What kinds of media help you engage in your writing process?

If no guys in this thread say porn, then we know there are some liars. ;)
for some reason when I made this thread I didn't think of video media at all?? I haven't watched porn in a long time šŸ§ Sometimes I struggle to think through the action aspect of sex positions when I'm writing, now I'm wondering if watching porn would have helped with that all this time.
There are outside influences to my creativity, lyrics or the occasional image, but just the story in my head is what sets me up to be ready to write.
I write in a universe with multiple story lines, which I guess is broadly akin to a full-length novel in terms of complexity. So I use a couple of tools to help me visualise people/events and maintain consistency and continuity.

In Excel I maintain:
  • a list of characters partly so that I can avoid re-using names, keep track of physical characteristics, etc.
  • a timeline to help with continuity, character ages, life events, etc.
  • a list of story names and taglines to keep some consistency between them; will start tracking tags too.
In Powerpoint I have what are essentially mood boards:
  • mostly with images of people that represent the character, as I find it easier to write when I can picture them, can include comments to the effect of 'this person but older' and so on,
  • sometimes with a map/plan or picture of a location,
  • last week, for the first time, I have included a picture of something relevant, in this case a dress; expect to do more of this.
In Word I have an outline of planned/potential stories. Typically each is a one line synopsis and a few bullet points. When I am writing something that might be relevant later I add a note. Also helps with the overall story arc.

For specific stories I sometimes have detailed timelines (e.g. Monday: this, Tuesday: that) or, when there is a lot of partner-swapping, a list of who is paired up with whom at each moment. These may be in Excel or Powerpoint.

When writing I avoid anything that needs attention, e.g. TV/movies, podcasts/audiobooks. Music is not so distracting but I generally don't put any on. Might try ambient noise.
In Excel I maintain:
  • a list of characters partly so that I can avoid re-using names, keep track of physical characteristics, etc.
  • a timeline to help with continuity, character ages, life events, etc.
  • a list of story names and taglines to keep some consistency between them; will start tracking tags too.
In Powerpoint I have what are essentially mood boards:
  • mostly with images of people that represent the character, as I find it easier to write when I can picture them, can include comments to the effect of 'this person but older' and so on,
  • sometimes with a map/plan or picture of a location,
  • last week, for the first time, I have included a picture of something relevant, in this case a dress; expect to do more of this.
Wow that's really interesting! I guess powerpoint would actually work really nicely for mood boards, its easy to set up a board of sorts and paste/format your images.
I am curious how you format your excel sheets- is it just a basic table? I always conflate excel with work, so I never thought of its story crafting potential :LOL: