What's up with the moralizing commenters?

A few times now I've stumbled on stories where the commenters savagely insult the author because they don't like how in the story, there's adultery, or a big age gap between the partners, or something else.

Y'all do know this is all made up, right?

Like, none of this actually happened.

It feels so weird that in 2022 people still want to control other people's art.

Sure, there's plenty of stories here (and everywhere else) that disgust me.

But I don't read them! Or if I do read something that I really dislike, well, I move on. I don't write a lecture to the author telling them how they're a bad person.

Maybe, maybe, maybe I could see writing something if I was genuinely offended. But there's a difference between me saying "this story really upset me" and then moving on vs me going on a crusade to harass the writer on everything they post from now on.

There's a very complex conversation to be had about whether art influences us. Like, if I write a story about how much it is to run back and forth across the freeway, and some extremely impressionable reader gets killed after reading it, well, I think I would bear a tiny bit of responsibility.

But that's a ludicrous exaggerated scenario.

This is a website for adults only with clear content descriptions. It probably shouldn't be visited by people that can't distinguish between play and real life.

Are these moralizing commenters growing in numbers? They seem to be.

People actually leave this site due to threats in their comments. The answer seems to be, turn comments off. I find that highly unacceptable to if you don't want threats and abuse just don't post or turn comments off.
People actually leave this site due to threats in their comments. The answer seems to be, turn comments off. I find that highly unacceptable to if you don't want threats and abuse just don't post or turn comments off.
Good comments are the only form of payment on this site, and it's the only reward for your hours of work.
I never understand commenters who complain about something being in the story when the category and the tags make it very clear that's what's going on. Don't whine about gay sex in a story that's in the Gay Male category, homophobes.
This is one that gets me. I wasn't prepared for this phenomenon with my first story so I started prefacing my stories with an authors note that warns about some of the most common things that I've had people complain about in the comments (drug use, alcohol, etc) yet still get comments about it.

I was also a little shocked that alcohol and drug use are apparently somewhat of a taboo thing to include in stories, particularly incest stories. I would think that being under the influence would add a touch of realism to the situation and enhance the fantasy, but apparently, not so much.
I don't think I've ever had a negative comment about including drug use in any of my stories.

The slamming of stories folks just shouldn't read if they don't like that category is clear enough. They don't think that category should be here at all.
This is one that gets me. I wasn't prepared for this phenomenon with my first story so I started prefacing my stories with an authors note that warns about some of the most common things that I've had people complain about in the comments (drug use, alcohol, etc) yet still get comments about it.

I was also a little shocked that alcohol and drug use are apparently somewhat of a taboo thing to include in stories, particularly incest stories. I would think that being under the influence would add a touch of realism to the situation and enhance the fantasy, but apparently, not so much.
First, agreed that a few drinks or toking up would loosen inhibitions in an incest themed story and I've done it in sibling stories. Personally I wouldn't in a mom/dad adult son/daughter story because it makes it seem more like an adult taking advantage of a child. That's my opinion however, so if others use it, I'm not going to get offended by it

But the reason the taboo crowd gets squicky with drugs or any type of non consent-even rough sex for some-is because we all know in real life incest is often abuse, and the fans of fantasy incest don't want doses of that in what they just want to keep a fun absurd, but happy, fantasy.
First, agreed that a few drinks or toking up would loosen inhibitions in an incest themed story and I've done it in sibling stories. Personally I wouldn't in a mom/dad adult son/daughter story because it makes it seem more like an adult taking advantage of a child. That's my opinion however, so if others use it, I'm not going to get offended by it

But the reason the taboo crowd gets squicky with drugs or any type of non consent-even rough sex for some-is because we all know in real life incest is often abuse, and the fans of fantasy incest don't want doses of that in what they just want to keep a fun absurd, but happy, fantasy.
Interesting perspective and one that I actually hadn't considered. Thanks for opening my mind a little more!
A few times now I've stumbled on stories where the commenters savagely insult the author because they don't like how in the story, there's adultery, or a big age gap between the partners, or something else.

Y'all do know this is all made up, right?

Like, none of this actually happened.

It feels so weird that in 2022 people still want to control other people's art.

Sure, there's plenty of stories here (and everywhere else) that disgust me.

But I don't read them! Or if I do read something that I really dislike, well, I move on. I don't write a lecture to the author telling them how they're a bad person.

Maybe, maybe, maybe I could see writing something if I was genuinely offended. But there's a difference between me saying "this story really upset me" and then moving on vs me going on a crusade to harass the writer on everything they post from now on.

There's a very complex conversation to be had about whether art influences us. Like, if I write a story about how much it is to run back and forth across the freeway, and some extremely impressionable reader gets killed after reading it, well, I think I would bear a tiny bit of responsibility.

But that's a ludicrous exaggerated scenario.

This is a website for adults only with clear content descriptions. It probably shouldn't be visited by people that can't distinguish between play and real life.

Are these moralizing commenters growing in numbers? They seem to be.
I can heartily agree that you probably won't find all commenters equal, and if one personally insults you, the person commits a genetic fallacy/ad hominem attack and you can feel free to disregard anything after that. Once it goes to harassment, there is that option to delete the person's comments. Pain in the butt if you have to do it often? I imagine. Problem is this site is largely free for the average user to access, so one has to take the good with the bad.

We can all hope we'll see conscientious comments that consider the story on its merits. I also would hope that if there is a significant oversight or outright error that someone commenting to that effect doesn't get the comment deleted just because that ability exists. As one example, if someone animates scenes on Youtube and uses ships from a certain series, that assumes those ships conform to their respective universes and defined abilities. So when one person animated a Shadow vessel phase shifting to avoid 3 Klingon photon torpedos (and rip straight through the shielding, when it's clearly defined it's a laser-based beam and not a phased-energy one and therefore unable to penetrate the vessel's shielding unless and until it fires at least 20 sustained hits to the same shield arc), that's an obvious error because the Shadow vessel never can do that (the reality is the 3 torpedos would have tracked it and obliterated it). Naturally the creator could say "well, this is art," but that doesn't remove it from valid criticisms in this example. Others rightly critiqued and stated, "it's pretty obvious you favor this universe over the other one" as another.
I quite enjoy seeing it, it's weirdly interesting. I wrote a story that featured sibling incest, lesbians and cheating, and it's the cheating and the lesbianism that drew several annoyed comments.
I quite enjoy seeing it, it's weirdly interesting. I wrote a story that featured sibling incest, lesbians and cheating, and it's the cheating and the lesbianism that drew several annoyed comments.
It's strange what people will get upset about. If you list something in the keywords, say, Golden Showers or anal, then why would you complain about it being included? I constantly got bashed for including anal sex in my incest stories, even when I listed it as being included. And dickheads would throw in comments about it being gay. Like all heterosexual sex must be in the missionary position with cock in a pussy and the lights must be out. You just feel like shaking them and spelling out that Gay sex is between boy-boy or girl-girl. Any set between a boy and a girl is heterosexual whatever hole they use. LOL. I just don't get it; that's a big reason why I took my fifty stories off the site.
I would say I saw a lot more negative comments when character had some conservative views for example being religious or not appreciating people hooking up ---- than comments criticizing disgusting old stinky men fucking 18 year old virgin girls and femboys and t-girls and sissies, dehumanizing them, brutalizing them and so on.

I was always shocked how it's just a no-issue = ra*e on this site, but I saw a story where the character was conservative and called some girl a "slut" for having over 300 partners and there were like 20 negative comments :D

People are more willing to defend "promiscuous people's right to be promiscuous" than... the innocence of the ra*ed 18 year old virgin.

Strange, so strange...
A couple of things about commentators. You can set your profile to not accept anonymous comments. If you want to avoid signing your name, move along. Second, many of the comments I've seen are venting. I read the comments but with a grain of salt. Often, I wonder why the person felt the need to comment.

Laissez les bons temps rouler

A couple of things about commentators. You can set your profile to not accept anonymous comments. If you want to avoid signing your name, move along. Second, many of the comments I've seen are venting. I read the comments but with a grain of salt. Often, I wonder why the person felt the need to comment.

Laissez les bons temps rouler

Do they get that negative commentators are only hurting themselves? Many writers are turned off adding more chapters to their books because of the harsh feedback. I know my first attempts were ordinary, to say the least. But I kept going and slowly improved (Well, a bit, anyway). I kept the comments on because I usually got great encouragement, but the scathing ones kick your ass. So they dickheads spoil it for everyone else as usual.
In my remake of "Moby Dick", called "Moby Richard" to avoid association with the idea of the penis, Capt. Ahab takes the Pequod on whale watching cruises, seeking Moby Richard out to try to peacefully resolve their differences. The Pequod sinks after accidentally colliding with Moby Richard while trying to give him a friendly scratch from the whale watchers on board. Moby Richard lets the shipwreck victims cling to him as he rounds up the ship's boats and tows them to another whale-watching ship. All are saved. Then, everybody sings "Kumbaya" as Moby Richard sails into the sunset with his wives and children.

The LW commentariat condemned the story for Moby Richard's polygamy, and the fact that he had not actually married any of his wives. Literotica wouldn't publish the story, as it was not clearly stated that Moby Richard and all of his wives were more than eighteen years old at the time the events did not actually occur. It also was not clearly stated that none of the sailors or whale-watchers had or were depicted as having sex with any of the whales, with or without consent. Also, none of Moby Richard's common-law wives could divorce him for his polygamy, as whales do not have access to legal counsel. This counsel is now being sought for the whale wives by Whales-R-Us, a 'fictional animal' rights organization which also does not actually exist.

