What pissed you off today?

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Call it what you will..... mind games, yanking my chain, mind fucks. Hate them.

Funny how I remember vividly all the 'good' stuff.... I'd forgotten about the annoying, frustrating shit. :mad:
Thanks for your thoughts... It has been taken apart as far as I can without requesting the assistance of a screwdriver, pliers, and a digital camera to remember how to put it back together. I CAN do it, it is just NOT my favorite thing. I shook it and jiggled it every way I could with no luck. With as much of a pain as this has been thus far, it better be something awesome in there! A pen is indeed an impressive find !
I hope you find out what's wrong with it. Sorry I coudnt help.
ovarian cyst pain :mad::(

I'm sorry, I've just recently been there (possibly. conflicting diagnostics. regardless, much pain in the ovary-region) and it is no fun at all. I hope yours is manageable with just some heat and rest. Feel better!!

Pissing me off: I'm used to my allergies, but this is one of the few times my EYES have gotten involved. I'M GOING TO CLAW THOSE FUCKERS OUT if they keep this up -.-
*hugs* have a hot bath, try and take some painkillers and try and get some sleep if you can. Also hot water bottles are good.

I'm sorry, I've just recently been there (possibly. conflicting diagnostics. regardless, much pain in the ovary-region) and it is no fun at all. I hope yours is manageable with just some heat and rest. Feel better!!

Pissing me off: I'm used to my allergies, but this is one of the few times my EYES have gotten involved. I'M GOING TO CLAW THOSE FUCKERS OUT if they keep this up -.-

Thanks guys.

It's causing me unbelievable pain. So much so I stayed off work today and spent it mainly on the couch with painkillers and a hot water bottle.

Most of my pain is just below my ribs for some reason...though apparently its quite common and I'm bloated and generally feel a bit fed up lol!

I tried a bit of gardening and five minutes in realised that it wasnt a good idea! ouch :(

Blueeyes I can empathise it sucks when the allergy reaches the eyes...I used to wear shades in an attempt to stop it...worked sometimes lol...otherwise rinsing with cool water and drops is all I can suggest. :rose:
Thanks for your thoughts... It has been taken apart as far as I can without requesting the assistance of a screwdriver, pliers, and a digital camera to remember how to put it back together. I CAN do it, it is just NOT my favorite thing. I shook it and jiggled it every way I could with no luck. With as much of a pain as this has been thus far, it better be something awesome in there! A pen is indeed an impressive find !
Look in all corners of the path the dirt takes, as well as in the bag itself. If the bag isn't full, it could have something stuck in the top that stops any more sucking action. I've seen things accumulate there and the more you try, the more just seems to build up there. But, if you can clear that out, you're home free, of course.

In the corners of the dirt path, that's where the most resistance is to it being sucked into the bag. Again, if something gets lodged in there, dirt will slowly clog up. Something like the pen you two were talking about would be just the thing. Even something as small as a twist tie or errant paperclip can do it.

Another spot to look, and it might be beyond your expertise, is right above the brushes of the sweeper. That's a spot that many things can get stuck, and you can't see it. The problem with that is, depending on the brand of sweeper, you either have to take the brushes off to get to it, or go from the top and use a screw driver to remove some kind of plate to get to the area. More than once, I've found crap in there. The brush will suck it up, but that's pretty much as far as it will go. Then, like in the other places, whatever else gets sucked into that space, just makes the clog get worse.

I also have a very long hose on my sweeper, but it's very flexible. There are times it will suck some things up you wouldn't think it would, but in the path of going to the bag, it gets lodged in that hose. If you have one of those sweepers, sometimes you just need to feel along the hose until you find the clog and with the sweeper turned on, press on the clog to compress it, making it smaller so it will pass on through the hose.

If you have a Hepa filter, you might need to look at that. Some sweepers won't work, if the sensor of the Hepa filter says that it needs replaced.

