What Is Your Ultimate Goal In Writing Poetry

to be able to sleep, or be productive, because honestly, if I have all these thoughts and words jumbled around in my head, I'm worthless, so I have to get them out.

Yeah, I can't walk and chew gum at the same time, either. *grin*

JC, I swear Imma gonna email you soon. I've been swamped, but I haven't forgotten.
I write poetry
to make the tongue dance
to make the mind scream
Twisting thoughts
out of context
out of rhythm
out of a routine, drab existence
making sibilant sounds
to round the curve
of my addiction
to words
I’ll not shave my ear
to make you hear my thoughts
my vices, my torments
Nor do I care
if you share all my dark desires
Snapshot chaotic images
transposed on air
to share
in that moment
when the eye blinks
at the camera’s flash
I write poetry
or a reasonable facsimile
to get Angeline
to stop throwing rocks at me
and cuz Cordelia
said some pretty nice stuff
one very late night
long ago and far away
when Syd's was still
a cool place to go.

(Also cuz I want to be
like Champ )