whats it TO ya, huh?

WickedEve said:
Oh, the "space." We're talking about my pussy, right? I'm asking because I want to make sure we're talking about my pussy. Pussy. P-U-S-S-Y. Pussy=Space Yes? Work with me, monkey. The brain is numb and dumb today.

I have a feeling perhaps I've told you about my ummmmm
fondness for women saying pussy.....
in which case
your evil plan worked and we are now out of paper towels

Tathagata said:
I have a feeling perhaps I've told you about my ummmmm
fondness for women saying pussy.....
in which case
your evil plan worked and we are now out of paper towels

Now, I'm sad. A tree died because of my pussy... or at least, a sapling--depending on how many paper towels it took. Damn, the sapling! Let's go for a redwood! Pussy, pussy, pussy! Yes, world, I have a pussy!!!
Re: oh NO

Catalina Frisco said:

1201, you are so funny, not enough brain cells, my ass, you rock as a poet, but writing like anna? well, that poem I wrote about the moon pie, I was up late, bleary eyed and it was like 3 am and I hadnt slept in two days, if thats what it takes to write like anna, I dont want it!!


Hey, I didn't know it was you. For what it is worth, when I'm bleary eyed, and haven't slept in two days, I write like
When I am rested and sober, I write like Ezra Pound, if you want I'll send you all 800 pages
of crap
Take care julie, and thanks for the rockin poet thing
I never did finish the two things I told you about
Re: Re: whats it TO ya, huh?

Randi Grail said:
Hey, I got a mail like that too! Actually I got several. The first one thought I was Anna, the second one thought I was a guy, the third was convinced I was Lauren. I was flattered by #1 and #3, and equally confused by all three.
We have a "vanity thread"? :confused:

Don't let the small souls get you down, love. Yours is too big for that.

You're lucky most of the ones I get just think that I'm an asshole, I'm flattered also. That was me that sent #2, I found my glasses now.
WickedEve said:
Now, I'm sad. A tree died because of my pussy... or at least, a sapling--depending on how many paper towels it took. Damn, the sapling! Let's go for a redwood! Pussy, pussy, pussy! Yes, world, I have a pussy!!!
Branching out?
ya know redwood and pussy just doesn't quite have the same effect as pine
Randi Grail said:
Uh, did we doubt? :)

Right now, I have two. One is purring at my feet.
It's good to have a spare. :)
My cat is almost 30. She's starting to get senile. It takes her a few minutes to find the cat food that's in front of her. I thought she was dying last summer, but she didn't. I thought she was on her way out this summer, but no. She just lives and lives and sheds clumps of fur and lives... I think 30 for a cat is just unnatural. I mean, when I get really old and gross, I'll have the decency to go on. I have it all planned. I'm going to wheel myself out of the nursing home and steal a car and then drive really fast off a cliff--kind of Thelma and Louise like. I'll be Louise since I have to drive and my cat (who will never die) can be Thelma.
twelveoone said:
Branching out?
ya know redwood and pussy just doesn't quite have the same effect as pine
Oh, I forgot about the pine! lol
twelveoone said:
I never will, such is the power of your poetry
I don't think it was the power of the poetry you remember. I think was the... scent of my words. lol
oh the insanity!! Eve, I have to admit, on my faves page, I gave you a space and then kept wondering why does it show she has no poems? why? I know she has poems, they must have fallen through the other eve's space. Yeah, 30 is too friggin old for a cat, my oldest is 10 and shes still healthy. Thelma and Louse, you are a trip!! That would be a great movie, Thelma and Louise survive and are in a mexican nursing home, ( brothel) and get really old and they ohhh, well... maybe not a good movie...I took your space away dear wicked one, you have poems now :D

you guys are better than zoloft, Im so sorry I flipped out, Im really am a million hugs, and to anna too cause I hate that anyone thought I was offended by being compared to her, I tried so hard to write like her when she first came on here, I just dont have the synaptic fuction it takes to think like that, but I am glad she does :rose:

WickedEve said:
It's good to have a spare. :)
My cat is almost 30. She's starting to get senile. It takes her a few minutes to find the cat food that's in front of her. I thought she was dying last summer, but she didn't. I thought she was on her way out this summer, but no. She just lives and lives and sheds clumps of fur and lives... I think 30 for a cat is just unnatural. I mean, when I get really old and gross, I'll have the decency to go on. I have it all planned. I'm going to wheel myself out of the nursing home and steal a car and then drive really fast off a cliff--kind of Thelma and Louise like. I'll be Louise since I have to drive and my cat (who will never die) can be Thelma.
i see eve and tath hijacked your thread, they should go into the diamond lifting business together, i would think they'd be rather good together as a team.


and tath, if i am to understand all this craziness correctly, a gal saying pussy gives you a boner?

does that include lesbians who purrrr:D
Tathagata said:
I was thinking of the space under that skirt

relax Eveykins
; )

Yeah, me too...she's too witty for there to be space anywhere else...y'know?

WickedEve said:
It's good to have a spare. :)
My cat is almost 30. She's starting to get senile. It takes her a few minutes to find the cat food that's in front of her. I thought she was dying last summer, but she didn't. I thought she was on her way out this summer, but no. She just lives and lives and sheds clumps of fur and lives... I think 30 for a cat is just unnatural. I mean, when I get really old and gross, I'll have the decency to go on. I have it all planned. I'm going to wheel myself out of the nursing home and steal a car and then drive really fast off a cliff--kind of Thelma and Louise like. I'll be Louise since I have to drive and my cat (who will never die) can be Thelma.

Which one was Susan Sarandon? I'll go with you if I can be her.
Angeline said:
Which one was Susan Sarandon? I'll go with you if I can be her.
Okay, then you're driving, but where do we put the cat? Ohhh, hood ornament! ;)
Incase anyone is interested in an update on my 30 year old cat:
I told my mom and dad that it was time to put Pompadoura to sleep. She's falling over and acting totally old. Well, my parents came by the house and the cat was outside being all frisky and making me look like some ghoul for wanting to kill her! I even tried to tilt her to one side, but noooo! Bouncy kitty! So, I'll stick a damn birthday candle in some tuna and celebrate her lingering. :catroar: