What pissed you off today?

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I don't see it the same way as the article does. While I do say they have the right to protest peacefully, I see their peaceful protesting as going over the line, in some areas. Some of the protests have actually stopped access to some shops, so those shop owners complain that their rights are being violated. The protesters inhibit shoppers from the area.

I'll let them have a sit-in or whatever, but when they filter into the streets and bridges, so normal city traffic is affected, that affects innocent people trying to get to work, etc. And if the city says you can't camp out, and they camp out anyway, what else is there to be done but remove them with force. They were told to leave or else, and they decided to pick the or else.

Those who were pepper sprayed were not being peaceful as reported. They were out in the street and had their arms locked together. That is resisting. I don't know if I would have sprayed as much as what I saw one policeman spraying, but pepper spray isn't going to hurt anyone. I've been sprayed in the eyes in training. It's uncomfortable but it's suppose to be. It is a tool police use to get mobs to disperse when they won't. I'm sure they were warned ahead of time that if they didn't move, they would be sprayed.

Because the protesters were locking arms, police would have been seen as being too rough if they had to pry the protester's arms apart. When you have to physically touch someone, their resisting causes police to step up their methods in order to keep control of a situation. So, as long as police can control the crowd from a distance, everybody is more likely to stay safe.

The closer you have to get to active protesters, the more likely someone is going to get hurt. That's why pepper spray is used. It's an uncomfortable, burning feeling that causes mucus membranes to produce overloads of fluid, but it hurts less than a baton. Even baton use is controlled. You can't just hit someone anywhere you want for fear of causing physical harm.

On the elderly lady who was sprayed, all you hear is that an elderly lady was sprayed. You don't know if she was an active protestor or an innocent bystander. If she was an active protestor, police don't check the age of people, if they are trying to gain control of a situation. If an elderly person is one of a resisting group and the group is sprayed, that elderly person will be sprayed. If she was just an innocent bystander, she has a case. If she was an innocent bystander, why was she anywhere near the area? Stay the fuck away or you can be hurt.

I saw people holding cameras just inches from the faces of police, while they were trying to do their job. I don't know if these people were media or just idiots with cameras, but the policeman I saw was trying to see past the camera. If the person holding the camera had been a protestor, I think they would have been restrained.

But because media has the right to show what's going on, it seemed to me that the policeman was trying to do his job, in spite of the camera in his face. If this person was media, he should have been arrested. He literally had his camera just a couple inches from and right in the policeman's face. That's too close to focus any camera.

Telling a story is almost always one sided. And you can always make it look like the other side is at fault. I always try to be fair, when I see something. Video can easily be edited to look like one side or the other is unnecessarily escalating the situation.

I don't know who is wrong and who is right. I'm guessing a little of both. But, only when the complete scene is shown...why the pepper spray was used on the protestors sitting in the street, why the elderly lady was sprayed, etc. will we be able to make a good judgement on what happens.

I do think some campus police can sometimes overstep any training, but sometimes campus police aren't trained as well as city police. I think our major U. S. city police departments have sufficient training.

Police have a tough job, because they are ALWAYS watched and ALWAYS accused of being too severe. There are strict rules when dealing with escalation that tell them what to do, when and how far to go. They don't enjoy getting rough with people. The police I know would much rather be somewhere with their feet up, drinking coffee and eating doughnuts.
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living on the earths largest island with so many beautiful people yet still being so far from them
Somebody thinking if only they had in the last year visited someone they only ever have contact with if they attend the same family events every few years, they could have prevented them commiting suicide this weekend when the spouse they loved and were loved by for the last 40 years, their children, and grandchildren, and the many friends and family who had constant contact, could not. Sheesh, I hate delusional people who have to make such tragic events all about them and their own sense of self importance.

Hip spasms stopping my fun. Doesn't happen often but when it does, oh it's unwanted agony that shreds my night apart.
My husband dragging me off my PC to go shopping and when I showed up fully dressed and ready to go he just goes on chatting on his laptop half naked like I dont exist.
Ugh :mad:
Damned idiot twit in the same profession I am that is fucking delusional, lies about her credentials, grossly misleads clients and leaves others to mop up the mess and SHE gets a write up in the 'at home' section of the local newspaper. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.........I don't want the damn write up about me....I just want her to shut the fuck up and take her delusions of grandeur elsewhere and quit making it hard for those of us with ethics to do what we love to do.
It's freaking snowing up here... well, more like fifteen miles to the southeast in the Cajon Pass but still, snow. Had to drive through it in the aforementioned pass to get home and I swear people forget how to drive in the rain/slush/snow.

