What stresses you today?

silverwhisper said:
dude, it's been a year. i've got 6 chapters of a novel, 3 lit stories (just submitted #3 so it should be up around the weekend i figure), 2 drafts of lit stories nobody's seen.

wine: presently, i favor beaujolais, but not the nouveau--i tend to find it a tad boring on the palate. tonight we're probably having a barbera to go w/ dinner, most likely pasta of some kind. you?

Congrats on getting so many words onto the page. I guess I'll have to poke around and find your stories too. The timing for this is impeccable: I have my own writing group's monthly driking-lying-and-critiquing meeting tonight. :D

Barbera is one of my favorites when I want a really smooth glass. Good choice.
yankee, scalywag: thanks guys, but this was, after all, written over the course of a whole 12 months. granted, they've been revised a time or three (in one case, five times).

yankee: my wife's aunt lives in a tiny little town where a local guy makes some absolutely addictive barbera. he sells most of his crop to a co-op but what he doesn't sell, he makes into wine himself. i wish i could get more of it.

scalywag: well, what do you tend to like when you have it? big, bold flavors, something more subtle? more dry or more sweet? i tend to find beaujolais an excellent place for people to start with wines. georges duboeuf is the biggest seller of 'em and their regular house beaujolais is good, but the various beaujolais styles, particularly their fleurie and moulin a vent (between $12-$15 IMX) are quite nice, easy drinking wines.

beaujolais is sweet, but not overly so. i find the duboeuf ones to be softer than than the offerings of other winemakers. you might prefer the moulin a vent style of beaujolais.

hm...a dedicated wine thread might be warranted...

Fuck Saran Wrap

What stresses me out? Plastic Wrap! I'm a fucking programmer, I can take a pile of components and turn them into a computer, I can take a brsh and some paint and create a work of art: So why the fuck can't I make plastic wrap cover the mouth of a fucking dish without winding up with a misshaped ball of semi-transparent goo? :confused:
Christmas is stressing me out. Getting the shopping done, the tree decorated, the goodies baked, all my somebody who wishes Christmas would be cancelled this year. Me.

My inner Santa is being overtaken by the spirit of Scrooge.
The traffic at the malls and waiting to spend money that I waited to get paid seems to have a stress level.
Nothing more than a pair of breasts.

My stressor today (well the cherry on the top at least), was the man that came into our office and while waiting for another employee for a mtg managed to make me feel like nothing more than a piece of meat in under 45 seconds.

It has been a really long time since I have seen *that* demeaning, (seemingly) knowingly sexual look in a man's eyes, and I was truely shaken after that. Having to respond cheerfully to his comments and be....undressed by gaze not once but twice. After he left, I couldn't decide if I wanted to throw up, shower, or both!

Just needed to vent....
kahuna: plastic wrap is tricky. my wife taught me the trick in tearing off a sheet properly: as you pull from the roll, bring the plastic wrap along your forearm. this helps avoid the problem of it sticking to itself in a large useless wad.

scalywag: to me, it's more an any time wine. b/c it's a relatively straightforward wine, it doesn't match particularly well w/ a lot of foods.

bobsgirl said:
Christmas is stressing me out. Getting the shopping done, the tree decorated, the goodies baked, all my somebody who wishes Christmas would be cancelled this year. Me.

My inner Santa is being overtaken by the spirit of Scrooge.
I hear ya, BG! My father-in-law likes to get Christmas done in August, and he's been bugging me about what I want since then...I didn't know this summer, and I don't know now, dammit! I think he's given up and settled on money, which is good because I've only started to come up with little ideas like new bath towels.

We haven't done any shopping yet (see, you can feel better because you're way ahead of the game!), and have a long list. The thought of it's stressing me out, and every time it enters my head, I push it away, procrastinating just a bit longer. And I'm usually not a procrastinator in the least. It's a viscious, stressful cycle!
I spread my Christmas shopping out over a long period of time. If I see something on sale in September that would make a good gift, I buy it and put it away. Usually by the end of the first week in December I'm done, but I've been known to finish my shopping by Thanksgiving too!
Christmas shopping :D We have another kind of Santa coming by first.... this weekend actually. Since M's children arrive tomorrow afternoon for a long weekend I will have to do some last "Sinterklaas" shopping this evening. Wrap a few last gifts, write a few poems to go with the presents... things like that. So I know what you all mean... ;)

After that I'll start worrying about Christmas.... :D
I think Christmas shopping just got more fun for me this year. I asked my wife what she wanted and she sais what she really needed was underwear.

So you think my credit card company will red flag me if I buy $500 worth of panties? :D

My stress level did just go up though. I was informed that instead of spending a quiet Christmas alone that my wife's parents are coming. Well, ok I can handle that, but now her mom is inviting other family to join us. OK, again fine, but sure would have been nice if they'd clued us in FIRST! :rolleyes:
KarenDee said:
I spread my Christmas shopping out over a long period of time. If I see something on sale in September that would make a good gift, I buy it and put it away. Usually by the end of the first week in December I'm done, but I've been known to finish my shopping by Thanksgiving too!
Maybe your plan will be my New Years Resolution. :D
M's girl said:
Christmas shopping :D We have another kind of Santa coming by first.... this weekend actually. Since M's children arrive tomorrow afternoon for a long weekend I will have to do some last "Sinterklaas" shopping this evening. Wrap a few last gifts, write a few poems to go with the presents... things like that. So I know what you all mean... ;)

After that I'll start worrying about Christmas.... :D
What types of poems go with the presents? Briefly, what's the history of that tradition? I've never heard of it before, and get curious about cultural differences. :)
My wedding anniversary happens to be December 17th, and I can't count the number of times that MrB and I have used that evening to Christmas shop instead of a romantic date. Especially when the kids were little.

No more. I am currently trying to figure out something romantic for us to do that weekend. Another kind of stress. ;)
bobsgirl said:
My wedding anniversary happens to be December 17th, and I can't count the number of times that MrB and I have used that evening to Christmas shop instead of a romantic date. Especially when the kids were little.

No more. I am currently trying to figure out something romantic for us to do that weekend. Another kind of stress. ;)
Perhaps there's a resort somwhere nearby where they show old football games 24 hours a day and have a fine spa. You could meet up in the bar at dinnertime as if you'd never met before and have a fabulous one-night stand. :devil:
My husband is stressing me out! He has been on a roller coaster of emtions lately that it is driving me nuts!! I never know which man will be walking thru the door at the end of the day!!
Day one of a four day med change over, and of course stressing about it isn't going to make it any easier. :rolleyes:
I'm also stressing about whether or not it will make any difference, I'm going back on zoloft again, now these worked great for quite a few years but seemed to stop working at the beginning of last year. Will they work again or do I have to start chopping and changing meds.
I wont even mention how worried I am about the affects of the fallout on those around me. :eek: Except I just did.