No, I don't really know a lot about sweepers in general, but being a single guy with a bad back, I tend to hope the sweeper will pick something up, instead of bending down to get it that way. So, I learn about all of the little spots I have to look for clogs that way. But, I'm always amazed at what my sweeper will pick up. Yes, it's a nice one. :D
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I also have a very long hose on my sweeper, but it's very flexible.
Show off!

No, I don't really know a lot about sweepers in general, but being a single guy with a bad back, I tend to hope the sweeper will pick something up, instead of bending down to get it that way. So, I learn about all of the little spots I have to look for clogs that way. But, I'm always amazed at what my sweeper will pick up. Yes, it's a nice one. :D

Then why don't you marry it if you like it so much?!:confused::eek: Or, are you getting the milk for free...via the hose?
Show off!

Then why don't you marry it if you like it so much?!:confused::eek: Or, are you getting the milk for free...via the hose?
Neither my sweeper nor I are gay, so the long hose doesn't thrill me in that way.

Now, it does have very nice sucking power, though. I might have to investigate that, sometime. :cool:

Yes, I'm sorry to say it's been a long time in-between female contacts.
Neither my sweeper nor I are gay, so the long hose doesn't thrill me in that way.

Now, it does have very nice sucking power, though. I might have to investigate that, sometime. :cool:

Yes, I'm sorry to say it's been a long time in-between female contacts.
Do I need to start a penny crusade for you?
You know, to get you a hooker? Or, a hookah?
Do I need to start a penny crusade for you?
You know, to get you a hooker? Or, a hookah?
I wouldn't mind meeting a girl named Penny. Do you know any? Not that I'm cheap or anything, but Penny is a much nicer name than Nickel, Dime or Quarter.

OK, maybe that was going too far for the joke. :rolleyes:
Or, a hookah?

Totally off the point of this thread...but I don't understand smoking hookah. I've never smoked it, and I don't know why some people love it so much...
Totally off the point of this thread...but I don't understand smoking hookah. I've never smoked it, and I don't know why some people love it so much...

Have you smoked anything else?

I don't smoke...but I've smoked a hookah a bunch of times (I know, I know, it seems contradictory to say that)...Why? I dunno. It wasn't a bad feeling. I guess I'm happy to say it hasn't been addictive (by which I mean I've never craved it). It was a...novel, social thing to do.
I wouldn't mind meeting a girl named Penny. Do you know any? Not that I'm cheap or anything, but Penny is a much nicer name than Nickel, Dime or Quarter.

OK, maybe that was going too far for the joke. :rolleyes:

You don't wanna date a dime? Are you sure about that?
Have you smoked anything else?

I don't smoke...but I've smoked a hookah a bunch of times (I know, I know, it seems contradictory to say that)...Why? I dunno. It wasn't a bad feeling. I guess I'm happy to say it hasn't been addictive (by which I mean I've never craved it). It was a...novel, social thing to do.

Oh, I have smoked just about every drug that can be smoked. LOL Been clean 13 years. I think that's why I have always refused to even try it. too much like smoking pot for me to ever really relax and enjoy it mentally.
Oh, I have smoked just about every drug that can be smoked. LOL Been clean 13 years. I think that's why I have always refused to even try it. too much like smoking pot for me to ever really relax and enjoy it mentally.
Hmmm..OK, that makes sense (that it's got a stigma for you).

Honestly, I'm not sure why I did smoke the hookah the first time I did (or the ...uhh..20-50? times I did it over the years after the fact). I mean, both my parents smoke. A lot of my friends back home smoke as well (Eastern Europe, gotta love it!). You'd figure, hell, I'd figure I ought to have become a chain smoker by now. It hasn't actually happened, even with the hookah. It's just something I do, from time to time, with certain friends.
You don't wanna date a dime? Are you sure about that?
Twisting my words? I wasn't talking slang, like "she's a dime"...I was talking names. Penny is a nice name. Dime is kind of weird.

