What's the scoop in Ukraine - latest news and commentary from the war against the Orcs

"The General," RadoJavor, DeviantArt: "This one was very tough for me to make, the war is still going on and there so much sadness, but also many heroic deeds. One such story I've seen, in the second day of the invasion, guy with nickname The General lit up couple of russian machines in very casual and relaxed way. Glory to Ukraine"

The Ukes have much better PR than Syria or Afghanistan had when Russia invaded them.
The Ukes have much better PR than Syria or Afghanistan had when Russia invaded them.

That they do, and they really know how to work media coverage. All this artwork and these photos are really well done. And some of them have so much emotional content.
"Sunflower Fields" by RadoJavor, DeviantArt. "Real scene from last summer in East Ukraine. Ukraine army trying to stop the Russian offensive at all costs. One young tank commander deliberately crashed his vehicle to the Russian T-72 in order to save the retreating soldiers. The both tanks were destroyed, and this young man lost his life there, later he was awarded by order people's Hero of Ukraine. I was trying to capture the exact place and time in this picture."

Hope you enjoyed....
Very much so. Thank you for your insight into this brutal conflict. My hat's off to the Ukrainian people. They need and deserve our support. Putin's madness must be stopped at all costs. This is truly a struggle between good and evil.

The leader of the band "Antitila" Taras Topolya in a duet with the author of the song, "Don't be sad," paratrooper Oleksandr Rozhko.

в той день, коли закiнчиться вiйна - "On the Day the War Ends"​

В той день, коли закінчиться війна, / On the day the war ends,
І хлопці змучені повернуться додому, /And the exhausted boys return home,
Впаде на землю мамина сльоза / My mother's tears will fall to the ground
За тими, хто не повернеться ніколи... / For those who will never return ...
Ми пригадаєм, як горів Майдан, / We will remember how the Maidan burned,
Крізь чорний дим Михайлівського дзвони. / Through the black smoke of St. Michael's bells.
Кров наших побратимів на щитах, / The blood of our brethren on the shields,
І з кулями смертельні перегони. And the deadly race with the bullets.

Приспів: Chorus
Не сумуй, коли мене немає, Don't be sad when I'm gone
Помолись і поцілуй дитину, Pray and kiss the child
Пам'ятай, Господь оберігає Тих, Remember, the Lord protects
хто захищає Батьківщину! Those who defend the Motherland!
Пам'ятай, Господь завжди оберігає Всіх тих, Remember, the Lord always protects
хто захищає Україну! All those who defend Ukraine!

В той день, коли закінчиться війна, / On the day the war ends,
Згадаєм кіборгів - Героїв України, / Remember the warriors - Heroes of Ukraine
Донецького летовища руїни І тих, / the ruins of the Donetsk airfield
хто там поклав свої життя. / and those who gave their lives there
А волонтерам - ангелам Добра - / And to the volunteers - the angels of God
Низький уклін до самої землі, / a low bow to the earth itself,
Їх допомога, як жива вода, / Their help, like living water, saved us in difficult times
Нас рятувала у тяжкі часи. When there will be peace and quiet
Коли настане мир і тишина У нашій ворогом нескореній країні, in our country not conquered by the enemy
Хай пролунає "Слава Україні!" Let everyone say "Glory to Ukraine"

В той день, коли закінчиться війна. / On the day the war ends
Помолись і поцілуй дитину, Pray and kiss the child
Пам'ятай, Господь оберігає Тих, Remember, the Lord protects
хто захищає Батьківщину! Those who defend the Motherland!
Пам'ятай, Господь завжди оберігає Всіх тих, Remember, the Lord always protects
хто захищає Україну! All those who defend Ukraine!

В той день, коли закінчиться війна, / On the day the war ends,
І хлопці змучені повернуться додому, /And the exhausted boys return home,
Впаде на землю мамина сльоза / My mother's tears will fall to the ground
За тими, хто не повернеться ніколи... / For those who will never return ...
Ми пригадаєм, як горів Майдан, / We will remember how the Maidan burned,
Крізь чорний дим Михайлівського дзвони. / Through the black smoke of St. Michael's bells.
Кров наших побратимів на щитах, / The blood of our brethren on the shields,
І з кулями смертельні перегони. And the deadly race with the bullets.

