What pissed you off today?

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Spending the evening watching poor quality photos from my college days appearing on my university reunion Facebook feed as an old boyfriend (steam iron if you're interested) uploaded them and tagged me...

Thinking I didn't remember the events where they were taken and wondering if I'm losing my memory...

Being surprised at how I looked at the time...I know I was tomboyish, but didn't remember being quite so...unpolished

Dealing with an increasingly grumpy husband as the tags continued to appear on his Facebook feed as well....

And then realising, with a weariness that I'd forgotten I could feel, that the clown had tagged my name against the OTHER girl he was seeing at the time behind my back, and which was why we broke up all those years ago.

I really should have turned the thermostat up when I had the chance...

Spending the evening watching poor quality photos from my college days appearing on my university reunion Facebook feed as an old boyfriend (steam iron if you're interested) uploaded them and tagged me...

Thinking I didn't remember the events where they were taken and wondering if I'm losing my memory...

Being surprised at how I looked at the time...I know I was tomboyish, but didn't remember being quite so...unpolished

Dealing with an increasingly grumpy husband as the tags continued to appear on his Facebook feed as well....

And then realising, with a weariness that I'd forgotten I could feel, that the clown had tagged my name against the OTHER girl he was seeing at the time behind my back, and which was why we broke up all those years ago.

I really should have turned the thermostat up when I had the chance...


University! Oooooh! . Get you!
Anyone else have siblings who, when you see them, brag so much it seems as though you are in some sort of life competition with them? Sheesh, it has been like this nearly my whole life. Clearly I'm losing as I didn't even want to talk during dinner. I must have lost out on that douchebag gene.
Well, it was only an attempt to cheer you up LallyH, I don't feel you need revenge although I am intrigued. (Sic) ;):D

Thank you :D

It was funny, really....can't quite decide how to point out his error!!
Anyone else have siblings who, when you see them, brag so much it seems as though you are in some sort of life competition with them? Sheesh, it has been like this nearly my whole life. Clearly I'm losing as I didn't even want to talk during dinner. I must have lost out on that douchebag gene.

I have the opposite problem with my sibs, for the most part. They revel in their country simplicity and self-reliance. For a couple of them, their Olympic sport is how many meals per year they can generate with their garden and hunting rifle. The concept of fine dining is, apparently, certain evidence of the existence of Communists or Socialists in our midst. :rolleyes:
beginning to wonder if i'll ever find that man who keeps me on my toes, fucks the hell out of me roughly on a constant basis, isn't ashamed of having a bigger woman by his side and someone who helps me around the goddamn house every once in a while. so tired of being disappointed when all i do is love him and support him through anything and so much more...
Discovering just how noncompliant my mom has been about her health the last few months. Arrgh!
Sometimes it's really really difficult to be compliant about one's health, and really really hard to explain *why* compliance is so hard...
I was out walking Mozi (our corgi) today when I saw a couple of older teenage girls crossing a side road, two dogs trotting along a few feet behind them. Neither dog was acting aggressively. Suddenly one of the girls stopped and picked up some rocks, then turned around and started throwing them at the dogs. One ran away but one dropped to the ground in a submissive pose, tail wagging.

The girl ran up to the dog and tried to kick it a couple of times (she wasn't exactly coordinated) before raising a foot to stomp on the dog. Before she could, I yelled at her to knock it off, and asked how dare she treat any living creature like that. I got some nasty looks but she stopped long enough for the dog to run off. I'm not sure why we're surprised at the horrible way some people treat each other when you see how they willing they are to abuse those who cannot speak out in defense of themselves.
I was out walking Mozi (our corgi) today when I saw a couple of older teenage girls crossing a side road, two dogs trotting along a few feet behind them. Neither dog was acting aggressively. Suddenly one of the girls stopped and picked up some rocks, then turned around and started throwing them at the dogs. One ran away but one dropped to the ground in a submissive pose, tail wagging.

The girl ran up to the dog and tried to kick it a couple of times (she wasn't exactly coordinated) before raising a foot to stomp on the dog. Before she could, I yelled at her to knock it off, and asked how dare she treat any living creature like that. I got some nasty looks but she stopped long enough for the dog to run off. I'm not sure why we're surprised at the horrible way some people treat each other when you see how they willing they are to abuse those who cannot speak out in defense of themselves.

Sad and disgusting. Glad you were there to stop her.
It's Saturday night and I get a snotty email from an editor whose proofing deadline passed two weeks ago. He's insisting that my studio staff work tomorrow (Sunday) to get his changes done and proofed back to him as he goes on holiday on Monday. And if I don't, he's taking the work elsewhere next year :mad:

I hate my job sometimes.
I was out walking Mozi (our corgi) today when I saw a couple of older teenage girls crossing a side road, two dogs trotting along a few feet behind them. Neither dog was acting aggressively. Suddenly one of the girls stopped and picked up some rocks, then turned around and started throwing them at the dogs. One ran away but one dropped to the ground in a submissive pose, tail wagging.

The girl ran up to the dog and tried to kick it a couple of times (she wasn't exactly coordinated) before raising a foot to stomp on the dog. Before she could, I yelled at her to knock it off, and asked how dare she treat any living creature like that. I got some nasty looks but she stopped long enough for the dog to run off. I'm not sure why we're surprised at the horrible way some people treat each other when you see how they willing they are to abuse those who cannot speak out in defense of themselves.

I loath and hate abuse of any kind. That is low!
I am glad you stood up to the bullies.

It's Saturday night and I get a snotty email from an editor whose proofing deadline passed two weeks ago. He's insisting that my studio staff work tomorrow (Sunday) to get his changes done and proofed back to him as he goes on holiday on Monday. And if I don't, he's taking the work elsewhere next year :mad:

I hate my job sometimes.

Grrrrrrrrrrr! Charge him double!
When he's to tired to talk. Yep I know. I feel the same way too sometimes. Guess I was just really looking forward to it and it felt like he just wanted to opt out! Which made me arsey and stubborn!
Now sulky and sad! Cause as he's always the boss he's now gone to sleep!
Rats! arse and wanky pants!
What's pissing me off more and more is people getting jobs through nepotism. :mad:

Ever been to a WINZ work seminar? Nepotism is all they preach. How the hell can most long term unemployed gain work when everyone they know isn't in a position to offer them work? And ugh, the idea of 'networking' makes me shudder. One shouldn't have to kiss multiple asses just to get a look in for a role.
My wrist has picked up pretty much the worst possible time to start acting up again. :(
Ever been to a WINZ work seminar? Nepotism is all they preach. How the hell can most long term unemployed gain work when everyone they know isn't in a position to offer them work? And ugh, the idea of 'networking' makes me shudder. One shouldn't have to kiss multiple asses just to get a look in for a role.

Yeah I hear, but it seems to be curcial nowadays. :mad:
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