Like the idiots determined to go 75+MPH with slick roads and very limited visibility. It's taking Darwinism to a group participation level that makes me very worried for the safety of myself and my truck. Grrr
A random tosser grabbing my ass at the petrol station this morning. He must not have gotten laid last night or something as groping someone at 6:30am is the least of my priorities. I did manage to stomp on his foot with my shoe heel and made him swear but still felt so intrusive.
A random tosser grabbing my ass at the petrol station this morning. He must not have gotten laid last night or something as groping someone at 6:30am is the least of my priorities. I did manage to stomp on his foot with my shoe heel and made him swear but still felt so intrusive.

Shoulda kneed him in the nuts too
Being told I need to:
Get counseling
Get drunk
Get pregnant
That my mother in law, who said the above thinks she's like hitler for bringing my smooth skin into the family... Hubby's family is Hispanic but MIL is white.

I wouldn't mind family functions so much on his side if I didn't get so much grief for not being her idea f normal, pregnant or willing to face a migraine over drinking alcohol- I hurt enough as is.

sorry hun
People trying to convince me why I should like the Beatles... again. :mad:

I apologize from the darkest, depths of my soul that I DON'T like them! I am fully aware of what a horrendous crime this apparantly is and it is why I normally keep it to myself whenever I can. I have seen the open-mouthed, slack-jawed 'fish out of water' look a thousand times already!! Seen the sighs, the head shakes... and heard the "Whhhaaatttsss'' that sound like babies reving up for a good long wail. Trust me, if I could bring myself to like them, if I could only learn to, it would be worth it to save me from the pain of those things alone!

But I can't and I don't and you can't convert me!! If you think the religious are tenacious, if you think former smokers, drinkers etc are determined for you to see the error of your ways... just try telling someone you are not a Beatles fan.

Good lawd! I promise there are worse offenses I could have committed and still might :mad: However, I think they should count their blessings that I don't go into what I really think, beyond "I just don't like them", the way they go into why I'm a complete idjit.

And I apologize once again to the Beatles fans here on the board for my obvious lack of musical taste and recognition of true genius before I'm introduced to what it is like to read the dismay as well :rolleyes:
People trying to convince me why I should like the Beatles... again. :mad:

I apologize from the darkest, depths of my soul that I DON'T like them! I am fully aware of what a horrendous crime this apparantly is and it is why I normally keep it to myself whenever I can. I have seen the open-mouthed, slack-jawed 'fish out of water' look a thousand times already!! Seen the sighs, the head shakes... and heard the "Whhhaaatttsss'' that sound like babies reving up for a good long wail. Trust me, if I could bring myself to like them, if I could only learn to, it would be worth it to save me from the pain of those things alone!

But I can't and I don't and you can't convert me!! If you think the religious are tenacious, if you think former smokers, drinkers etc are determined for you to see the error of your ways... just try telling someone you are not a Beatles fan.

Good lawd! I promise there are worse offenses I could have committed and still might :mad: However, I think they should count their blessings that I don't go into what I really think, beyond "I just don't like them", the way they go into why I'm a complete idjit.

And I apologize once again to the Beatles fans here on the board for my obvious lack of musical taste and recognition of true genius before I'm introduced to what it is like to read the dismay as well :rolleyes:

Wow. You seem really upset.

You should try to calm down. I've heard listening to the Beatles helps people calm down. Maybe you should try that. :)

A random tosser grabbing my ass at the petrol station this morning. He must not have gotten laid last night or something as groping someone at 6:30am is the least of my priorities. I did manage to stomp on his foot with my shoe heel and made him swear but still felt so intrusive.

being molested is disturbing, i would have shot him in the ass with my 9mm
Shoppin Shopping Shopping! Will it ever end? Almost done. I more day and then it will be over in a flash! Sore feet. Aching limbs and the headache from hell.

I will restore by , hot bath full of bubbles, the wine from my boss which is chilling in the fridge and my Dom for a few hours of play tonight.

Not all bad then?

I went to find a specific led monitor that was on sale, and of course they were out I neeeeed hdmi dammit! but don't want to shell out the money for the pricier ones they did have. Online pricing was not productive, I do not want to wait that long to get one either :(
Got an email from a friend that his Mom died yesterday.

I've been through a Xmas when you opened gifts from a close relative that died the week before. Really puts a damper on the celebrations. At least my grandfather did it right and died on Boxing Day.

Thinking about you and your family, B. :heart:
Got an email from a friend that his Mom died yesterday.

I've been through a Xmas when you opened gifts from a close relative that died the week before. Really puts a damper on the celebrations. At least my grandfather did it right and died on Boxing Day.

Thinking about you and your family, B. :heart:

Reading this made me realize how stupid my gripe of the day is, or was.

This is such sad news. Hugs to all.
Some douchebag old man backed into me in a parking lot today and tried to blame me for it! By the way? I was stopped DEAD STILL in the right-of-way behind him when he decided it was a good time to back out of his parking space.

This thread
I am not even going to bother and reply.
I am a mother of two girls. If anyone would even think about hurting them in non consensual way I would gladly blow their head off with a shotgun and enjoy every second of it.
Without consent.
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