Не сумуй, коли мене немає, Don't be sad when I'm gone
Помолись і поцілуй дитину, Pray and kiss the child
Пам'ятай, Господь оберігає Тих, Remember, the Lord protects
хто захищає Батьківщину! Those who defend the Motherland!
Пам'ятай, Господь завжди оберігає Всіх тих, Remember, the Lord always protects
хто захищає Україну! All those who defend Ukraine!
В той день, коли закінчиться війна, / On the day the war ends, ,
Now THIS is some serious shit.

Russian commander in charge of Europe's largest nuclear plant 'has wired it with explosives and told the Ukrainians he will blow it up if they try to take it back', Kyiv's state atomic energy firm says​

  • Major-general Valery Vasilyev reportedly threatened to blow up nuclear plant
  • Zaporizhzhia reactors have been wired with explosives that will be detonated if Ukraine tries to re-take the plant, state-owned atomic energy firm says
  • Vasilyev said to have told men 'this will either be Russian land or scorched earth'
Russia engaging in serious nuclear terrorism, and that's REALLY scary. Shows yet again how misguided it's been to go slow on weapons deliveries to Ukraine. This is the sort of threat that needs the British SAS to come un and take care of the terrorists.

Petro Kotin, head of Energoatom, warned of a 'Chernobyl-style' disaster if containers of spent nuclear fuel at the plant are hit - saying it will be 'impossible to assess the scale of this catastrophe' if two or more are breached. Kotin called for a 'demilitarized zone' to be set up around the plant, and for an international team of 'peacekeepers' to be sent in to safeguard it. Antonio Guterres, speaking from Japan commemorating the US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, described the attacks on Zaporizhzhia as 'suicidal'. The Zaporizhzhia plant was struck on two separate occasions last week - once on Friday and then again on Saturday, local authorities said.


Riffmaster "Silently We Appear, Silently We Disappear"​

When the dew is still on the grass
The horses are still drinking water
The successors of the old Kharakternyks (Cossack warlocks)
Are preparing their parashot.
The helicopter prepares for the sky
And the command is given 'take off'
Fighters with a special mission
Leave on their journey.

Silently we appear, silently we disappear,
Enemy destroyed, as ordered,
The sun sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas return home.

We aren't seen, but we are here,
We aren't heard, but we are prepared,
So it happens that your heartbeat,
Turns into silence.
We are the enemy's eternal fear
We are satan for the traitors,
While above us, so majestically fluttering
A flag with an icon of a bat!

Silently we appear, silently we disappear,
Enemy destroyed, as ordered,
The sun sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas return home.

Our names are coded
Our faces are hidden in shadow
For the Country, we sacrifice our lives in secret
Without any doubts or hesitation.
And our fallen Brothers,
Commanders, regular privates
Those, who defended their homeland in battle
We will engrave in our hearts.

Silently we appear, silently we disappear,
Enemy destroyed, as ordered,
The sun sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas return home.

Ukraine says its troops advancing towards Izium​

Ukraine reported intense Russian shelling across the frontlines on Tuesday as both sides traded blame for the weekend strike on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear complex which triggered international concern about a potential atomic disaster. Heavy fighting was reported in frontline towns near the eastern city of Donetsk, where Ukrainian officials said Russian troops were launching waves of attacks as they try to seize control of the industrialised Donbas region. "The situation in the region is tense — shelling is constant throughout the front line... The enemy is also using air strikes a great deal," Donetsk regional Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko told Ukrainian television. "The enemy is having no success. Donetsk region is holding."

Around Kharkiv in the northeast, Ukrainian troops captured the town of Dovhenke from Russian occupiers and were advancing towards Izium, Ukrainian Presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych said in a video posted on YouTube. "The situation is very interesting. Ukraine's forces are moving very successfully. Attempts by Russia to regain lost ground were not successful. Ukraine may end up encircling them," he said.

In the southeast, the key Antonovskyi bridge over the Dnipro river in Kherson region was targeted again by Ukrainian forces trying to disrupt Russian supply lines. Yuri Sobolevsky, deputy head of Kherson regional council, said on Telegram the bridge had been seriously damaged after "overnight actions".


Putin has forced Ukrainians to view Russian culture as a weapon of war​

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has amplified the ongoing debate over Russia’s cultural presence in Ukrainian society and accelerated efforts to remove vestiges of the imperial past. Some Russian intellectuals have voiced concern over the targeting of Russian culture in Ukraine, with author Mikhail Shishkin going as far as to ask in a recent piece for The Atlantic whether a Ukrainian author would “speak up for Pushkin.” This raises challenging questions regarding the separation of culture from politics and the role played by culture in Russian imperialism. With Russian troops occupying vast swathes of Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin proudly declaring the return of “historic Russian lands,” is now the right time for Russian intellectuals to rally in defense of Pushkin?

Figures like Shishkin certainly have the right to speak out over perceived attacks on Russian culture in wartime Ukraine. Yet others also have the right to challenge the intent behind such statements. As Russia’s genocidal campaign enters its sixth month with no apparent end in sight, what message do famous Russian intellectuals wish to convey when they use their name recognition to focus on the preservation of Russian culture in Ukraine? Are they really tone-deaf to the centuries of imperial politics underpinning the formerly dominant position of Russian culture in Ukraine? Do they not see how Putin has weaponized Russian culture in his quest to rebuild the Russian Empire? Russia is committing genocide against the Ukrainian people and making no secret of the fact. On the contrary, the overwhelming physical evidence of war crimes in Ukraine itself is supported by an endless array of proofs from Russian officials and propagandists in Moscow that demonstrate clear and unambiguous genocidal intent.......

Read the rest of the article in the link below.....

Well well well, it looks like the Ukrainians have been given something extra special that wasn't in the public Pentagon readout. If I was the Russians, I would be extremely nervous right now...

The detonation of Russian ammunition somewhere near Novooleksiivka and Genichesk, Kherson region has been reported. If the information is confirmed, this is ~ 150 km behind the Russian front line. #Kherson #Ukraine



KYIV, Ukraine — Around 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 2, Russian Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers flying over the Caspian Sea — well beyond the reach of any Ukrainian air defenses or warplanes — launched a volley of eight Kh-101 cruise missiles toward Ukrainian territory. Skimming the earth at tree-top altitudes of between 100 to 230 feet, the missiles traveled roughly 400 miles before entering Ukrainian airspace and tracked toward different targets in central, southern, and western Ukraine.

Ukraine’s air force reported that its ground-based air defense systems downed six of the Russian missiles, and a Ukrainian fighter jet shot down another. An impressive tally, considering the Kh-101 is Russia’s “most modern” air-launched, conventional land-attack cruise missile, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies. The single Russian missile to find its mark on Tuesday struck a military site near the city of Radekhiv, in Ukraine’s far western Lviv Oblast. According to US and Ukrainian estimates, Russia has likely fired more than 3,000 missiles against Ukraine since the invasion began Feb. 24. Yet, after more than five months of full-scale war, Ukraine’s largely Soviet-era air-defense network remains remarkably effective against Russia’s top-of-the-line cruise missiles, and the vast majority of Ukrainian airspace outside of the occupied southern and eastern regions remains contested.


A Tu-160 bomber drops a Kh-101 cruise missile. Russian Ministry of Defense photo

D-30 howitzer battery of the UA's 24th Territorial Defence Battalion "Aidar" at work, eliminating Orcs

If that was indeed a D-30 hit, it was a damn lucky hit. The accuracy of the D-30 is approx. a 21 meter circle around the aim point. Rather than focus on the bullseye hit, play it again and look at the dispersion of the misses.