what song do you have stuck in your head *right now*?

How do you get that lonely by Blaine Larsen.
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Keith Jarrett & Charlie Haden's version of For All We Know. Mind you, not a bad song to have stuck in there - when you consider the alternatives.
For some reason, when sweetfanny posted in the Shynerd thread in the HT, this little gem started bouncing around in my head, from Vancouver band Panurge.
Believe it or not: Day O. "... Daylight come and me want to go home..." That one.
I recently had the misfortune of having some dumb, sappy ass song stuck in my head for two days. I've finally evicted it somehow. I don't understand how a song I hate can get stuck in my head in the first place. But it's such a syrupy, melodramatic song that I'm too embarrassed to say what it was...and I'm afraid that if I name it it might come back. :cool: