What made you smile or laugh today? Part III

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My neighbor saw me working on my car and came over to help. At one point he commented that I was really good at working on cars...lack of dick does not make me mechanically challenged. Jerk!

That actually sounds like a compliment from the dorky neighbor .... not a slight.

Most people are mechanically challenged..... he was probably impressed.
Him making me blush in a meeting, and a coworker asking what I was looking at on my phone that made me blush and smile like a love—struck teenager.
Cat, stretching on the back of the couch before slipping off and tumbling unexpectedly to the seat - then looking around like "yeah, I meant to do that"

I just about howled!
I got a 118% raise at work today. Yes, three figures.

And I have tomorrow off! :cool:
My ex is caring for me while I am I’ll. Trust when I say I as surprised too. Anyway he can and climes in my bed with me and stroked my hair while I was sleeping. Naw bro. That ship sailed a long time ago. Go visit your kid. He actually likes you.
O hell yes...

My ex is caring for me while I am I’ll. Trust when I say I as surprised too. Anyway he can and climes in my bed with me and stroked my hair while I was sleeping. Naw bro. That ship sailed a long time ago. Go visit your kid. He actually likes you.

Its OK to be friends, but that romance stuff is usually over.
I was sitting in the couch and my son came and sat down next to me. He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug. I reminded him I am just recovering and showed him my stitches again. I seem to have achieved mom cool points for them. He just wanted to visit me for a bit. It’s nice that even though he is a grown guy he still will give mom some time and hugs. I appreciate them more now that they are so rare.
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