What was that sword fish? Looked like a chain saw without the chain.
No, I don't really know a lot about sweepers in general, but being a single guy with a bad back, I tend to hope the sweeper will pick something up, instead of bending down to get it that way. So, I learn about all of the little spots I have to look for clogs that way. But, I'm always amazed at what my sweeper will pick up. Yes, it's a nice one. :D

Thank you so much for your thoughts DVS! I am sure you have a very nice sweeper and I am glad to know it sucks the way it should for you. :)

Update! Turns out it was a 2 part problem after all... One wedged behind the swirly brushes gig, and one in the crooks of long extending tubing. Having 2 clogs explains why diagnosing it was such a puzzle yesterday. That said, I am happy to report that after taking it apart to get the one piece, and flushing the tubes with my power nozzle in my garden hose to soggify and remove the other one... I so totally fixed it! It really sucks again, and that doesn't suck at ALL! :D

Oh yeah, and Bonus : no extra parts upon reassembly! Whew!
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Oh, I have smoked just about every drug that can be smoked. LOL Been clean 13 years. I think that's why I have always refused to even try it. too much like smoking pot for me to ever really relax and enjoy it mentally.

Yeah, a friend of mine was smoking a hooka once, with tobacco in it. Freaked me right the fuck out. I took a deep, deep breath, like you do for pot, and allmost died. I was like "WTF? This is some bad shit!"

He was like, "It's strawberry tobacco."

I got all pissed and was like, "False hope, much, motherfucker!"

Then I was like, "Damn it life, you got me again!" Then I smoked a joint.
Totally off the point of this thread...but I don't understand smoking hookah. I've never smoked it, and I don't know why some people love it so much...
hookah or hooka isn't the drug, it's the apparatus you use to smoke it. You can even use a hooka to smoke regular tobacco. It's kind of like a water pipe with seating for about 5 to 10 people.

I've smoked pot and loved it. I don't understand the addictive part some people talk about. I smoked it daily for years and years, then just stopped. No withdraw, no adverse or ill effects. It just got too expensive and too difficult to find.

Anyway, I don't know if I'd ever want to go back to smoking, but I wouldn't mind partaking in a THC pill of some sort. Of course, I can't, because of my job, but in my opinion, it's a much better high than getting drunk. You don't have that too full feeling, you don't throw up and you don't get a hang over.

And, being a musician, it was very much a creative enhancer for me when writing songs. They almost flowed out of me when I was high. It's more work, now that I don't smoke any more, and not as much fun. Also, kinky sex was much, MUCH better when high. Damn, it was great! Oh, well...the good ol' days. There comes a time when you just have to give up your vices. Well, I'm still into kinky sex. That's one vice I'll never give up.

OK, now back to your normal thread topics.
Twisting my words? I wasn't talking slang, like "she's a dime"...I was talking names. Penny is a nice name. Dime is kind of weird.

What was that sword fish? Looked like a chain saw without the chain.

A name is as much objective* (the name on your license) as it is subjective (what other people call you). Really, it So, Penny can well be a dime. And for all I know Dime is a perfectly valid female name somewhere. I'd bet on that somewhere being Africa, but I'll bet no more than a penny, 'cause I have next to zero confidence in it.

*for all intents and porpoises, despite it really being a cultural convention.
Thank you so much for your thoughts DVS! I am sure you have a very nice sweeper and I am glad to know it sucks the way it should for you. :)

Update! Turns out it was a 2 part problem after all... One wedged behind the swirly brushes gig, and one in the crooks of long extending tubing. Having 2 clogs explains why diagnosing it was such a puzzle yesterday. That said, I am happy to report that after taking it apart to get the one piece, and flushing the tubes with my power nozzle in my garden hose to soggify and remove the other one... I so totally fixed it! It really sucks again, and that doesn't suck at ALL! :D

Oh yeah, and Bonus : no extra parts upon reassembly! Whew!
And they say women don't know anything about mechanical gadgets. Obviously, "they" are wrong. :D
And they say women don't know anything about mechanical gadgets. Obviously, "they" are wrong. :D

There you go with you slander. Err...libel? Can't we all just get along. Or are you one of them?!
A stupid selfish condescending sanctimonious oblivious coworker ... same one as always ... but at least she stopped telling me I look like a vampire *sigh*
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