What's for dinner tonight?

pookies said:
I have some great recipies if you want them. I really got into cooking the last 2 yrs. I used to hate it, now I love it. :)

I'd really enjoy that, pookies, if it's not too much trouble.
Tonight I made a thai chicken noodle soup - it turned out pretty good, but I think I'd put in a touch less lime juice next time.
pookies said:
I'm making salmon, marinated in lemon, dijon mustard and honey for me, pork tenderloin for my husband, and a cold orzo salad. :p Also, wine for me of course. :D
most of a litre of Dole 'citrus sunrise'
some cheese
and leftover pan bread

I forgot to cook tonight
got distracted by the pretty ladies around here ;)
pookies said:
"pan" bread. Too funny. Do you call the other "plain" bread? The one with the crust. :D

I made shepards pie for tonight.
actualy pan bread is indian bread, native indian bread
which is basicly a pan fried baking powder biscuit, hence its name

and lastnight I made what my family has named 'stuff'
which is:
sauage sliced and fried
peas and corn
cream of chiken/mushroom/celery soup - chiken works best

wish I had the fresh stuff to make better food, but I'm leaving at the end of the week for 4 days so it'd just be wasted :(
Wonderful thread

Live in California and haven't had lunch yet but have a whole chicken thrawing that I will bbq on the rotessiery later. It's about 89 degree here today so need to wait for the sun to go down. I have baked beans in the oven that have been slow cooking since last night and made the potatoe salad yesterday.
One thing I would love to share is that I cook corn on the cob in my dishwasher. Steven love it's so I cook 10 or 12 ears at a time on the top rack..............no soap. LOL I leave them in the husks and they come out so tender and nice and favorable. I have cooked other vegetables in there also when I just want them steamed. It really works great and especially for large parties.
Hopefully will have some tequila shooters later myself. I picked some limes off the tree this morning.
You all have a fine evening and bon apetite.
tenderloin cut into pieces, fried together with carrots and spicy sausages. Served with baked potatoes with garlic butter.
pookies said:
Is that like a chapati type bread?
I dont know that word so I'm going to assume you think I ment east indian

I ment native indian
heres the recipe:
2cups flour
2 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
herbs/spice optional no more than 2 tbsp
about 3 cups of water cold
makes about 9-12 'breads'
it needs to be the consistancy of wet cookie dough, if its wetter it wont cook right, drier doesnt hurt to much

pre-heat a well oiled pan to medium-low(3-5/10) a good thick pan works best

get a serving spoon and lightly drop in the dough, allow to cook till golden brown
make sure to keep the pan oiled

they can take up to 15min to cook depending on the size and pan
drain them on some paper towel and serve with what ever you like

they take a while to learn how to cook right so dont get discouraged if you burn them or they dont brown on your first attempts
Dinner for the Bears First Loss

Barbecued Pork Ribs
Scalloped Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables

Left Over French Onion Soup
pookies said:
I did think it was an east indian recipie. The above one I also have seen a recipie for. Thanks.
no problem
yeah I keep forgeting to clarify what type of indian I am
damn you india damn you :D
pookies said:
Love Onion soup. Yummy!!
Yep. Put in a crock with some croutons and then broiled with some provolone and swiss cheese over the top :D
pookies said:
Gotta be a nice thick piece of crusty french baquette and Gruyere cheese for me. :D
Did you make the soup? I'd love to try to sometime.
Yes I make it from scratch. :) Now to find a way for you to come to my table :D
pookies said:
Ooh..now there's a lovely idea. :kiss: :catroar:
I would love the recipie sometime.
burn onions
just about that easy :D
had to help make it for the restaruant a few times
choping 20lbs of onions sucks >.<
pookies said:
Ooh..now there's a lovely idea. :kiss: :catroar:
I would love the recipie sometime.
Plenty of different onions, sweet, yellow, white, red, etc + butter and cook down. Emeril's or Pucks Beef Stock. Crushed garlic..... and then from there you could add some port wine, burgandy wine, dry white wine, Cognac, sherry, just not all of these whatever your tastes are... ladle in bowls, add thick sliced toasted bread, cover with choice of cheese, and pop under broiler until melted and bubbly....... :p