What One Thing Do You Like To See In A Poem

twelveoone said:
Not meant that way.
I meant it that it should be obvious to most anyone that you and Rainman are good poets.
Not that you write obvious.
I consider would consider deceptive a high compliment. Both Frost and Eliot wrote deceptivly, Shakespear too. They are obviously good, also.
Subtle is such a lame word.

"Deceptive" implies intent, which requires intelligence and careful crafting.

Why is "subtle" lame?
annaswirls said:
did 10-4 just call me oblivious?


I don't know, but you're not subtle and I'm not obvious.

ee just said "when are you turning off the computer and coming to bed?" :D

Isn't that a sweet song btw? It's on Nilsson's Ariel Ballet cd.

Nighty night poets.

Angeline said:
I don't know, but you're not subtle and I'm not obvious.

ee just said "when are you turning off the computer and coming to bed?" :D

Isn't that a sweet song btw? It's on Nilsson's Ariel Ballet cd.

Nighty night poets.


heheh the poor man twelver, I hope you know I am just practicing being playful :)

I took your compliment as intended :kiss:
hey WSO :)

I didnt read the entire thread, but th eone thing I like to see in a poem is a really good, not-immedietly-obvious internal rhyme.


annaswirls said:
Yes of course intelligence, but isn't this a trait of the poet?
What I would like to know, Tzara, 1201, RainMan is:
How do you want to see this trait of intelligence manifest itself in a poem?
How do you like the poet to use their intelligence? To what end?
Well, remember that we were asked to name the one characteristic most want to see in a poem. Intelligence is the one I consider most important.

What I mean by that is that the poem shows evidence of thought on the part of the poet--that care was exercised in the poem's construction. Many of the poems posted here appear to me to be the result of someone merely writing down some feelings they have, with no thought as to how to best express those feelings. Many of the contributors have said basically that--that the words "just flow out of my soul" or words to that effect. Some have gone so far as to state that this is what poetry is, that consideration or analysis of a poem actually destroys it.

And that is fine, if that is all you want to do. If you have any aspiration, however misguided, of attempting to produce art, then you have to think about what you're doing. I want to see evidence of that. It doesn't mean that, in a particular poem, it is done well, just that it is apparent that it has occurred.

I have read a number of poems here that I actually didn't think were very good in any kind of absolute sense that I found interesting because I could see that the writer was thinking about what they were trying to say, and to phrase their verse in a way that communicated to others.

So while there is some connection to the intelligence of the poet, that isn't the important part. It's more of an effect of the poet's effort and the care he or she has taken in expression.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Reality, not all this lovey dovey suessy rhyming crap that makes me want to vomit. Show me your blood, your pain, the darkness in your soul. Give me poetry that punches in the stomach and does not apologize.
I want the same in poetry. Don't give me poetry that my mind and gut easily glosses over, boring me to fucking tears. If I wanted that I'd watch reality t.v. or worse, Dr Phil.
I've changed my mind.

Screwing On The Reality Couch

I want nudity and maybe
inside that Seussian rhyme
some penis and pussy
if you've got the time.

Get a handle on Phil
and The Bachelor, too.
If the 'ho's on the pill
then why don't you screw

her mind silly? You know
that you can. With a flick
of your wrist and a turn
of your hand. The woman

is yours and your friends' too.
So while watching Oprah,
honey, why don't we screw
ourselves silly,

right here on the couch?
I promise I'll stop rhyming
if you turn off the TV.
champagne1982 said:
I've changed my mind.

Screwing On The Reality Couch

I want nudity and maybe
inside that Seussian rhyme
some penis and pussy
if you've got the time.

Get a handle on Phil
and The Bachelor, too.
If the 'ho's on the pill
then why don't you screw

her mind silly? You know
that you can. With a flick
of your wrist and a turn
of your hand. The woman

is yours and your friends' too.
So while watching Oprah,
honey, why don't we screw
ourselves silly,

right here on the couch?
I promise I'll stop rhyming
if you turn off the TV.

did I ever mention, underneath this alledged hosility, I love you?