What pissed you off today?

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Huge hugs for SW.
I live in ignorance, where is it snowing?!

A precious darling princess has stamped her foot and I have to take her shit. Not happy!
I dislocated my knee a while back and lately I've started to get weird tingly feelings from my knee down. I can feel sort of a ticklish sensation go down from the back of my knee to the sole of my foot and then end at the base of my two smallest toes. The feeling comes and goes, and there's always a couple of minute's break between the tingly trickles.

It doesn't hurt at all, but if it happens in the evening, it makes falling asleep really difficult. Like last night.

I'm so tired and have to deal with an extremely annoying person. Yeah, I get it, the person is depressed but could he just shut the fuck up about it when we are supposed to work. I'm not a therapist, I'm really not that interested in how his medication works, or in this case doesn't work, or how he has or hasn't spoken with his sister for 4 months.

I only know him in this work context and the stuff he keeps telling me is so not cool and completely inappropriate, seeing as we're basically strangers thrown together by chance and most likely will never see each other again after this project is finished. I shouldn't know all this. I shouldn't have to listen to all this jibber jabber about his mental health. IT'S WORK, NOT THERAPY! Boundaries!

Not a good day. Kthxbye.
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I've actually had a nice day....lunch out with friends and working on a project. BUT it's gotten very windy out and, here in AriDzona that means lots of dust in the air. My eyes itch, my throat and nose itch, and the daylight is all tinged with a weird brownish haze. It's the one form of weather here that I really, truly detest. The worst part is random whistling through different windows.
Starting the day off with a massive row :mad:

Then coming into work to find one of my staff outside my office, waiting for me almost in tears, to ask for a loan because it's her son's 21st birthday tomorrow and husband has spent the money she'd saved for it :mad: Poor woman had taken two days to swallow her pride to ask me for help.
This morning, the coffee filter in my coffee pot fell, filling the pot with grounds. I had to restrain it through another filter before I could leave for work. (I bring the whole pot with me in a pump thermos.)
Starting the day off with a massive row :mad:

Then coming into work to find one of my staff outside my office, waiting for me almost in tears, to ask for a loan because it's her son's 21st birthday tomorrow and husband has spent the money she'd saved for it :mad: Poor woman had taken two days to swallow her pride to ask me for help.

I can imagine that was quite difficult for her.
My kids not wanting to wake up and get moving this morning! Shouldda went to bed earlier.
Inexperienced motorway drivers, doing 40mph in the middle lane, who are, quite frankly, a danger to themselves and everyone else.
Inexperienced motorway drivers, doing 40mph in the middle lane, who are, quite frankly, a danger to themselves and everyone else.

I feel your pain. The UK has no monopoly on those kinds of people. They are everywhere.
*chamomile pillow hug* :Rose:

Thanks, hunny! It worked!

Inexperienced motorway drivers, doing 40mph in the middle lane, who are, quite frankly, a danger to themselves and everyone else.

I know...to be able to get to work without uttering the most heinous of curse words, albeit under my breath...My favorites are the ones who cut you off, just to go 5 mph under the speed limit! :rolleyes:

SLEEP! It eludes me -_-


I just dusted you with sleeping dust.
You will sleep now!
Certain people causing trouble,you know its going to happen but still surprises you when it happens
driving for over an hour to meet some like minded people (or so I fucking thought) and none, none turned up.
Discovering just how noncompliant my mom has been about her health the last few months. Arrgh!
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