There is still hope for the story, as it is planned to resubmit it in the 'Group Sex' category, with the change that the fictional sexual whales are actually fictional adult humans in whale suits. It looks to be a whale of a story, even if some criticize it unfairly as being 'unrealistic'. Let it be noted that no fictional animals were harmed in the making of this story.
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"Nothing redeeming in this story"

Hmm - ok - so, my writing must be shite, characterisation poor, can't write a sex scene... Or wait, is that just moralising?

"This is a fucking LONG weekend and mother is a slut and totally disrespectful of her children"

Hmm, not happy that I'm writing a slow boiler, have just published chapter 9 and it's still the first weekend of the story, at around 4-5 thousand words per chapter... And not happy about mother disrespecting children, when it's published in the incest section. Yes, there could be more "tasteful" incest stories I could write... but - what incest story can really hold that title in modern civilised society?

"Hate the way you included the kids!"

Again... Incest category... What did you expect?


What does it say about me that I'm writing Dom/sub incest erotica? I hate to think... Honestly hate. But I'm labelling the stuff appropriately, so - *shrug*. Tempted to just judiciously deleted every negative comment that isn't at least being remotely analytical.
The basic intellectual inability to understand the innate and profound difference between imaginative/speculative fiction on the one hand and real life on the other is alive and well on Lit. - and frequently makes its spluttering-with-righteous-indignation, look-at-me-aren't-I-ever-so-holy appearance on boards like Story Ideas.

It does not give rise to much hope that humanity is actually increasing in intelligence.
I find it is a fine balancing act. On the one hand I am curious to hear feedback/thoughts on my stories and like to know when people enjoy them. On the other hand as a semi-anonymous platform, it naturally leaves itself open to people throwing unpleasant comments about.

As already said by a number of contributors already, any commenters who don't leave their name/comment anonymously can be easily ignored.

In my case it is more savage/abusive foot cuckolding stories which tend to draw the most criticism. Some are based on specific fantasies of mine. But I tend to find people sometimes get critical if they perceive the 'fantasy' to be too far fetched which I never fully understood. It is a fantasy and by definition likely to be somewhat out there.
I’ve been lucky to avoid any moralizing commentary so far, at least none I can’t agree with. Spelling errors are fair to point out, and yeah, I’m long-winded as the story needs to be. No big deal if you don’t like it. I can do short stuff too. As for research fails- I’m glad someone pointed out I should have used Deeyah instead of my first choice for “Debrief”. If Manson isn’t a Satanist, he shouldn’t have cultivated the persona of one. And I don’t mind someone further pushing my point that people who write fanfics about celebrities probably should not even consider dating their crushes. Unless they’re lucky enough that their crush is into them- here’s looking at you, lucky dogs.

Of course, I’m branching out now into more categories and I may attract more moralists over time. I’m ready to ignore, delete, report, or give scathing replies as applicable. Hope it all works out.
As an author, my 'favorite' anon comments in LW...

If the female MC was naked in some situations...

"She is surely going to be doing gangbangs of midgets and clowns by next week."

As the person writing the story... uh... no she isn't.

"She was thinking of (something borderline psychopathic.)

As the person writing... Still no...

"You wrote the story wrong. This character should have..."

Feel free to write your own and get the same massive amounts of zero money that I receive.

OTOH I got some nice feedback on both Shotgun and Susan's Sunrise and actual fan mail. yeah. Made my day. It's all the pay I'll ever get. Another nice thing as my story count goes up, I get more offers of cross editing and idea bouncing including one of my favorite authors.

I got a kick out of all the hate on the Les Hommes thread. I also got a kick out of guessing if the male MC was going wimp, bribed or blackmailed... or do something about it.

(FWIW he went wimp.) Shrug. My least favorite answer but I didn't write the author any hate mail. In the end, it was SO many of the standard cuck tropes, it was funny more than anything else. (She did forget the husband being tied to a chair and being insulted.)
Just had someone comment anonymously on chapter 9, saying they stopped reading at chapter 5 or 6, and then repeated their criticisms (I presume) already posted previously on the earlier chapters.

I try to not let the comments get to me, but this one kinda pissed me off:

”Ass to mouth is disgusting. 😒 In real life, his sister would contract a whole host of diseases from the feces covering his cock. 1/5”

First of all it’s fiction.
Second of all, I guess I should go to the hospital now.
I've researched analingus and ATM... and basically if all persons involved are in good general health and not experiencing issues specifically relating to their bowels - there's very little risk of anything untoward happening from licking ass or sucking a cock from an ass - your own or otherwise.