What made you smile or laugh today? Part III

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My kiddo. Truly hilarious. He made me laugh so hard at lunch that my stomach hurt. :D
Being awakened this morning in the nicest way possible

Listening to great music all morning while just taking it easy

This picture above me - what an image!^^^^^^^
Dipping my toes into cool river water on a hot day, beer, feeling content and comfortable.
❤Hearing the ice cream truck. That song brings back so many good memoreies.
❤My clothes from last night making my room smell like a camp fire. That smell is heaven to me.
❤ My detox working wonders my energy lvl. Who knew patches on your feet could do so much.
❤ My kids hugs and love. I am so happy when he has a good day. Today has been a good one.
One of my BFF's calling me to tell me about the last Pokemon he caught. He is 30 now but was a kid when they first came out. He sounded like a kid, all excited and talking fast. It was so cute!
Got help a friend that streams gameplay this eve and was encouraged to be as random as I liked before he started the stream up. So a game I already like with a friend that's solid af, encouraged to be silly and, as somewolf said I can sound like California sunshine. Or curse like the literate yet cussing woman I am. "You goram son of a syphalis riden camel fucking an ork, I am going to torch you and I'll do again if you don't have my leather." As my pain meds kicked in things got sillier and a bit British.

Great distraction from my uterus loathing me (I collapse with cramps, it hurts). And he got a couple new watchers that stayed to interact and subscribe. So even hurting I was helpful and had fun.
I made Ms. Smallcat a cubby house out of a big box and some heavy-duty cardboard. She has been exploring it and lying in wait to ambush toys that pass near the windows. So cute.
Conversations with friends.

Laughter during stressful times.

My dog. :heart:

My fam.

Garden bunnies.

Energy flowing in and out. :)
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