What qualifies as erotic?

OH! Welcome Una. I don't know what qualifies as erotic, but I do know what entices me beyond reading for enjoyment, to the point of reading for repletion.
The_Fool said:
Anything about Eve is erotic.

Many things about Maria are sensual leaning towards erotic.

Everything about Disposa Girl is erotic.

Something about Angeline is poetic erotica.

Depending on her AV, Poetess is pensively erotic.

Anna strikes me as a sensual flowing erotic mannequin.

Lauren is coolly restrained and erotic.

WSO is exuberantly erotic.

I am foolish....

Merci, mon ami.

WickedEve said:
Oh, I thought you wanted to know where to put your poems for submission. :)

Notice how Eve worked both Dominate and Submission into her answers??

that's erotic

well, if you know Eve it is
Liar said:
I think it's pretty black or white actually:

1. Intended to arouse.
2. See 1.

I'm politely disagreeing. I write for me, (come to think of it, that is probably why i'm, not a good poet :rolleyes: ) and my intention is really not to arouse. :eek:

But i get your point if you have an audience in mind :rose:
Maria2394 said:
hello, Una Ryce, welcome to LIt :)

I dont know what to think about what arouses some people!! Here is a poem I wrote, that would probably classify as one of Senna's anomolous vote readings, it has nearly 3000 clicks/reads since I posted it last year, by FAR the most of any other poem I had posted even up to 3 years ago that I still have on my list.

I dont think its erotic, but the person I wrote it for certainly did and that scared me a little. tell me what YOU think ;)


I guess just about anything will arouse someone, somewhere...look at some of the stories on this site!!


Thank you for the welcome :rose: Your poem is very interesting and i would not call it erotic at all - although i can absolutely understand why the person you wrote it for would perceive it as such. :rose:
first I would like to say that I am slightly offended I did not make it on Fool's list :catroar:

Next, I would like to add that there is a distinct difference between porn and erotica, reading more poetry will help you distinguish between the two.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
first I would like to say that I am slightly offended I did not make it on Fool's list :catroar:

Next, I would like to add that there is a distinct difference between porn and erotica, reading more poetry will help you distinguish between the two.
Very distinct. Kim Addonizio put it this way: erotica is what I like, porn is what you like.
The_Fool said:
Anything about Eve is erotic.

Many things about Maria are sensual leaning towards erotic.

Everything about Disposa Girl is erotic.

Something about Angeline is poetic erotica.

Depending on her AV, Poetess is pensively erotic.

Anna strikes me as a sensual flowing erotic mannequin.

Lauren is coolly restrained and erotic.

WSO is exuberantly erotic.

I am foolish....

You only lust me for my AVs.

*floods of tears*
Angeline said:
My favorite erotica is the kind that establishes itself as such without using any cliched erotic language, does it all with metaphor. To me that's the equivalent of being mysterious and teasing as opposed to just laying it all out immediately. Most poems that are immediately graphic bore me.

Just my opinion, of course--and probably one that's in the minority here....

I tend to agree with you, Angeline. And that's what I try for, when I write poetry- when I try to write poetry, anyway... Which is kind of odd, when my prose is as hardcore as I can make it, and allusive prose leaves me lukewarm generally.

That said, poetic allusion does have to be explicit enough for me to get it... me be dim sometimes.
Admittedly, this is graphic erotica: from
Come In

My tongue swabbing
the bulbous head,
seeking out the sweet
lubrication flow,
ready to guide you
into the tight passage
of my throat.

My groaned disappointment
as you pull away, I want
to feel the power my gift
of pleasure grants
me when you lose control.

Fuck me with your thick
cock now and press my legs
further apart, wantonly spread.

and as commented about earlier in a different thread, metaphorical
Iron Pyrites

Crystalline jewels in shallow
walled valleys shimmering
as the quake warns of coming
upheaval. Intrepid prospector
wind through this vale, find
the treasure; mineral salts
coalesced into gems that lure
you into dangerous instability.

Terraine shook by passing
passion in your quest for rich
lodes. Trembling fingers
caress each bauble then brought
to those lips to taste and sample
the good of it. Mine this illusion
and sink your shaft into the rich
vein beneath the deception
and return to the world
a wealthy man.
well, they're erotic in my view.
Stella_Omega said:
I tend to agree with you, Angeline. And that's what I try for, when I write poetry- when I try to write poetry, anyway... Which is kind of odd, when my prose is as hardcore as I can make it, and allusive prose leaves me lukewarm generally.

That said, poetic allusion does have to be explicit enough for me to get it... me be dim sometimes.

I think this is an erotic poem.

The morning. The sea
of your eyes warm,
drowsy shaded

move green, track deep
primordial rhythms.
Our ocean bed
swells, undulates

in the valley of your palms
ridged to penninsulas
of fingers dipped
in wavelets unfolding

to feather my skin.
Winged I am
your aviary, your flight
lifting sleepy-mouthed

to morning curved
in the sheath of sun.
champagne1982 said:
Admittedly, this is graphic erotica: from
Come In

My tongue swabbing
the bulbous head,
seeking out the sweet
lubrication flow,
ready to guide you
into the tight passage
of my throat.

My groaned disappointment
as you pull away, I want
to feel the power my gift
of pleasure grants
me when you lose control.

Fuck me with your thick
cock now and press my legs
further apart, wantonly spread.

and as commented about earlier in a different thread, metaphorical
Iron Pyrites

Crystalline jewels in shallow
walled valleys shimmering
as the quake warns of coming
upheaval. Intrepid prospector
wind through this vale, find
the treasure; mineral salts
coalesced into gems that lure
you into dangerous instability.

Terraine shook by passing
passion in your quest for rich
lodes. Trembling fingers
caress each bauble then brought
to those lips to taste and sample
the good of it. Mine this illusion
and sink your shaft into the rich
vein beneath the deception
and return to the world
a wealthy man.
well, they're erotic in my view.

thank you :rose:
Angeline said:
I think this is an erotic poem.

The morning. The sea
of your eyes warm,
drowsy shaded

move green, track deep
primordial rhythms.
Our ocean bed
swells, undulates

in the valley of your palms
ridged to penninsulas
of fingers dipped
in wavelets unfolding

to feather my skin.
Winged I am
your aviary, your flight
lifting sleepy-mouthed

to morning curved
in the sheath of sun.

and thank you :rose: :rose: