... the look in her eyes as I pinch her nipples and slowly but firmly slap her breasts... the moment when she closes her eyes as the come begins to dribble out of the corner of her mouth... that is a moment that always takes my breath away.
It's a Bene Gessurite thing, right? Seriously yes, I know the Voice you talk about, and I got a lot of technique from Dune. Along with the Glare, and Posture, they accomplish half of the Dominantion I do.
Shouting can be effective, but eventually, the bottom gets jaded from being yelled at, if they wheren't already. To be truly effective, you have to be capable of scorn into a whisper, or putting someone down in a conversational voice. A good deadpan monotone is also usefull for lulling into a sort of subspace trance. There is no one voice, but all of them are powerfull when they're used right.
Of course, the best vocal control in the human race is useless without knowing what to say. That's the other half, the personal knowledge of yourself, and subject that opens the doors in the mind. Without that, you might as well be talking to yourself.
Put your hand in the box

psiberzerker said:
It's a Bene Gessurite thing, right? Seriously yes, I know the Voice you talk about, and I got a lot of technique from Dune. Along with the Glare, and Posture, they accomplish half of the Dominantion I do.
Shouting can be effective, but eventually, the bottom gets jaded from being yelled at, if they wheren't already. To be truly effective, you have to be capable of scorn into a whisper, or putting someone down in a conversational voice. A good deadpan monotone is also usefull for lulling into a sort of subspace trance. There is no one voice, but all of them are powerfull when they're used right.
Of course, the best vocal control in the human race is useless without knowing what to say. That's the other half, the personal knowledge of yourself, and subject that opens the doors in the mind. Without that, you might as well be talking to yourself.

Good point psi. Presentation is a must. Subtlety even better. A look which drips with disapproval, a tone that reeks with quiet fury never ceases to stop a bottom in his/her tracks. When a Dominant says something (lets be honest, a Dominant's words become nearly biblical if the statements are delivered with a shred of wisdom and embodied in truth) combined with the manner in which they deliver the statement/command/question, it can determine the effect on the bottom.

Ex. - A soft spoken, calm and audible question of "Who do you belong to?" will turn those defiant knees to compliant joints that know nothing other than bend to a Dominants will.