what kind of small sad world

Maria2394 said:
why do you feel you need an explanation from me?
An explanation for the sort of behaviour you displayed and continue to display. Not an explanation "from you". That one you already made clear: you interpreted her words the way you interpreted her words. Like I said, you're perfectly entitled to do that. Knock yourself out.

If voting as you see fit, based on the perception you have of the quality of a piece, not its author, not its past ratings, not other people's praise or vituperation, but your honest opinion, be it translated into numbers as a 5 or as a 1, is trolling, then I am fucking proud to be a troll, and had I the time, I'd do it every day.
Maria2394 said:
well, MNS< I Know how I feel and why I said what I said, and you are wrong too.

YOU are missing MY Point, which is, why did she even bother to post that post unless she was proud of what she did, and yes, its quite an accomplishment. Good for her, her clicky finger works!!

Maybe we should all waste an hour or so and go through the "top_list_ and mow down some of the weeds.

Im still waiting for lauren to finish translating the rest of nevers post as I obviously am so retarded I cant even read.
Look, I've seen the top list in March-April, weeds would be a kind word.

What you are doing is cutting of all chance of a dialog. Maybe Never saw something in the POEM, maybe Never missed something. Even if it is stated and held to, it should be about the POEM.
Rainman totally invalidated my Gematria. He probably won't change his mind about it. I totally respect his opinion, even though I think he is wrong about this one. He is an honest guy, and I played a shell game. It is about the POEM or it should be.
You will never know what Never saw unless you open yourself to it, don't cut off the dialog, before it starts. I have a wierd feeling I have worked on looking at this poem. I don't know Never, I have a great respect for Lauren Hynde's work. Don't be defensive, you are good. If it is the poem I am thinking of, my guess would be they have never been there. It may be just that simple.
:heart: :heart: :heart: To all of you.
Lauren Hynde said:
An explanation for the sort of behaviour you displayed and continue to display. Not an explanation "from you". That one you already made clear: you interpreted her words the way you interpreted her words. Like I said, you're perfectly entitled to do that. Knock yourself out.

If voting as you see fit, based on the perception you have of the quality of a piece, not its author, not its past ratings, not other people's praise or vituperation, but your honest opinion, be it translated into numbers as a 5 or as a 1, is trolling, then I am fucking proud to be a troll, and had I the time, I'd do it every day.

Well, I for one am so very sorry you dont have that extra hour to waste everyday. poor baby. And may I point out that not everyone who votes low, bothers to announce it on a thread, they read a shitty poem, vote a one and go on. Good for them, we shoudl all be so retsrained. as for your buddy, she can vote however, I give her permission.( see, I can be flippant and condescending too!!

Just you never mind about my "behaviour" since you skirt the real issue I brought up in my last post to you. as you have indicated on so many levels, so many times, I am so far beneath you if you dropped a snowball on my from above it would be steam by the time it reached me. It is clear as a bell to me--- You are what you are. Administrator/moderator who cant even be put on ignore. IM done.

(MNS- regardless of what YOU think, its not about a poem. Youre leaving slimy trails around my attempted argument here, dammit ;)

oh and, you called me an asshole when?? -- refer to--" and all you assholes who thought I was 1201...." you know I thought that as I indicated as much in an email to you. Dont you remember what you write?? :D
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MyNecroticSnail said:
Look, I've seen the top list in March-April, weeds would be a kind word.

What you are doing is cutting of all chance of a dialog. Maybe Never saw something in the POEM, maybe Never missed something. Even if it is stated and held to, it should be about the POEM.
Rainman totally invalidated my Gematria. He probably won't change his mind about it. I totally respect his opinion, even though I think he is wrong about this one. He is an honest guy, and I played a shell game. It is about the POEM or it should be.
You will never know what Never saw unless you open yourself to it, don't cut off the dialog, before it starts. I have a wierd feeling I have worked on looking at this poem. I don't know Never, I have a great respect for Lauren Hynde's work. Don't be defensive, you are good. If it is the poem I am thinking of, my guess would be they have never been there. It may be just that simple.
:heart: :heart: :heart: To all of you.

may I ask a very naive question?? What has March/April got to do with anything? I am totally confused.

