What pissed you off today?

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I used the term deliberately, knowing that the punsters around here would appreciate it. Appreciate the hug and the rose, though.

And here I thought my expression of gratitude for my Saturday afternoon snickering wrapped in shiny sarcasm would make you smile.

I'll try harder next time.

Dear crabby parking lot pet owner,

Super great your lil fluff ball Schnookems pup wanted to go for ridesies, I'm totally cool with that. Leaving her to cook in car with barely cracked windows and no water while you leisurely browse at the mega store for over one shopping cart full of crap...is not. Yes, the cops were called because I saw them at your car on my way in and you came out after I did!

No, I don't think it was ridiculous that you were ticketed, and I actually thought they were quite polite considering your pissy attitude. Yes, I think you are lucky they didn't take her from you right then. :mad:

That said, please PLEASE consider her well being next time you go shopping for stuff, she is counting on you.

With deepest concerns,
Team Schnookems Advocate #5
Dear crabby parking lot pet owner,

Super great your lil fluff ball Schnookems pup wanted to go for ridesies, I'm totally cool with that. Leaving her to cook in car with barely cracked windows and no water while you leisurely browse at the mega store for over one shopping cart full of crap...is not. Yes, the cops were called because I saw them at your car on my way in and you came out after I did!

No, I don't think it was ridiculous that you were ticketed, and I actually thought they were quite polite considering your pissy attitude. Yes, I think you are lucky they didn't take her from you right then. :mad:

That said, please PLEASE consider her well being next time you go shopping for stuff, she is counting on you.

With deepest concerns,
Team Schnookems Advocate #5

Seeing dogs in cars on really hot days makes me stabby. I was the cop-caller on two different occasions. Jerks.

Right There With You,
Team Schnookems Advocate #6
That said, please PLEASE consider her well being next time you go shopping for stuff, she is counting on you.

With deepest concerns,
Team Schnookems Advocate #5

Advocate #7 here! Did the same thing last summer.

My piss-off?
Feeling disposable.
My frustration at people who make stupid, lazy posts (by my definition).

For some reason Lit chat users think when it's not working, which is often, that the users of the How-To forum know why. Most of us don't use it, cant help and frankly don't care.

Posters on a closed FB group that supports one of my interests/businesses. Instead of reading the information that is provided on the appropriate web site, they ask all their questions on the FB group instead. I like to be helpful, but really don't be so lazy. And maybe you could read or search the FB group to see if your question has already been asked and answered...I've answered the same question, on the same FB group, 3 times this week! And before that, the information was sent in an email to every one of you.

Also how about following the rules of the FB group...address the issue in the smallest group appropriate for the issue/question. You don't need to post on a FB group for all of Canada, when your direct up line has the answer and is paid to answer your questions. Or when you have a problem with the web site, why do you think the members of a FB group can fix it, when there's a contact for such issues on the web site itself.

I want to help. Really I do people. But your constant stupid, misdirected questions, frustrate the dickens out of me.
Someone stole my son's vintage schwinn bike. He got it for his birthday, only a few months ago. He's bummed and pissed. They cut his lock :(
I hate thieves
Interesting replies to this thread.........

Nothing pisses me off per se.:cool:

Sure, shit goes wrong and off course daily. Plus I have limitations, and some people are just batshit crazy to the point of being toxic. However.....I won't allow myself to be drawn into their shithole of misery.

Through it all........I will suck it the fuck up and deal with the reality of the moment. Then I will adapt, improvise and formulate a plan to overcome the obstacle of the moment.

Resilience is key, and acceptance of the reality on hand is the antidote to obsession over things we can't humans cant control or truly prevent.

That's how I roll.........

Spilled large hot coffee all over my pants in the car.

Project I have been working on for a month was the subject of mass freakout at last second, for not being boring enough (maybe I should pull from the boring thread?). Instructed to completely redo it by end-of-the-day deadline.

Pulled off another project I have been working on for six months because it's being outsourced. But instructed to redo all my work in case consultants need it. (what?)

Angry voice message because I have been talking about someone's illness with another family member.


Some days need to be euthanized. Can I get some help here? Who knows a good day death doc???
I grew the rhubarb, picked it, washed it, peeled it, spent an hour in a stifling kitchen cooking it.

And no-one wants to eat it....

So, that was over a month ago, and pardon me if it's rude to quote an older post (I'm new and still figuring all this out!)... but that sounds so heavenly right now! It's the worst when you slave away only to have your family turn their noses up. Everytime I want to yell, Fine! Frozen dinners for the rest of your lives!

What pissed me of today was slicing into my thumb while making guacamole. Bled all over the tomatoes. Faaaantastic.

Also, losing my nicest pair of shoes (they were a sentimental gift! And designer!) -in my house-. Been looking for them all damned week. I am excellent at and crippled by losing things. Enraged one minute, crying out of exasperation the next. :mad:
Having to get a new pillow when I was completely attached to my old one but lost it while traveling. They do not make my old kind of pillow any more and I am SO the wrong customer to embrace the idea that the newer version is "improved". :mad:
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Being rejected over and over and over and over and over again.....:(

Shit tired of this.. sigh
Being nearly finished with a site I was working on and having the Wordpress database go down.

ARGH! :mad:
I wish the jackass outside with the Weedeater had it shoved up his ass.

Fuck. Every time I sit down to work, some idiot immediately starts making so much noise that I can't hear myself think.
I wish the jackass outside with the Weedeater had it shoved up his ass.

Fuck. Every time I sit down to work, some idiot immediately starts making so much noise that I can't hear myself think.

I hear ya', BB. :rose:
Really dislike living in the "city"...It's just the place I have to be right now, I guess...
Ok, apparently it's just "Bunny's pissed off" day, but....

I missed two--two, goddammit--calls today because my Skype number had expired, and I didn't realize it. Every other time it's expired, Skype has sent an email or a notification or something. But this time? Nada. Oh, and I'm broke, so I can't renew it until tomorrow.

Dammit! I needed the money from those calls so badly, too. I could cry if it'd do any good. :(
Ok, apparently it's just "Bunny's pissed off" day, but....

I missed two--two, goddammit--calls today because my Skype number had expired, and I didn't realize it. Every other time it's expired, Skype has sent an email or a notification or something. But this time? Nada. Oh, and I'm broke, so I can't renew it until tomorrow.

Dammit! I needed the money from those calls so badly, too. I could cry if it'd do any good. :(

<hug> and ditto on the noise. I was enjoying watching the birds on my porch yesterday (Seriously, I get to live somewhere I have COCKATOOS in my BACKYARD?! FUCK YAH) and some neighbor started with his heavy bass rap music. I was kinda pissed -_-

However, what actually has pissed me off to the point of coming here: I truly feel that on a site emphasizing WRITING, we should be able to silence/exile people for the inability to string together a coherent sentence on a forum. Until they learn to communicate effectively. I'm willing to give SOME lee-way to second/third/whatever language speakers, but I can only tolerate so much xD
I truly feel that on a site emphasizing WRITING, we should be able to silence/exile people for the inability to string together a coherent sentence on a forum. Until they learn to communicate effectively. I'm willing to give SOME lee-way to second/third/whatever language speakers, but I can only tolerate so much xD
I doubt that it's necessary for me to voice my general agreement here, especially as regards people for whom English is their first/native language who post in the English-language fora. I *don't,* despite my reputation of being a (or sometimes *the*) Grammar Nazi, insist on perfect usage of language - just an honest attempt to communicate effectively, not making others spend three minutes to try to decipher a ten-word "sentence" that makes no sense no matter which way the words are rearranged.

As for second/third/whatever language speakers, Lit *does* offer fora in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and "other languages. If speakers of those languages can't find an appropriate venue in their forum, or a helpful answer, then they should be directed to the correct forum on the English-speaking side, with a link to Google Translate, which does about the best free translation available from more than 70 other languages to English and vice versa, and a strong suggestion that they post a disclaimer at the beginning of their thread, e.g., "This post was translated from Waziristanian to English via Google Translate. Please excuse any awkwardnesses or errors."
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