When your characters are talking to you

The only reason I began publishing my books was because people begged me to do it.

I am dismayed that so many here are "begging" for more of a certain story, yet never think to check my smashwords profile...... where that story is available in FULL, and goes on for no less than 3 books... the latest one being 700+ pages, and just $4 as an e-book. So much fun, for so little outlay.

I want to share with a lot more people, that's why 'success' is so important to me. Also, my dream is to write with minimum interruptions - and a day job certainly counts as an interruption! lol
Are you saying the stories here are teasers, incomplete? Be aware that that contravenes Lit policy: the site doesn't allow teaser chapters, where the rest of the story is behind a paywall.
I often have had conversations with my characters and they have some really nutty ideas. Katie joining the Mile High Club with a pink vibrator in Passion 5, Erika’s naked Taxi Driver monologue in Rendezvous and Evan as a heterosexual virgin in the same story, Lisa as a sex positive borderline psychotic in various works starting with Ruleskirter, Ryan & Scarlett taking advantage of Angie’s infatuation in Running Down a Dream… none of this stuff occurred to me until I started writing the stories in which the incidents occurred.
Are you saying the stories here are teasers, incomplete? Be aware that that contravenes Lit policy: the site doesn't allow teaser chapters, where the rest of the story is behind a paywall.
How does this square with what I heard is a relatively common practice of releasing chapters to Patreon subs first? Even if they all land on Lit eventually, the published one are teasers for those that are yet to come.
How does this square with what I heard is a relatively common practice of releasing chapters to Patreon subs first? Even if they all land on Lit eventually, the published one are teasers for those that are yet to come.
While Literotica does allow us to link to another site, it is entirely up to each person to click on it and support the author. They generally don't bother (nice to know, ha?)...
Are you saying the stories here are teasers, incomplete? Be aware that that contravenes Lit policy: the site doesn't allow teaser chapters, where the rest of the story is behind a paywall.
Define "incomplete"!
Most of my stuff goes on or has the potential to go on. Whether I choose to do so is up to me.
Writing for me is a hobby. I do it for fun. I think were it a job, some of the enjoyment would evaporate....
For me... Deadlines, and expectation would slowly squeeze the fun right out of it.

This was my experience. Others' mileage may vary, obviously.
How does this square with what I heard is a relatively common practice of releasing chapters to Patreon subs first? Even if they all land on Lit eventually, the published one are teasers for those that are yet to come.
It's when the teaser is on Lit that matters. The site has no interest if it's the other way around. It's a site policy, and when you publish here, you sign up to it.
This is very different from my experience… my characters never speak to me, I see them more like semi-intelligent animals or complex robots. I give them enough history/philosophy to give them a general policy about f behavior and then plop them down in the environment that the plot demands. Their motivations are driven by what the plot demands, except as contradicted by their past behavior. When I stop writing, they stop “moving.”

But I think this has a lot to do with what I want to write. In your epic novel case, your characters need a lot more life, and so your brain has to think a lot more. I think once you give them enough spirit, they’ll start having their own voice by habit. Personally, I’m not sure if I’d like that. I like creating happy sex dolls… the ideas of having full thought-creatures in me sounds exhausting.
This is very different from my experience… my characters never speak to me, I see them more like semi-intelligent animals or complex robots. I give them enough history/philosophy to give them a general policy about f behavior and then plop them down in the environment that the plot demands. Their motivations are driven by what the plot demands, except as contradicted by their past behavior. When I stop writing, they stop “moving.”

But I think this has a lot to do with what I want to write. In your epic novel case, your characters need a lot more life, and so your brain has to think a lot more. I think once you give them enough spirit, they’ll start having their own voice by habit. Personally, I’m not sure if I’d like that. I like creating happy sex dolls… the ideas of having full thought-creatures in me sounds exhausting.
Well, it isn't an 'idea' for me. It's just the way I have always been. The way my mind works. Regular kids had diaries written in first person, by them. I had a diary written in first person.... by five different individuals. ;)
When I put myself into someone else's shoes, I call that empathy. It's exactly the same when I write, except to most people, my characters are not real.
If chapter one is here, but readers have to go to your Patreon to read chapter two, that's a teaser.
Honey, I have posted WAY more than one measly chapter here.
Also, I don't have a patreon. And I make fuck all from my writing (she says, trying not to sound bitter or angry).
I curse myself sometimes, for having this need to write or create art, at all!! It is SO unappreciated and underpaid. Everyone wants it for fucking free, which is not fair. I work bloody hard to create beautiful pieces, full length books that are an absolute joy to read. But people don't want to pay $2????? WTF, like WTAF????
On top of that, I am hounded and persecuted everywhere I go, it is "not safe for work" and Amazon banned my hottest erotica straight away, and I have no clue how some twats manage to make thousands of dollars selling absolute shite...

So PLEASE do NOT get me started on this subject. I've done nothing wrong and I don't need it!
If writing disturbs you that much and isn't rewarding enough just in creating a story, perhaps you can find another, different personally fulfilling activity?
Honey, I have posted WAY more than one measly chapter here.
Also, I don't have a patreon. And I make fuck all from my writing (she says, trying not to sound bitter or angry).
I curse myself sometimes, for having this need to write or create art, at all!! It is SO unappreciated and underpaid. Everyone wants it for fucking free, which is not fair. I work bloody hard to create beautiful pieces, full length books that are an absolute joy to read. But people don't want to pay $2????? WTF, like WTAF????
On top of that, I am hounded and persecuted everywhere I go, it is "not safe for work" and Amazon banned my hottest erotica straight away, and I have no clue how some twats manage to make thousands of dollars selling absolute shite...

So PLEASE do NOT get me started on this subject. I've done nothing wrong and I don't need it!

Ha, that’s just a fundamental rule of the market. The moment a good goes from “free” to even a nominal charge, your audience changes. That’s true whether you’re selling smut, sandals, or scuba tours.
Ha, that’s just a fundamental rule of the market. The moment a good goes from “free” to even a nominal charge, your audience changes. That’s true whether you’re selling smut, sandals, or scuba tours.
Sure, but the problem (for me, anyway) is connecting with the paying audience, in a world where "erotica" is still seen as dirty and talking about sex is taboo. Is it any wonder that, in my most recent sci-fi erotic book, I have aliens teaching humans about how to be sexually free? I have to give vent to my frustrations somewhere...
If writing disturbs you that much and isn't rewarding enough just in creating a story, perhaps you can find another, different personally fulfilling activity?
Writing has been my passion since I was old enough to read (age 5). I write, because I am alive. I write naturally, without much effort, and I write because the muse tells me to. I also derive personal benefits from writing erotica. It makes me horny, which my partner appreciates. It makes other people horny, which they tell me about, and which always puts a smile on my face. It allows me to deal with a lot of angst and problems, as well as big life questions, in a really fun way and without resorting to counselling. It excites me, lifts me up, keeps me awake, makes me dance with joy.

The ONLY painful part of writing is trying to sell my books, which I am ONLY trying to do because I want to be able to write full-time, instead of juggling a day-time job and writing. I currently write 8+ hours per day in addition to working 7.5 hours. I don't mind, except it is really interrupting my creative process, having to stop to work. And it leaves me very time poor for other things. I certainly don't watch TV - ever. I don't go out much, unless travelling away with my partner. I don't do shopping trips or movies or anything like that. I squeeze every drop of time out of every single day, just doing what I love and doing what I must, to earn money.

The money is a pain point, but I know that when I finally break through the barrier, many many people will be better off. Those people being, lovers of quality erotica and sci-fi erotica, in particular (my new favourite genre to write). I am not saying there isn't a selfish component to wanting to become super successful as an author. But I am not doing it ONLY for myself. I am also doing it for the readers out there, crying out for some great stories to read!
The ONLY painful part of writing is trying to sell my books, which I am ONLY trying to do because I want to be able to write full-time, instead of juggling a day-time job and writing.
Then you aren't optimizing your enjoyment of writing. Most people don't make enough money off writing to pay all of the bills and have peace of mind left over. You just can't force that square peg in a round hole. I made enough to live on through retirement in a profession where I could make money. I wrote too (and have made some money off that--but not enough to live in the style I want to live). It was extraordinarily freeing for my livelihood not to rely on making money from the writing. I thoroughly enjoy writing because I took realistic stock and realistic pathways.

By the way, there almost zero chance you're going to make a living wage off writing erotica. Trust me on this. The market simply doesn't support it. You're posting on a Web site giving tons of it away from free. Give that a serious thought.
Writing has been my passion since I was old enough to read (age 5). I write, because I am alive. I write naturally, without much effort, and I write because the muse tells me to. I also derive personal benefits from writing erotica. It makes me horny, which my partner appreciates. It makes other people horny, which they tell me about, and which always puts a smile on my face. It allows me to deal with a lot of angst and problems, as well as big life questions, in a really fun way and without resorting to counselling. It excites me, lifts me up, keeps me awake, makes me dance with joy.

The ONLY painful part of writing is trying to sell my books, which I am ONLY trying to do because I want to be able to write full-time, instead of juggling a day-time job and writing. I currently write 8+ hours per day in addition to working 7.5 hours. I don't mind, except it is really interrupting my creative process, having to stop to work. And it leaves me very time poor for other things. I certainly don't watch TV - ever. I don't go out much, unless travelling away with my partner. I don't do shopping trips or movies or anything like that. I squeeze every drop of time out of every single day, just doing what I love and doing what I must, to earn money.

The money is a pain point, but I know that when I finally break through the barrier, many many people will be better off. Those people being, lovers of quality erotica and sci-fi erotica, in particular (my new favourite genre to write). I am not saying there isn't a selfish component to wanting to become super successful as an author. But I am not doing it ONLY for myself. I am also doing it for the readers out there, crying out for some great stories to read!

I think, if you’re serious, you should take a break from writing to work of the business of writing. Making money from your passion is a completely different skill from the passion itself, unless your passion is banking. Plenty of passionate artisans go bankrupt because they mistake being good at something with being able to make a good business from that skill.
I think, if you’re serious, you should take a break from writing to work of the business of writing. Making money from your passion is a completely different skill from the passion itself, unless your passion is banking. Plenty of passionate artisans go bankrupt because they mistake being good at something with being able to make a good business from that skill.
Yes, this is what I have been doing lately. But I still set aside time to write, because it is a serious addiction for me. Like, I get totally depressed if I can't write. You have to understand that my characters are always with me, always talking to me, and new story ideas are always coming along. So stopping is NOT an option.
Then you aren't optimizing your enjoyment of writing. Most people don't make enough money off writing to pay all of the bills and have peace of mind left over. You just can't force that square peg in a round hole. I made enough to live on through retirement in a profession where I could make money. I wrote too (and have made some money off that--but not enough to live in the style I want to live). It was extraordinarily freeing for my livelihood not to rely on making money from the writing. I thoroughly enjoy writing because I took realistic stock and realistic pathways.

