what kind of small sad world

Maria2394 said:
sorry Snail, you are wrong. That poem was NEVER on the top list. You are attributing too much to this poem, it was a relief poem that I wasnt still having those problems, and its seems to me you are implying,by posting that that I still have that particular problem, the only one i have is the snobs on the forum who tend to look down on everyone who doesnt have their degree in college or the money to just take it easy and critique others work with a mere click.

I do appreciate you caring about me enough to drag that one out though.


Maybe that poem should have been, I hope I did not speak out of turn. No, I posted it, because I thought it was, and it is very powerfull.

Small consolation, but Emily Dickinson was not recognised until 100 years after her death. But, unlike her, I don't think you will have to wait that long. Keep doing what you are doing.
MyNecroticSnail said:
Maybe that poem should have been, I hope I did not speak out of turn. No, I posted it, because I thought it was, and it is very powerfull.

Small consolation, but Emily Dickinson was not recognised until 100 years after her death. But, unlike her, I don't think you will have to wait that long. Keep doing what you are doing.

no, sweetie, you didnt speak out of turn. You thought what you thought because the poem must have stayed in your mind for some reason. I worked it several ways and 1201 tried to hep me, and it just couldnt be changed and still mean what I wanted it to mean.

The last poem I posted was a Pussy's Philosophy on War, and it took 4 or 5 days for it to show up and by then, I realized I had the voting on and comments off, or something like that. I dont remember, but that poem was me thinking that we needed a female president. It was interpreted several ways and I have it on spoiled ink also where it receieved several other interpretations. I like riddle puzzles, but no one got the female prez part of it.

I only became infuriated because I have been in a position where people have tried to tell me how to think for so long and this place touts FREE SPeech all over the place and i Have people who dont even know me coming in and telling me what I percieved is so wrong. The last sentmce was "ambiguous" as a dear friend pointed out and was open to many interpretations, but in my "liberal bent" opinion, it seems my perception was just as valid as Mz Hyndes and I didnt ridicule her for it out of the blue.

IM tired of being shit on and it wont happen again without a fight:)

Thanks for reading my stuff, MNS, and quit smoking, that snail trail I saw must have been phlegm :D :devil:

Maria2394 said:
Lauren, You are right about this particular issue. I sincerely apologize for making the observation that you need to get laid-- it isnt MY business, just seemed to be where the angst was coming from in you.
Angst? That's a first.

All I did in this thread was point out the error in interpretation that you first and then CoS made when reading a post that was perfectly clear. I did it in a civil and articulate manner, as always, and always kept to the matter at hand: the nature of the voting system. I made no accusation, no personal attacks, no assumptions - or rather, if I did assume anything, as I always first do, was that there was no foul play from anyone. My motivation was only one: this is the Poetry Feedback & Discussion forum, and my opinion is as valid as anyone's - as so was Never's. You may misinterpret my intentions, you may misinterpret my words, you may misinterpret my tone. You obviously have and will continue to do so. That's not my problem, though, nor there is nothing I can do about it, and any angst you may be feeling, is certainly not coming from anywhere in me or my general direction.
Maria2394 said:
quit smoking, that snail trail I saw must have been phlegm :D :devil:

just our way of saying thanks to you white folks, sometimes I wish I could do more, but you guys had the edge with those germs.
Maria2394 said:
You insisted to become involved in an issue I had with someone else!! How dare you! I feeled compelled to tell your smug ass to fuck off.
Poetry Feedback & Discussion forum is where we are. It's a public forum where poetry and feedback issues are discussed publicly. You made your issue with someone else very public, and I felt compelled to add my opinion, which was as valid as yours.

Maria2394 said:
I try to be gracious and apologize and you get all high and mighty again.

hopeless when it comes t o dealing with somone who has such a high opinion of themselves....:(
Again, you misinterpret my intentions, you misinterpret my words, you misinterpret my tone. And again, that's not my problem, nor there is nothing I can do about it.
WickedEve said:
I wonder why Fly hasn't spoken to me in ages.
I told you I loved you back in '04. If that ever changes I'll let you know.
MyNecroticSnail said:
Yeh, well the bastard owes me two cartons of cigarettes. If it is the poem I think it is, he asked me to look at it. I thought it looked all wrong. He asked me to make it better, I tried for two days. He said he also thought it looked all wrong at first and he fucked around with it for two weeks, everything he said he did weakened it. His quote:" The perfect poem, I wrote one and it was bullshit, (he didn't elaborate on his) but this thing has power". He also said after two years here, three poems really haunted him, one by annaswirls that I don't know, this one:
Taking up Space
by Maria2394 ©

The daffodils I planted before rehab,
have bloomed four seasons in a row.
The bulbs were brittle but more
than just organic waste, shoved to the back
of a markdown shelf. The bag was torn,
edges taped, pieces of papery bulb peeking out,
and the daffodils I planted, before rehab,
have bloomed four seasons in a row.

He said this was so off-putting, he was sure there where mistakes, took words out, commas, re-arranged lines. Couldn't do it. "This thing adheres to its own inner logic". He said it put him there and he felt it. I'm surprised he didn't talk to you about it, maybe he was intimidated.
It sure isn't pretty, but I think that contributes to its power.

Try to remember, if you are open :heart: maybe Never will be, always best to have a gradient of opinion. A discussion, if possible.

Dearest Maria,
I found this one of the more disturbing poems here. It catches the moment of when tears well up after an ordeal and absence and opens the eyes to a return of life. A good writer may have filled in the detail and smoothed the lines out and used this for an ending. A bad writer would have played the sentimental fell sorry for me card. This goes well beyond it. It sets up its own diametric - both definations. The boundary of not thinking about what you went through, which at the moment would be washed away by the emotion of the return. It also sets up its own opposition.
"The bulbs were brittle but more
than just organic waste, shoved to the back
of a markdown shelf. The bag was torn,
edges taped, pieces of papery bulb peeking out,"

the sounds in these line are faltering sounds, the words hesitate, they suggest the ordeal without mentioning them, to be relieved by the last line.
"have bloomed four seasons in a row"
I was intimidated, intrigued. I was glad to have stuck around to see it. Don't ever doubt yourself.

Anton, I also see in your statement a bait and a fishing expedition. No, I won't be back.
twelveoone said:
Dearest Maria,
I found this one of the more disturbing poems here. It catches the moment of when tears well up after an ordeal and absence and opens the eyes to a return of life. A good writer may have filled in the detail and smoothed the lines out and used this for an ending. A bad writer would have played the sentimental fell sorry for me card. This goes well beyond it. It sets up its own diametric - both definations. The boundary of not thinking about what you went through, which at the moment would be washed away by the emotion of the return. It also sets up its own opposition.
"The bulbs were brittle but more
than just organic waste, shoved to the back
of a markdown shelf. The bag was torn,
edges taped, pieces of papery bulb peeking out,"

the sounds in these line are faltering sounds, the words hesitate, they suggest the ordeal without mentioning them, to be relieved by the last line.
"have bloomed four seasons in a row"
I was intimidated, intrigued. I was glad to have stuck around to see it. Don't ever doubt yourself.

Anton, I also see in your statement a bait and a fishing expedition. No, I won't be back.

i will never know if they bloom nextyear, will I?

good to see you poet


ps, next to me, you arethe most disturbing poet I know!!! :D