As for the toplist, it is meaningless, especially when it comes time for the mods/admins to delete votes before the monthly nominations. YOU are making something out of nothing, Dear Snail. IM just tired of the hipocrisy of the system and the arrogance of ( some of) the people here and damn, I would be so pissed if someone came on here speaking for me, I guess never doesnt mind...and I cant change anyone anyway. Dont want to. I Guess it all goes back to high school, when I wasnt one of the popular ones and hated that gang of shallow girls who called me brainiac. Oh well.... thats life
MyNecroticSnail said:
Look, I've seen the top list in March-April, weeds would be a kind word.

What you are doing is cutting of all chance of a dialog. Maybe Never saw something in the POEM, maybe Never missed something. Even if it is stated and held to, it should be about the POEM.
Rainman totally invalidated my Gematria. He probably won't change his mind about it. I totally respect his opinion, even though I think he is wrong about this one. He is an honest guy, and I played a shell game. It is about the POEM or it should be.
You will never know what Never saw unless you open yourself to it, don't cut off the dialog, before it starts. I have a wierd feeling I have worked on looking at this poem. I don't know Never, I have a great respect for Lauren Hynde's work. Don't be defensive, you are good. If it is the poem I am thinking of, my guess would be they have never been there. It may be just that simple.
:heart: :heart: :heart: To all of you.

I'll never know what never thought about my work because poetry isnt as important to her as the casting o f a vote. Dont worry about it. I really am tired, exhausted. Just wish I had a place I could rest and cry for about a week. 1201 was my friend and I miss him.

I dont know never either, dont visit that side of the board. Women arent my thing, although anna and eve are really cute :D

sorry for the problems snail, sorry for a lot, but not sorry for speaking my mind. and Lauren, I can read and understand, they call it comprehension in the states, and you are the one missing something in her post. You see what you wanna see. I was initially being silly and rediculous in my hateful post, just because of what anna said about someone whining and yelling boo hoo about their baby. You guys take yourselves much too seriously here. BUt you cant go around telling people their perceptions are wrong. And her flippant attitude is what got me. I am sorry you felt like you had to get involved in something that had nada to do with you, it truly baffles me. Hope you figure it out, too. A simple change of a word would have changed my opinion of her post. The sentence, instead of people, I would have worked because she only speaks for herself. Now, YOU could use people and it would be appropriate

Her post speaks for itself. You must read the post as a whole to get what she said, which is really silly because her opinion is just one opinion anyway.

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Maria2394 said:
I Guess it all goes back to high school, when I wasnt one of the popular ones and hated that gang of shallow girls who called me brainiac. Oh well.... thats life
I was called teacher's pet. I did quite well in school. I only had a few good friends and I was happy with that, but too bad I couldn't have been more like wicked eve in high school. lol
Maria2394 said:
I dont know never either, dont visit that side of the board. Women arent my thing, although anna and eve are really cute :D
I swear, I try not to be sooo desirable!
Maria2394 said:
I had no friends because we moved every year from the time I was in the 5th grade till I finally got so bored I quit and got my GED. A few years ago, one of those girls came ina store I Was working and had the nrve to say to me--

"Julie? is that YOU? We all figured you would be a doctor or something by now"

I smiled at her, and said," Jean? Bet you wished you hadnt smoked since you were 15, huh. and dont all your 5 kids have different fathers?"

went right over her head. Yeah, the one with the yellowed, sagging, leathery skinned face. lol

wish I had been like WE in HS too
No way you said that! lol
I'm still pissed off about graduation. We had a banquet a day or two before graduation and I was voted mostly likely to be working in a Christian bookstore. Actually they said Kay (god-girl) would own the store and there I'd be in the back of the store. Doing what? Ugh! I guess it was all those church pamphlets I stuck in everyone's locker. How in the world did I end up becoming wicked. I didn't even say the F word until my early 20s. I'm sure it's totally twisted that I ended up here at lit.
WickedEve said:
No way you said that! lol
I'm still pissed off about graduation. We had a banquet a day or two before graduation and I was voted mostly likely to be working in a Christian bookstore. Actually they said Kay (god-girl) would own the store and there I'd be in the back of the store. Doing what? Ugh! I guess it was all those church pamphlets I stuck in everyone's locker. How in the world did I end up becoming wicked. I didn't even say the F word until my early 20s. I'm sure it's totally twisted that I ended up here at lit.

my guess is that you were always wicked and it took a while to come out!!!
Maria2394 said:
my guess is that you were always wicked and it took a while to come out!!!
Oh, I know that. I think my upbringing kept it under control. :)
Maria2394 said:
I'll never know what never thought about my work because poetry isnt as important to her as the casting o f a vote. Dont worry about it. I really am tired, exhausted. Just wish I had a place I could rest and cry for about a week. 1201 was my friend and I miss him.

I dont know never either, dont visit that side of the board. Women arent my thing, although anna and eve are really cute :D

sorry for the problems snail, sorry for a lot, but not sorry for speaking my mind. and Lauren, I can read and understand, they call it comprehension in the states, and you are the one missing something in her post. You see what you wanna see. I was initially being silly and rediculous in my hateful post, just because of what anna said about someone whining and yelling boo hoo about their baby. You guys take yourselves much too seriously here. BUt you cant go around telling people their perceptions are wrong. And her flippant attitude is what got me. I am sorry you felt like you had to get involved in something that had nada to do with you, it truly baffles me. Hope you figure it out, too. A simple change of a word would have changed my opinion of her post. The sentence, instead of people, I would have worked because she only speaks for herself. Now, YOU could use people and it would be appropriate

Her post speaks for itself. You must read the post as a whole to get what she said, which is really silly because her opinion is just one opinion anyway.


Yeh, well the bastard owes me two cartons of cigarettes. If it is the poem I think it is, he asked me to look at it. I thought it looked all wrong. He asked me to make it better, I tried for two days. He said he also thought it looked all wrong at first and he fucked around with it for two weeks, everything he said he did weakened it. His quote:" The perfect poem, I wrote one and it was bullshit, (he didn't elaborate on his) but this thing has power". He also said after two years here, three poems really haunted him, one by annaswirls that I don't know, this one:
Taking up Space
by Maria2394 ©

The daffodils I planted before rehab,
have bloomed four seasons in a row.
The bulbs were brittle but more
than just organic waste, shoved to the back
of a markdown shelf. The bag was torn,
edges taped, pieces of papery bulb peeking out,
and the daffodils I planted, before rehab,
have bloomed four seasons in a row.

He said this was so off-putting, he was sure there where mistakes, took words out, commas, re-arranged lines. Couldn't do it. "This thing adheres to its own inner logic". He said it put him there and he felt it. I'm surprised he didn't talk to you about it, maybe he was intimidated.
It sure isn't pretty, but I think that contributes to its power.

Try to remember, if you are open :heart: maybe Never will be, always best to have a gradient of opinion. A discussion, if possible.
Maria2394 said:
you skirt the real issue I brought up in my last post to you
Well, I don't think that whether or not I have a life and need to get laid is really any of your business, so...
Back to topic, a week ago I think I had 4 or 5 Hs and had had 4 for a long time. Now I have one. And you know what? I don't give a hoot. People ask why I don't submit more poems (I rarely do these days, leaving them on the forum instead). This is why. The people whose opinions I am interested in are here on the forum. Why submit a poem just to worry about whether people like it or not when those people see that poem and the voting mechanism as a way to try to fuck with one's ego? (either by inflating it or deflating it)

A new forum contributor proposed a system of anti-gaming to me. At the time of this first post (ages ago in online years) I had asked if we could see a spreadsheet of voting. The only change I would make to the system is that: allow people to see what number each vote was so that they can find out if it is 10 people who think the poem is a 3, or if it is generally conceded to be a 4 but one person is bringing the score down. That would help writers be able to use the voting mechanism as some kind of valid feedback. Otherwise all feedback one gets from the voting mechanism is pretty much useless.

I think from now on I will do what Rainman does and abstain from voting (not sure why he does it). I will abstain because the vote cannot be constructively interpreted by anyone.

Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend.

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cherries_on_snow said:
. . . I think from now on I will do what Rainman does and abstain from voting (not sure why he does it) . . .

because it is a pointless activity.
This thread reminds me of the GB in 2001.

Maria, I am sorry that my arrogance bothers you.
TY, Never, for writing me to clarify. It seems that what Never meant by the last line where she talked about balancing 5s was that this made her feel better about a low vote that genuinely reflected her views on the poem. (Let me know if that's not what you intended to say, please, Never?)

I've taken voting off on my poems, but I'd still love feedback. If anyone would like to give criticism of anything I've submitted I'll surely welcome it.



I'm clamping weights on this thread and hoping it sinks to the river bottom for good this time. I've nothing else to say here.
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Thanks COS, as well, for writing to clarify. I am glad things worked out :)

Here is my word problem I wrote to COS in a PM and figured I would put it here.

I know it is elementary, but sometimes numbers are the only thing that make any sense.

Scenario 1:

10 people all vote 5 on a poem because they want to give it a 5 for whatever the reason, it may be the best poem ever written, it may be the best friend, does not matter.... they do not have to justify why they thought that this poem deserved the highest score or sign their name, they close the curtain, vote and go home. The poem has a 5 average. :)

Next a person comes along and gives it a 3 because they think it is worth a 3, their vote is just as valid. It would be nice to let the poet know the reason behind the vote but it is by no means necessary. It is now 11 votes. The average will be 4.8 Not so shabby!

Nothing is "cancelled" It is just a person voting their opinion. This action does not reflect the voters feeling that they are better or more important, etc.

Scenario 2:

If 10 people vote a 5 and one person thinks it is worth a 3 so they give it a 1, sign out, go to their neighbor's comuputer, give it another 1, drive to their mother's house, give it another one.... etc etc until that one person has voted 10 times, then that is cancelling out a vote. The average vote will now be a 3. Ick. That is not a reflection of the average reader's opinion. I do not know of anyone who has done this. I do not think that anyone would.

In my opinion, and I am relatively sure that all would agree-- that is wrong. But that is not what Never did, it is not what she said she did, that is not what I have done in the past or Lauren, or anyone who reads the toplists to give their one single opinion.

I am not defending Never or Lauren or anyone, just the democratic process in general (even in a warped place like lit) is something that is important to me. Just because there are flaws does not mean that the concept does not deserve to be defended. :heart:
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Who is Never?
Everyone is talking about Never.
Never, Never, Never.
I'll be dreaming about Never.

No. That's not a poem up there.
But if you want, please vote on it.
Just post a 5 or 13 or an A, maybe a 100.
I like stars. Post a gold star gif.

By the way, I don't dislike anyone on this forum.
I either like you, or don't care one way or the other, or I like you enough to fuck you.
I enjoy most of the poetry you people write.
I like the silly arguments. It makes me chuckle.
But I hate it when it goes too far. I hate to see Maria upset. She's sweet.
I think Lauren's kind of scary but I adore her.
I adore Angeline.
I have a do-like/don't-like/strange-fascination thing with anna and she probably knows that.
I wonder why Fly hasn't spoken to me in ages.
I miss tath. No forum should be without a monkey.
I still think the snail and number boy are the same. I like 1201. He's quite intelligent, possibly. Tragic--definitely.

Okay. I'm finished.
WickedEve said:
Who is Never?
Everyone is talking about Never.
Never, Never, Never.
I'll be dreaming about Never.

No. That's not a poem up there.
But if you want, please vote on it.
Just post a 5 or 13 or an A, maybe a 100.
I like stars. Post a gold star gif.

By the way, I don't dislike anyone on this forum.
I either like you, or don't care one way or the other, or I like you enough to fuck you.
I enjoy most of the poetry you people write.
I like the silly arguments. It makes me chuckle.
But I hate it when it goes too far. I hate to see Maria upset. She's sweet.
I think Lauren's kind of scary but I adore her.
I adore Angeline.
I have a do-like/don't-like/strange-fascination thing with anna and she probably knows that.
I wonder why Fly hasn't spoken to me in ages.
I miss tath. No forum should be without a monkey.
I still think the snail and number boy are the same. I like 1201. He's quite intelligent, possibly. Tragic--definitely.

Okay. I'm finished.

shut up and put up an AV with some cleavage.

"Who is Never?
Everyone is talking about Never.
Never, Never, Never.
I'll be dreaming about Never."

Four years ago, you wrote a poem for me.

As it no longer exists, I think I like this one more.
Never said:
"Who is Never?
Everyone is talking about Never.
Never, Never, Never.
I'll be dreaming about Never."

Four years ago, you wrote a poem for me.

As it no longer exists, I think I like this one more.

that is one hellacious AV.

no, i do not want to see that thing's cleavage . . . i want to see Eve's.