By the way, there almost zero chance you're going to make a living wage off writing erotica. Trust me on this. The market simply doesn't support it. You're posting on a Web site giving tons of it away from free. Give that a serious thought.
Sure, tons are being given away for free, but very few people can write as good as I can. FACT.
Sure, tons are being given away for free, but very few people can write as good as I can. FACT.
If a sustaining market isn't there, it doesn't matter how good you can write (which is a pretty hollow self-proclaimed claim anyway). But other than suggesting grounding common sense to you, I have no responsibility to enable your expectations. Bravado and a nickel render you three cents in publishing.
If a sustaining market isn't there, it doesn't matter how good you can write (which is a pretty hollow self-proclaimed claim anyway). But other than suggesting grounding common sense to you, I have no responsibility to enable your expectations. Bravado and a nickel render you three cents in publishing.
Well, that is exactly where you are wrong, my friend. Do please try and do some research. You will find that the market for erotica is huge. Absolutely huge.
You should also remember that great authors are not made, they are born. And you won't know them until they are famous. Then it will be easy to say, "I always loved their work."
Have you any idea how many times Stephen King got rejected before he became famous?
Did you know that J.K. Rowling paid her own money to get her books into print and onto shelves?
Did you also know that E.L. James is a marketing guru?

I agree, being good or being confident are not enough. One must also invest in learning other skills, like marketing, website development, etc. This is what I am now busy doing (while also writing every day, as I've explained.. I live to write).

Also, my claim is neither hollow nor 'bravado'. I have been recognised for my talent from a very early age. I've won prizes in poetry - not an easy thing to do, especially since English is my second language - and had my short story published by my college, back when I was just 18 years old. Being a super highly sexed woman, I eventually gravitated toward erotic writing, where my readers asked me to please put my story into a book that they could buy.

I continue to receive praise for my erotica, a lot of it via private messages from enthusiastic readers. I also run a group for writers, on Fetlife, so feel free to check me out there if you like (https://fetlife.com/users/757055 is my profile link, once you join). I am my own worst critic, especially when it comes to book sales, but each time I feel like throwing up my hands and walking away, someone gives me enthusiastic feedback and picks me right back up again!

Literally everyone that reads my stories, loves the story and the sex scenes. Occasionally, someone finds my earlier work a bit too harsh and that's OK. I wrote quite a bit of taboo erotica for fun, before maturing to where I am now.

The way I see it, and I don't really care if you agree, is basically - I owe it to myself and my readers / fans, to keep promoting my stuff and to succeed. Mark my words, this will happen sooner or later. Because I have true passion for this and I am willing to make sacrifices, to make it happen. That's why. Oh, also, this thing is bigger than me. That's why no one can drag me down...
Sorry, I'm not going to feed your fantasies and ego. Have the journey that you have.

So far, you don't live up to your hype here in delivery. You have essentially four stories, including one series, posted here, fewer than half having achieved hot and none with more than 7,200 views. The successful high on reception of your stories that you're riding on must be based somewhere else other than here. So far more blow than go. I'd be kinder if you weren't so full of yourself here and misjudging the market and what it surely is going to do for you as you are--and if you weren't posting where there are other writers having to assess the realities of where writing fits in their lives.
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Sorry, I'm not going to feed your fantasies and ego. Have the journey that you have.

So far, you don't live up to your hype here in delivery. You have essentially four stories, including one series, posted here, fewer than half having achieved hot and none with more than 7,200 views. The successful high on reception of your stories that you're riding on must be based somewhere else other than here. So far more blow than go. I'd be kinder if you weren't so full of yourself here and misjudging the market and what it surely is going to do for you as you are--and if you weren't posting where there are other writers having to assess the realities of where writing fits in their lives.
You are an idiot, plain and simple. Have you seen what passes for professional erotica out there?
Have you looked at my actual books?
Do you not know how recently I joined Literotica? Those views happened in a matter of weeks, not years.
I've published 8 books to date, three of them are over 400 pages long.
Not being great at marketing does not mean I am no good as a writer.
My faith in myself stems from lifelong accolades and joy that I bring to my readers. It is not evidence of some inflated ego, but a simple expression of happiness that I have this gift. No other job I've ever done has made people this happy, or given me the same satisfaction. That is why I am working so hard to connect with the right audience.

People like you, who just love to tear others down, have no place on a writer's forum. The last thing we need is some idiot trying to bring us down. Good day to you Sir!